What's your stack?

Lipo c with nad.... together?
Yes and it is FANTASTIC!! The only lipo-c I've seen anywhere that has NAD+ in it. Bioboost Plus did nothing for me. And because I have serious sleep issues I am hesitant to start cycles of NAD+ or Mots-C until I get the sleep under control. But Pegasus feels like magic to me! No fatigue, all my sharpness and focus is back, and it makes me feel so happy!
Yes and it is FANTASTIC!! The only lipo-c I've seen anywhere that has NAD+ in it. Bioboost Plus did nothing for me. And because I have serious sleep issues I am hesitant to start cycles of NAD+ or Mots-C until I get the sleep under control. But Pegasus feels like magic to me! No fatigue, all my sharpness and focus is back, and it makes me feel so happy!
Feel free to share your source with me
Tirz - very low maintenance dose for now.
Tesamorelin / Ipomorelin blend. 1 mg nightly. Belly fat burning and to maintain muscle. To feel better also.
NAD+. Sub Q 50mg 2x per week. Energy boost. Overall health.
For the Tesamorelin / Ipomorelin blend, are you blending this yourself? Very interested.
Yes and it is FANTASTIC!! The only lipo-c I've seen anywhere that has NAD+ in it. Bioboost Plus did nothing for me. And because I have serious sleep issues I am hesitant to start cycles of NAD+ or Mots-C until I get the sleep under control. But Pegasus feels like magic to me! No fatigue, all my sharpness and focus is back, and it makes me feel so happy!
I would love your source as well. Shopping for Lipo C or MIC B12 now... thanks.
Would it be a stack to dose like .25 Sema on Mondays and 2.5 Tirz on Thursdays?

I have compounded Sema, ordered the day the FDA news broke. Sorta reactive, a panic purchase. The 2.5 Tirz is still working really well for me, but today I was able to eat more than I expected.

I was planning on finishing my punctured vial of Tirz, and then switching to Sema to use that up, then switching back to Tirz. But making stacking would be better? Or rotating?
Hmmm if the stack is working keep at it.
Would it be a stack to dose like .25 Sema on Mondays and 2.5 Tirz on Thursdays?

I have compounded Sema, ordered the day the FDA news broke. Sorta reactive, a panic purchase. The 2.5 Tirz is still working really well for me, but today I was able to eat more than I expected.

I was planning on finishing my punctured vial of Tirz, and then switching to Sema to use that up, then switching back to Tirz. But making stacking would be better? Or rotating?
I’m not stacking yet. I’m asking if I should, or rotate
I'm not sure. I've tried everything 😂 you have to see what works for you and what you can and can't tolerate. Then add or subtract. I've tried stacking tirz and sema. I'm thinking it's a bit much for me and not necessary either because alone on tirz I'm successful. I tossed out that vial of sema kept going with tirz by itself. However, I want to try sema alone for maintenance but baby shots lol. A teeny tiny weenie bit!
Happy to share! Pegasus by Kimera Chems!
Thank you SO much! I am just reading your reviews on Reddit. I was going to buy from Hvy or Nexaph but I think I will try this first. I was only paying around $4 from my local Med Spa but this is great... thanks again.
Thank you SO much! I am just reading your reviews on Reddit. I was going to buy from Hvy or Nexaph but I think I will try this first. I was only paying around $4 from my local Med Spa but this is great... thanks again.
The ingredients of all these Lipo-C and Mic-Bs seem to be the same, sometimes different mg proportions, sometimes lidocaine, but my lab finds the Pegasus, with the NAD+ magical. The only such product I've seen with the addition of NAD+. In the future my lab might research NAD+ on its own (though the massive daily doses seem over the top), but the lab has just begun a sleep protocol, and the RS wants the right amount of energy added - provided by Pegasus 50 units 3x a week - and not to be so overloaded the sleep protocol is blown out of the water since chronic insomnia etc are issues.
Thank you. We'll try that. Have you ever injected Pegasus IM or always SubQ?
Only subq. This lab director is amazed how her RS has no issue with multiple subqs a day but also knows IM would be a mental step too far - hasn't attempted and unlikely ever to do so. Despite RS's ease and dexterity with subq, when her blood is drawn she still must look away. Those who can give themselves IMs are a tougher breed than my RS.
I was having headaches- I think from low electrolytes. I tried a couple electrolyte products but they were all too sickening sweet so I just put a few grains of the coarse celtic salt in my both broth collagen powder and headaches have been gone. I take lion's mane- brain health, turkey tail- immune support, cordyceps-m for energy in am then reishi in the pm helps me sleep . I don't know about the first 2 if they really work- I didn't get covid though? I do feel a difference if I don't take the last 2.
I use this one. No sugar and tastes like crap but does the job. Careful when using, it is a concentrate. The same company makes one that is less concentrated. Trace Minerals | 40,000 Volts Liquid Electrolyte Concentrace Drops | Supports Normal Body Hydration and Muscle Function | Ionic Minerals, Magnesium, Potassium | 48 Servings (Pack of 1) https://a.co/d/cY2SnyH
Out of intrigue, I pulled nad+ and lipo-c, 50mg each, into the same needle. Still had the sting from the nad+ but no other issues and felt energised as F.

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