I agree with all of this. There will be some kind of repurcussions to this, whether that means the US federal government making it illegal to buy research chems or something else.

If there are rumors about AR conducting their own "trial" of new peptides, I want to let you know that I believe this is impossible for so many reasons. AR lacks the disciplines and professions (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, independent review team), logistics (data gatherers and enterprise, data scientists and analysts, trackable distribution and administration, study facilitators , study monitors, systems for reporting advese events and safety), and the overall expertise to conduct any kind of human trial. Their version of a trial would be giving it to people who buy it and asking them how they are doing. This is not a trial or study. Anyone who does such a trial will certainly go to prison very quickly for any number of reasons even if nobody gets hurt and the drug does really well.
In vitro ->animal testing ->written protocol->an IND approval (never going to happen)
So, it said he was going to do a research trial on selected customers. And he's upfront about it being something newly invented. I bet he has more volunteers than he can handle, consenting adults yada yada. I think i'm OK with this.

I bet it's going to happen underground now to avoid all the pushback and outrage.
I think the peptide community could do better by not supporting these government-attention-grabbing moves.
It’s scary when you think about that tirz can slowly pass though the blood brain barrier and sema can’t . So you modify 2 side chains of tirz and add some of the sema sequence…….. wth could the outcome be???? Is my deep freeze actually have AR tirz or frankensteins crack ?
lol good to know my freezer is stocked with AR and Cantydes 😂🙌💉🐁

What a next level nutball. Trying to half ass diy your own Sema tirz hybrid tweaker blen
It’s scary when you think about that tirz can slowly pass though the blood brain barrier and sema can’t . So you modify 2 side chains of tirz and add some of the sema sequence…….. wth could the outcome be???? Is my deep freeze actually have AR tirz or frankensteins crack ?
Kinda no reason to sell Frankenstein though when they had a super abundance of Tirz. Really seems like way more work than just slinging stockpiled tirz. Especially when they know everyone is testing batches etc. doesn’t really make sense.
Kinda no reason to sell Frankenstein though when they had a super abundance of Tirz. Really seems like way more work than just slinging stockpiled tirz. Especially when they know everyone is testing batches etc. doesn’t really make sense.
I guess he thought he could circumvent the patent on tirz by altering the med. idk nuts to me ……
I immediately popped in over here to find out what’s truly happening. Peppy’s is doing damage control only. Thank you for being transparent Gonk. I had no doubt you would.
In their defense, Peppys is doing a lot more than just “damage control”. Let’s not get out over our skis with unnecessary criticisms. The admins and their entire team have worked incredibly hard to sort through what happened…work out genuine solutions…and get something major done about it. Which is exactly what has occurred. There have been the most serious consequences applied to AR and BB as a result. The end result is as good as could possibly have been expected considering the level of seriousness with regards to what occured.
Do you have a link to a research article or somewhere I can read more about that? I'm very interested. Thanks!
They linked a good one
This is a good one too especially the reference citation at the end


Do you have a link to a research article or somewhere I can read more about that? I'm very interested. Thanks!
Do you have a link to a research article or somewhere I can read more about that? I'm very interested. Thanks!

Another article about the multiple neuro protective effects glp/gip peptides……. Fancinates me the effects of these meds
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

View attachment 1638
OMFG.. I just saw this! I ordered a sh*tload of Tirz from him in the selling out sale. I just started it yesterday. Do I trust it?

So did he basically they combined Sema and Tirz? Excuse me as I still consider myself a newbie to this side of the process. I have been on OZ for over 2 years now.
I still trust Janoshik, but this definitely brings up another point as to the importance of doing your due diligence - just because it has a COA does not mean it's a safe compound, and I fear that baby peppers (I say that like I'm not just a toddler pepper 🤣) may get a false sense of security just because they saw an accurate fill and high purity on a report.

Baby peppers annnnd cult members. Wouldn't be interesting to know what percentage of Brandon's FB followers would have absolutely purchased and researched his new concoction?
OMFG.. I just saw this! I ordered a sh*tload of Tirz from him in the selling out sale. I just started it yesterday. Do I trust it?

So did he basically they combined Sema and Tirz? Excuse me as I still consider myself a newbie to this side of the process. I have been on OZ for over 2 years now.
No, if it were a combo it would simply be labeled as such. He purports to have created a "new peptide" that supposedly has the best effects of both. He was basically trying to play mad scientist
Ohh man I just ordered sema from them Monday sigh
Please don't worry, Lankie. Their regular product line has always met or exceeded quality standards. (In fact, I think that their great reputation went straight to the owner's head, and fed the megalomania that allowed him to dream that he'd be applauded for introducing a brand new untested untried unresearched unproven GLP type drug to the market -- or rather, *his* market of unquestioning fans). But I believe you are perfectly safe using the sema you bought, like I know I will be perfectly safe using the tirz I bought from AR a couple of months ago. I just won't buy from them again, because there are too many trustworthy vendors out there who have not decided they are geniuses.
Thank you for using your platform to inform as others are simply deleting any posts associated to this. Hopefully the less informed ones will catch on and avoid this company.
I agree. Thank you. I do not check these sites daily so when I was on Peppy's yesterday it had all already transpired and all had been taken down.

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