No, I don't mind your question

I am very sorry to hear about your niece. She is certainly not headed toward a happy future, and she must be suffering very much, whether she is able to admit it or not.
In my own particular case, my drug and alcohol addictions were lifted two decades ago solely through the 12-step program. But I have read many, many posts on the various Reddit tirz/sema subs which convey how their desire to drink is gone. Some normal drinkers actually complain about it, lol. But the people who had long been secretly wishing they could stop seem ... awestruck that they have lost their desire for it.
Much could be said about how this medication would not be a permanent solution for alcoholism, that there are deeper issues and behaviors that need changing… people say that about people losing weight on the GLP drugs, right?
I don't disagree…but I do think that a person who is starting to feel better about themselves — by not drinking, by losing weight, by maybe feeling some hope after a long time — has a better chance of seeing things a different way, and being able/willing to take even more steps towards a happier future.