Amopure stinging (here we go again)

Injected RS about an hour ago with the vial that gelled during reconstitution. Went up to 10mg dose this week.

Zero burning/stinging reported, everything was normal just like with the previous vial. Will report back in a day or two if there are any updates.

I was lazy and didnt backfill another syringe today, and damn that stopper blunts the needle lol literally my only complaint at this point with amo
Not the best resealing vial either. I did use an 18 g needle with my BAC but I lost an entire 15 mg dose to dripping out the vial while drawing up the 3 other doses out of my T 60. Hope that doesn’t happen when I use a 25 g to reconstitute in 2 weeks. That would be 10 weeks of lost doses if it keeps happening.
You injected one that gelled? Did it un-gel before you made it part of your body?

Of course haha - was updating a previous post. I reconstituted it a few days prior, and a small portion gelled up on the side and took a few extra minutes to fully dissolve. If you go a few pages back I included a pic.
I thought the recipe was 1 to 1. 1 ml bac to 10mg peptide. That's kind of 1 to 1.

20mg peptide, 2 ml bac.

30 mg peptide, 3 ml bac.

Is that right?
I use whatever amount makes the math easy when drawing out.

I am currently dosing at 10mg, so my 30mg vial gets .90 ml of Bacc water so each draw is 30 units.

I have 60mg vials on order and will probably move up to 12mg dose when they arrive, so will add 1.25 ml bacc for a 25 unit draw.
If they are cheaping out on the vial tops what else are they cheaping out on? 🤔
Hi I joined this forum bc I found this thread when I googled “amopure tirz burning” and tbh I skipped pages 4-14 of the thread.

I can absolutely confirm this has nothing to do with needles dulling on stoppers, bc I use 1cc luer lock syringes with a preattached 25g to draw, then switch to a 31ga, just out of habit bc I do testosterone and HCG subQ injections EOD

RS has been on injectables almost all of the last 20 years, and out of any injection that they have ever done, including deep IM with fat 20ga needles, and trimix injections into their d*ck, the amo tirz was the most painful injection of RS’s life. Like shockingly painful. Hot burning lava during injection then lingering burn for 30 minutes.

Changing from 1/2” to 3/16” needle length, and changing from abdomen to thigh does not change the amount of burn. This is L15 diluted with 1ml bac water.

The product, however, is very effective. The vendor offered to replace with a different batch and responded within minutes of my email.

I suspect it’s related to an excipient like sodium citrate or another added preservative (but I’m just guessing). I can update here if the replacement product hurts as bad.

The most comfortable way found to inject is using 1/2” needle into a pinch of folded skin injected relatively slowly.
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Hi I joined this forum bc I found this thread when I googled “amopure tirz burning” and tbh I skipped pages 4-14 of the thread.

I can absolutely confirm this has nothing to do with needles dulling on stoppers, bc I use 1cc luer lock syringes with a preattached 25g to draw, then switch to a 31ga, just out of habit bc I do testosterone and HCG subQ injections EOD

RS has been on injectables almost all of the last 20 years, and out of any injection that they have ever done, including deep IM with fat 20ga needles, and trimix injections into their d*ck, the amo tirz was the most painful injection of RS’s life. Like shockingly painful. Hot burning lava during injection then lingering burn for 30 minutes.

Changing from 1/2” to 3/16” needle length, and changing from abdomen to thigh does not change the amount of burn. This is L15 diluted with 1ml bac water.

The product, however, is very effective. The vendor offered to replace with a different batch and responded within minutes of my email.

I suspect it’s related to an excipient like sodium citrate or another added preservative (but I’m just guessing). I can update here if the replacement product hurts as bad.

The most comfortable way found to inject is using 1/2” needle into a pinch of folded skin injected relatively slowly.
when did you place your order out of curiosity?

edit: also, is this your first time using tirz? and if not, what vendor did you use before?
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Also I wanted to add that peptides are two amino acids linked in a chain, and I don’t know who started the myth, but shaking peptides does not break their molecular structure.

Ozempic and Mounjaro are predisolved in pens and there aren’t warnings on the boxes not to drop.

