
Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
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So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
I knew he was insane and Narcissistic, the way he Godlike handles his FB group. Horrifying.
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
How "interesting" that he's the guy underwriting the Peppy's website...
Something doesn't make sense. He says it's not a combo/blend but then has a Jano report meaning he had to tell Jano what to test for. This also looks bad for Jano that he wouldn't detail exactly what he found in it and just made up a novel unscientific name to call it.
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
Is the unique key cut off because of the screenshot, or was it not included? If cut off because of the screenshot, I would be curious to see it. Based on what I've read, I doubt Janoshik has a reference for a completely new peptide that has no prior public knowledge.

That said, I'm presuming honestly that it wasn't included, based on the positioning of the report and the bottom buttons. So, this report is almost certainly a fake test report. Per Janoshik on Meso, there are a large number of faked reports floating around.

For anyone else looking and seeing this message: If you are sent a Janoshik "test report" from a vendor, but the bottom of the page with the verification key is cut off, PRESUME THE TEST REPORT IS FAKE AND INVALID. Every single legitimate Janoshik test has both a unique task number at the top, and a unique key for verification at the bottom. With just these two pieces of information, you can go directly to Janoshik's website and verify the report.

If both are not present, then you cannot verify the report, and either the vendor must provide this key, or you must (in the strongest opinion and terms I can possibly express) presume the report is fake, invalid, meaningless, and worthless. Do not ever, EVER order from ANY VENDOR who does this, no matter their reasoning, or how nice they come across as, or how quickly they respond. No testing is bad enough. Faking testing? Pathetic, disgraceful, and nobody should be ordering from any vendor who does this.
If you are sent a Janoshik "test report" from a vendor, but the bottom of the page with the verification key is cut off, PRESUME THE TEST REPORT IS FAKE AND INVALID.
This is good information, thank you. I always make sure to check Janos site to see if things match up. In this case I think it was just cut off as you can see the phone buttons at the bottom of the screenshot and the QR pulls up the report on Janos site. My question is, if this is some new concoction, how can it even be verified? I'm not sure how the whole testing process works, but it makes me nervous. Like how do they have a reference to compare it against? Did AR just provide like a molecular structure or something like that? Forgive me for being ignorant, but I genuinely am curious because people are going to see a link to a Jano report and just assume everything is all hunky dory and that's really fucking scary.
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
Thank you for using your platform to inform as others are simply deleting any posts associated to this. Hopefully the less informed ones will catch on and avoid this company.
My thoughts exactly. This shit is scary. They are playing mad scientist. He could have just sold Tz under a different name.
Just playing devil's advocate. Plenty of people on here discussing and taking peptides that have never completed phase 3 testing. Even Retatrutide has not completed phase 3 testing. What about all those Russian Khavinson peptides, how many of these peptides have gone through any type of approval process?
I feel something like this is usually the straw that breaks the camels back, watch people get sick or worse from this. this will bring more restrictions/pressure from pharma to stop the sale of peptides.
damn, how nuts you need to be to inject yourself with a "new peptide" he made in his sink..
and im sure theres people out there wanting this... ugh....
It's one thing to sell a kind of established research chemical, this is something else legally I think. These people are going to get smacked down hard by law enforcement when someone gets hurt or dies.
Something doesn't make sense. He says it's not a combo/blend but then has a Jano report meaning he had to tell Jano what to test for. This also looks bad for Jano that he wouldn't detail exactly what he found in it and just made up a novel unscientific name to call it.
Jano was asked about this (see screen shot), I don't see any issue with his being asked to test for a novel substance by the manufacturer and then testing for it. He isn't in the business of picking good and bad vendors and evaluating novel compounds, he's in the business of testing stuff for hire. People need to remember that a good jano report doesn't mean something is safe, it means the vial sent to the lab contained what the client said it contained, which is what happened here.


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