Well, fuck peptide test

There have been enough sterility tests within the community to prove that many of the vials we receive are likely to be contaminated with live bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The big question is whether or not there are enough of those organisms present in a single shot to make us sick. That's not really a question we can answer without testing, and there's nothing to do about a poor result other than toss the vial or filter it. I skip the testing and just filter.
Should be fine as long as you don't lick the needle before pinning yourself
I can understand that, it’s personal health info. I’ve told all the peoples about this bc I can’t keep my mouth shut, lol.

I registered for a couple of the credit monitoring svcs, but after the 5th one or so showed up, I said f it. Then the NPD breach happened and instead of waiting for the ransom, they dumped it for free. I looked up my fam’s info…yikes.
I talk pretty openly on qa about my reasons for being on sema (I like my booze a lil too much) and that's not something I particularly want the people in my life knowing about.

I paid a service to do my taxes last year and got a huge return because I adhd'd my returns for a few years, so I used part of the return for their monitoring service for the hell of it. Everything they alerted me to also popped up on credit karma so I'm saving the cash this year, not worth it. Again, what are they gonna do, give me more debt? I'm a millennial, it's not like I'm ever going to own property or retire. My plan is to work until I die, which is probably part of why idgaf about filtering.
Why would I need to venture outside of this conversation? This is all pretty straightforward.
Says the guy who won’t actually read and engage in the conversation. All you’re doing is popping off with various dickish permutations of “i disagree” and then acting like you’ve schooled the forum with your deep wisdom.
Says the guy who won’t actually read and engage in the conversation. All you’re doing is popping off with various dickish permutations of “i disagree”
What else should I be doing? The facts aren't really in question, it's your overboard interpretation of them that I'm poking fun of.

and then acting like you’ve schooled the forum with your deep wisdom.
"deep wisdom". rich coming from people who seem to think that basic business operation, or markets with bad actors are something super obscure that only someone who had been shooting themselves up with peptides for an extended period would have any insight into. I think some of you are getting a little too high on your own supply.
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What else should I be doing? The facts aren't really in question, it's your overboard interpretation of them that I'm poking fun of.

"deep wisdom". rich coming from people who seem to think that basic business operation, or markets with bad actors are something super obscure that only someone who had been shooting themselves up with peptides for an extended period would have any insight into. I think some of you are getting a little too high on your own supply.
Your ability to say “I disagree” while contributing nothing substantive, using so many words in so many versions, is impressive.
Your ability to say “I disagree” while contributing nothing substantive, using so many words in so many versions, is impressive.
You say that as if I'm responding to anything other than your own poor interpretation of events. What is there to add? You overreact to a relatively benign business move as if the very first thing you learned about making money was people selling peptides. That's all there is to this.
You say that as if I'm responding to anything other than your own poor interpretation of events. What is there to add?
Responding to the facts as they’ve been presented would be the appropriate way to engage, rather than hollow, snotty indignation. As I’ve said several times already. Obv you don’t have it in you or you’d have done so by now; I’m done here, Merry Christmas.
Responding to the facts as they’ve been presented would be the appropriate way to engage, rather than hollow, snotty indignation. As I’ve said several times already. Obv you don’t have it in you or you’d have done so by now; I’m done here, Merry Christmas.

The facts aren't the issue. Your inability to discern their meaning is the issue. You assign malice to things you don't understand, like exclusivity contracts. As if some little one man show is strong-arming labs and vendors into only allowing customers through his brand-new barely established business. I mean, what? Do you hear yourself?
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You can literally find my SSN with the right Google search now.

Somehow my phone number and address are still safe from Google. Not from scammers or people smart enough to use something other than google, but somehow safe from Google.
You must be AT&T customer

So this is the real reason having your email exposed is a potential issue. It's always about the platforms, goods, and services your personal information is connected to when these leaks happen.

If you're not using a burner account then everyone on that list as your email address, your first name, your last name, and knows you're a customer of a Peptide testing company that only tests about 7 products. That gives them enough information to extrapolate something about your purchase history.

The risk of negative repercussions may be low, but it is a significant breach. That said I absolutely understand why some people will continue to work with them.
So this is the real reason having your email exposed is a potential issue. It's always about the platforms, goods, and services your personal information is connected to when these leaks happen.

If you're not using a burner account then everyone on that list as your email address, your first name, your last name, and knows you're a customer of a Peptide testing company that only tests about 7 products. That gives them enough information to extrapolate something about your purchase history.

The risk of negative repercussions may be low, but it is a significant breach. That said I absolutely understand why some people will continue to work with them.
As some one with a career in infosec, I fully understand the theoretical issues with the breach but they are so far removed from any real risk that this is being blown out proportion. The bigger issue to me would be if he didn't acknowledge it and make take steps to prevent repeats.
As some one with a career in infosec, I fully understand the theoretical issues with the breach but they are so far removed from any real risk that this is being blown out proportion. The bigger issue to me would be if he didn't acknowledge it and make take steps to prevent repeats.

I agree with you 100%. It is very unlikely that any of this information will actually be misused, but people aren't wrong for being spooked by it.
I agree with you 100%. It is very unlikely that any of this information will actually be misused, but people aren't wrong for being spooked by it.
I have never gotten an email with my ssn, closest has been an old password that had been exposed in a hack. even that was unsettling even though i understood what they were doing. The full complement of credit card application details in an out-of-nowhere email must be a big ol shock to receive.
I have never gotten an email with my ssn, closest has been an old password that had been exposed in a hack. even that was unsettling even though i understood what they were doing. The full complement of credit card application details in an out-of-nowhere email must be a big ol shock to receive.
Did I miss something? The only thing that was in the email was a list of email addresses. Nothing else.
Did I miss something? The only thing that was in the email was a list of email addresses. Nothing else.
No no, the convo was off on a tangent and I was following it, responding to @normal's remarks about getting spam with a bunch of personal info in it (https://glp1forum.com/threads/well-fuck-peptide-test.2132/post-33866). This is not in relation to the peptest email blast, which youre right, only had email addresses.

Sorry didn't mean to imply it was worse than it was. I got off course in failing to track who was off on which tangents.
Pretty sure peptide test is just one guy who signed a marketing agreement with Trustpointe Analytics who was looking for a way to reach customers.

Then you have trustpointe analytics who truly is a husband and wife get up who worked in lab quality control in the pharmaceutical industry.

This used to all get talked about out in the open in a certain testing server.

Two distinct businesses. One lab and one marketing/supplies business that has an agreement. Different people. One registered in MI, one registered in TN
I had a few concerns with it being just a three person show at first, but I think people are just happy that they can test domestically now.

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