People have recommended vendors freely here like Amopure, QSC , Nexaph that I don’t want to deal with, due to their own issues. I don’t want peptides that sting or bad customer service. As we can see, no vendor is perfect around here. They are drug pushers at the end of the end and can’t be really trusted.It’s not that people don’t want to help. But you need to understand that there are no definite guarantees. It’s a risk you take after making your own choice.
No one wants to be held responsible for your bad experience.
And let’s be honest, you don’t really want your favorite vendor to be overrun by orders and get problems with sourcing, potentially having them make bad choices and skipping QA to deliver
What it boils down to is product testing good, vendors that do not mix up their peptides or tablets as I’ve seen occurred twice lately from highly rated vendors.
It’s a toss between SRY and ZBB for me right now as both have tested good. Zbb has higher fill and purity of their peptides and srys price can’t be beat.