ASC banned from the StairwayToGray site

Are you sure about this? The ASC LIPO had a red dye in it that was not disclosed in the ingredient list, (like, peony root extract?) but it was not simply red dye and water as far as I'm aware - that was a different company. Not sure what the outcome of the owners of this product was.
Then, folks being told their product was buffered when it was not - refunded.
AOD no bueno - refunded.
Underfilled reta20 - partially refunded or fully on destruction video.
But everything else being thrown around is all feels or mixing up of vendors at this point until test results come in.
Unless I'm missing something? I'm trying hard to keep track because most of my stash is ASC... whomp, whomp.
Thank apologies. So much going on in gray I'm all over the place.
I think the bigger problem is they are quicker to hold a vendor in high regard... the majority of people couldn't tell you the name of 3 vendors that have been in business for more than 1 year.
This is exactly it. A vendor with a sketchy history (at best) spanning about a month can drum up such regard and loyalty that enduring rifts in the community are formed over it. Boggles the mind. I guess if you have only been around for a month and a half, that one month in business is more than half of your peptide experience. Folks who have been around for longer than that just have more perspective I suppose.
Excuse me tci
No worries, I'm just trying to keep a running list of true story bummer stuff so I can make good choices about the products I have.

This is exactly it. A vendor with a sketchy history (at best) spanning about a month can drum up such regard and loyalty that enduring rifts in the community are formed over it. Boggles the mind. I guess if you have only been around for a month and a half, that one month in business is more than half of your peptide experience. Folks who have been around for longer than that just have more perspective I suppose.
I think there's something about the emotional aspect of finally FINALLY being able to fix a weight problem that has been your New Year's resolution for 15+ years that facilitates forming of attachments to people who allow you to afford this magical medication long-term. Like, I can see how this will work. The fight is over AND it's gone from $1000/month to something like under twenty bucks. My mind wants to say I LOVE TUK. It's good for me to recognize that, and fwiw, it took a minute, and I pride myself on being willing to question my thoughts more than the average bear.
No worries, I'm just trying to keep a running list of true story bummer stuff so I can make good choices about the products I have.

I think there's something about the emotional aspect of finally FINALLY being able to fix a weight problem that has been your New Year's resolution for 15+ years that facilitates forming of attachments to people who allow you to afford this magical medication long-term. Like, I can see how this will work. The fight is over AND it's gone from $1000/month to something like under twenty bucks. My mind wants to say I LOVE TUK. It's good for me to recognize that, and fwiw, it took a minute, and I pride myself on being willing to question my thoughts more than the average bear.
When I was first looking into non-pharma I did one of those farce medspa “consultations” to gain access to $140/mg sema. I was SO afraid they wouldn’t accept me into their “practice,” not realizing it was all just marketing gimmicks, and was super grateful when they allowed me to purchase from them.

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