
Senior Member
Apr 30, 2024
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SoHIP Dallas


While it is not yet known if these product batches are dangerous,
they certainly indicate poor control of the manufacturing process, and
a lack of due care in presenting them for purchase.

United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and National Formulary (NF) standards
both require pharmaceutical grade products to be at least 99 percent pure.


Quingdao Sigma Chemical Batch COAs by Janoshik

QSC: Retatrutide 15mg; black Cap; Quantity: 14.63 mg; Purity: 96.099% - Test Date 4/8/2024
QSC: Retatrutide 15mg; black cap; Quantity 14.35; Purity: 98.317% - 5/4/2024
QSC: Mazdutide 10 mg; yellow cap; Quantity 10.76; Purity: 97.772% - Test Date Unknown
QSC: Tesamorelin 10 mg; clear cap, blue crimp; Quantity 11.41; Purity: 94.644 % - Test Date Unknown
QSC: Survodutide 10mg; clear tan or maybe clear gray??; Quantity: 11.19 mg; Purity: 97.946% - Test Date Unknown
QSC: Semaglutide 5 mg; transparent red cap; Quantity: 6.34 mg; Purity: 97.749% - 5/??/2024
QSC: Retatrutide 15mg; black Cap; Quantity: 14.63 mg; Purity: 96.099% - Test Date Unknown


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I thought it was 95%?
No, 95% is the minimum grade acceptable for reagent grade chemicals for laboratory use per the American Chemical Society.

If you are injecting lab chemicals rather than drugs then carry on.

I'm injecting therapeutic drugs, and, the three standards groups that are relevant all agree that "pharmaceutical grade" is 99.0% purity or above @foobar
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No, 95% is the minimum grade acceptable for reagent grade chemicals for laboratory use per the American Chemical Society.

ACS grade is >= 95% and "is acceptable for food, drug, or medicinal use".

I've always heard USP grade is the same as ACS grade.

If you are injecting lab chemicals rather than drugs then carry on.

No need for attitude.

I'm injecting therapeutic drugs, and, the three standards groups that are relevant all agree that "pharmaceutical grade" is 99.0% purity or above

Got a source for the 99% claim?


This is what chatgpt says:

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) sets standards for the quality, purity, strength, and consistency of drugs, food ingredients, and dietary supplements. For a substance to be classified as USP pharmaceutical grade, it must meet stringent requirements for purity and quality, which are defined in the USP–National Formulary (USP-NF).
While specific purity requirements can vary depending on the substance, generally, USP grade substances must meet the following criteria:
  1. Identity: The substance must be correctly identified as the specific compound it is purported to be.
  2. Strength: The substance must meet the labeled potency and strength.
  3. Quality: The substance must meet standards for physical and chemical properties.
  4. Purity: The substance must be free from harmful contaminants and impurities.
  5. Packaging and Storage: The substance must be packaged and stored in a way that ensures its quality and integrity.
For most pharmaceutical ingredients, USP standards require a purity of 95% or higher, with some substances requiring even higher purity levels depending on their intended use and route of administration. Specific details for each substance are available in the USP–NF monographs.
ACS grade is >= 95% and "is acceptable for food, drug, or medicinal use".

I've always heard USP grade is the same as ACS grade.

No need for attitude.

Got a source for the 99% claim?
Do you have a reason for advocating a lower standard?

And there is no attitude being given. If you prefer lower purity products then have them, I'm indifferent. If on the other hand you are advocating for lower quality standards then I think that is irresponsible and you should stop.
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Do you have a reason for advocating a lower standard?

Because I want to know what the truth is, and everything I'm finding says it's 95%. Unless you can come up with a credible source that says it's actually 99%, I can only go with what the data in front of me says.
I figured out how to ask chatgpt to get a better answer. Most injectable drugs are required to have 99%, but not all:

USP grade injectable drugs generally need to meet very high purity standards, and in most cases, this means a purity of 99% or higher. However, the specific purity requirement can vary based on the drug and its USP monograph.
For injectable drugs, the USP monograph will specify the acceptable range for purity. While many injectable drugs are required to have purity levels at or above 99%, some may have slightly lower thresholds depending on their intended use and the particular quality specifications outlined in their monograph.
Isn't it this was discussed already?
while 95% is theoretically accepted for some drug, with peptides, majority of us are looking for >99% purity. According to Peppys cutoff for "pass" is 98%. But whatever official standards are, we are looking for the highest purity possible.
You see its like with a wine, while cheap can be drinkable, the expensive one will always taste much better - which one you prefer? Its the same with peptides ... If you go for the cheap. not so pure, OK good for you, maybe you save a few $ but 1) risking injection site reactions and 2) encouraging vendors to not care so much about quality of their products

So, I would say the 99% is the number majority of this forum members are looking for
@dionysos maybe we should make a survey to ask members of this forum which purity level they are looking for, so we have some "evidence"
let peple choose >99% >98% >95% >90%
So, I would say the 99% is the number majority of this forum members are looking for
@dionysos maybe we should make a survey to ask members of this forum which purity level they are looking for, so we have some "evidence"
let peple choose >99% >98% >95% >90%
With respect @milos such a survey/poll would yield "opinion" rather than evidence.

In my case it would be an unjustified opinion; I suspect that would be true for the overwhelming majority of members here.

I myself am quite content to accept and to recommend the justified statements of the national standard-setting organizations who are chartered to study and pronounce on drug purity and quality.

Those that accept lower quality standards are certainly free to do so.
With respect @milos such a survey/poll would yield "opinion" rather than evidence.
yes, but it could be interesting to know majority consensus, or at least their opinion what is acceptable for them
I myself am quite content to accept and to recommend the justified statements of the national standard-setting organizations who are chartered to study and pronounce on drug purity and quality.
Yes, but in addition, I like your previous statement about pushing vendors to keep the quality high
Those that accept lower quality standards are certainly free to do so.
exactly, just take the low quality product and no need to argument here that "it's just fine"
Does anyone have info or know the QSC had brown caps for a 15 Tz and if I was good ?
I purchased two vials from a detash group