My degree is in chemistry and imho there are probably three things that could cause the burning
1. Incomplete synthesis leaving unreacted precursors
2. Excipients added as preservatives (like sodium citrate) or to ph balance (like HCl or NaOH)
3. Incomplete solubility caused by clumping

Since they pass their purity tests and since I know they are effective IMHO it’s bc the powder isn’t completely dissolving, and this would kind of track with why it seems I see small inconsistencies in the viscosity in the vial after mixing.
Don’t get me wrong, im probably gonna grit my teeth and keep using unless it starts leaving lasting or visible reactions
i see. and i threw in an edit right as you replied, but i'll follow up here as well. have you used tirz before this recent buy from amo? or is this your first time with tirz?
First time with tirz. I gave a vial to a friend who is going to try next week. But this amount of burn is like 😱🤯
when did you place your order out of curiosity?
Hi I joined this forum bc I found this thread when I googled “amopure tirz burning” and tbh I skipped pages 4-14 of the thread.
relatively slowly.
I'm wondering when you got it as well (?) My T15 arrived end of August. So far I've used one vial with 1.5ml bac for a .5ml (5mg) dose. There was a minor sting that went away quickly (<2min).

The product was effective though and by dose 3 the anticipation of sting heightened response more than the sting itself. Your experience sounds horrendous!
First time with tirz. I gave a vial to a friend who is going to try next week. But this amount of burn is like 😱🤯
someone somewhere in this thread a few pages back mentioned that this stinging/burning sensation (while still being very effective) was a known issue during clinical trials. i'm probably butchering this or outright misquoting it, but i believe it had something to do with antibodies responding to a foreign substance and not anything to do with dirty manufacturing methods or anything like that.
Also, I just read that someone tried using a syringe filter, and still it burns. That means it’s definately unreacted precursors or added excipients which makes me question the meaning of life and posted lab results hahah
I'm wondering when you got it as well (?) My T15 arrived end of August. So far I've used one vial with 1.5ml bac for a .5ml (5mg) dose. There was a minor sting that went away quickly (<2min).

The product was effective though and by dose 3 the anticipation of sting heightened response more than the sting itself. Your experience sounds horrendous!
It arrived within 4 days or so.

I wouldn’t say that it’s been horrendous, tbh the results per $ are worth it for me

Edit: oops I misread and adjusted my response
We were posting simultaneously... So your product came after they claimed to "resolve" the issue.

FWIW- and I've mentioned elsewhere my glucose readings were slightly better on Amopure than actual Mounjaro or Hallandale (89 vs 92). If the Amo wasn't effective they'd be much higher so we know the sh*t works. Maybe diluting it further and letting it rest longer before injection would help. I don't think shots 2 and 3 out of my vial were as bad, but I was expecting it. I'm going to use mine as well although I moved it to the back of rotation so it'll be the first to go in the circular file if not used in a few years.
someone somewhere in this thread a few pages back mentioned that this stinging/burning sensation (while still being very effective) was a known issue during clinical trials. i'm probably butchering this or outright misquoting it, but i believe it had something to do with antibodies responding to a foreign substance and not anything to do with dirty manufacturing methods or anything like that.
Antibodies don’t work that quickly

These are all people on compounded/name-brand. Check out some of those pics and reports. It's why I'm not too concerned with my regular sounding isr.

However, I misread Vicki's ISR description, I'm not getting a hard welt like that. That seems weird. I would be concerned with that description.

Mine is just like a mediumish sized bee sting, swollen white and tender/hot to the touch, with redness around it. Gone in ~48ish hours every time.
just wanna bring this up again for reference @Pr0digalSun . the stinging seems to be an issue with tirzepatide as a whole. i think we're dealing with some selection bias with regards to amo since they are a VERY popular first choice when folks decide to visit the chinese market for the first time. so you're getting a large amount of new and/or new-ish tirz users on here who don't know what to expect and think it's a vendor issue instead of just a regular tirz side effect.

“Anti-tirzepatide antibodies— In trials, 65% of tirzepatide-treated patients developed anti-tirzepatide antibodies. Antibody cross-reactivity with native GIP and GLP-1 was seen in 40% and 16.5%, respectively. Antibody development was not associated with decreased effectiveness, but it was associated with an increase in hypersensitivity and injection site reactions (6.2% and 11.3%, respectively).”

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