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What can I say, I’m driven to warn folks against dishonest vendor behavior and—either because you’re a moron, you’re exceptionally dishonest, or both—you’ve got a long rap sheet.

@Cain_SPC has been threadbanned. If he wanted to engage on substance he’d have done so, but he opted to troll. Vendors trolling mods because they don’t like their dishonesty being discussed isn’t behavior that’ll be accepted.
I thought it was kinda funny :)
See. I’m kind of a believer of what you are before will be amplified. It takes a special person to off your whole family. I’m sure the roids contributed to that but not the sole reason. I’ve been in the game for almost 10 years. Never acted totally off my rocker. Well I take that back. Not that often and not to the point where I’ve broken laws or anything. And I was a little high strung before I started. I am a firm believer in CTE. Serious cases. I believe I have a small level of concussion brain damage. Extremely poor short term memory loss. I’m incapable of remembering anything. Migraines. Not killing my loved ones level. But too many shots to the head daily and for long terms plays a major role in that.
I fully believe Benoit is basically entirely due to the CTE.

I also think that there's lots of science that AAS do impact you mentally and that people should be aware of it, if only so they can do some self-reflection when they have an outsized emotional response.

I'm also a big believer in letting adults inject basically whatever they want into themselves. I've also been stocking up on AAS in case there is truth to some of the fearmongering on meso about it soon being way more difficult to get them or their precursors into the country, because I think it's likely I'll be wanting to use them myself once I get my bf% down, cholesterol markers in a better place, etc.
I'm also a big believer in letting adults inject basically whatever they want into themselves.
When I was in Vancouver a little over a year ago, my Mom commented on how there were no homeless people. Then when we walked to Chinatown, we had to walk past literally hundreds of homeless people laying on the sidewalk, most strung out on drugs. Some openly injected themselves in our presence. I had a hard time thinking that what I saw was a good thing. Shortly after we left, British Columbia ended its efforts to decriminalize controlled substances.