Nikki nik
Research Enthusiast
I've been watching all this foolishness unfold!!!!! It's like a cult of people following him...tag after tag.... question after question. Like a bunch of elementary school kidsit's so funny watching. I purchased 1 kit of tirz! Not in a scare because I knew that wasn't the end of tirz. I see/saw greed in all of this. I witnessed with my own 2 eyes one lady said she spent thousands on sema under another complaint post and all has gone down the drain. It's a gamble people took during the wholesale shenanigans process but least execute with what WE THE PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR. After this several folk added how they wasn't noticing any good in their products. Afterwhile the post was taken down. I'll never worship a human being as these thirst buckets were. So glad I do 100% observation! Now he switched up the FB page.... guess he's in hiding! I still have my kit hmmmmmSo the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".
This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!
As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.
I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.
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