I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

What were you taking before?(sry if you already said previously)
We've been kicking a lot of options around, none of which have been implemented yet. I do have HGH, HCG, Testosterone C and a few mild steroids ordered. And I started tesamorelin recently that is supposed to target deep fat in the stomach. Too early to tell if it's doing anything.

There was an issue with high creatinine in my last blood test. I just ordered a portable meter to keep a close eye on it. It also does uric acid and urea.
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218 so I have 45 to go with only 3.5 months left. I don't think I'm going to make it but that's OK. I don't look pregnant in a t-shirt anymore so I'm already very pleased.

There is not a single post on this unbelievably long mega thread that has made me happy like this one.

For just a second it felt like I could breathe again, reading between the lines that you have reached a place where you yourself could relax a little and breeeeeathe. Where you could see how awesome you are doing and how time will take care of everything like it is already doing. And maybe, just maybe you could stop your relentless march to your self-imposed deadline. (which I related to in my bones.)

When you wrote " ... but that is OK" I actually teared up for a split second. But then, everybody knows I am a little old lady who's oversensitive lol.

Anyway! You made my day, Raw 🫶🏻
No, I don't mind your question :)
I am very sorry to hear about your niece. She is certainly not headed toward a happy future, and she must be suffering very much, whether she is able to admit it or not.
In my own particular case, my drug and alcohol addictions were lifted two decades ago solely through the 12-step program. But I have read many, many posts on the various Reddit tirz/sema subs which convey how their desire to drink is gone. Some normal drinkers actually complain about it, lol. But the people who had long been secretly wishing they could stop seem ... awestruck that they have lost their desire for it.
Much could be said about how this medication would not be a permanent solution for alcoholism, that there are deeper issues and behaviors that need changing… people say that about people losing weight on the GLP drugs, right?
I don't disagree…but I do think that a person who is starting to feel better about themselves — by not drinking, by losing weight, by maybe feeling some hope after a long time — has a better chance of seeing things a different way, and being able/willing to take even more steps towards a happier future. 🙏🏻


Hey good morning, Pep. I just came across this thread on a subreddit and immediately thought about you, and your niece.
I had no idea there is a community out there of people using GLPs primarily for alcohol use disorder. Wow 💜

Hey good morning, Pep. I just came across this thread on a subreddit and immediately thought about you, and your niece.
I had no idea there is a community out there of people using GLPs primarily for alcohol use disorder. Wow 💜
Thank you 💜
I was looking for another rabbit hole to fall through.;)
Been reading through some of the r/dryzempic threads mentioned further down in the post.
We've been kicking a lot of options around, none of which have been implemented yet. I do have HGH, HCG, Testosterone C and a few mild steroids ordered. And I started tesamorelin recently that is supposed to target deep fat in the stomach. Too early to tell if it's doing anything.

There was an issue with high creatinine in my last blood test. I just ordered a portable meter to keep a close eye on it. It also does uric acid and urea.
View attachment 2107
My brotha, put the needle down and step away from the vial 🤣. Put the HGH, HCG, Testosterone C and the few mild steroids away for now.

You're doing amazing. Remember, slow and steady wins the "human" race.
Great work losing weight but I'm not sure this is sustainable. I did something similar after bariatric surgery. Lost 110 lbs in roughly 8 months. Then it just became almost impossible to lose weight. I was gaining weight on 1400 cals a day. When I cut it some more to lose weight my brain would go asleep on me. Cortisol was through the roof. My enzymes were all over the place. In the end i had to deal with a 25 lbs regain over the following year. Absolutely wrecked my metabolism/Homeostasis.
That being said, Glp-1s are a completely different kettle of fish. They (and those other things you're lining up) may help to get you across your finish line, but the finish line is only a point on the very long line that comprises a weight loss journey. Will you be able to maintain the GW? How much more Meds will you need to maintain the GW? Just don't do something whacky to your metabolism. The human body is remarkable at 'compensating' until it gives up, then everything falls apart at the same time...
Great work losing weight but I'm not sure this is sustainable.
I've been thinking about it. I really don't care if it's sustainable. If it's not, I'll just do a weight loss blast every year to remove excess and get back down to my baseline. But I do believe there will be a protocol for some drug or combo of drugs that will help us keep the weight off.

I'm actually having a lot of fun with this. I like to fix up my old cars. Now i'm fixing up myself and i'm getting the same sense of pride and accomplishment. I don't want to stress others out over it. There have been some stressed out reactions especially over deep calorie restriction. I think fasting is a really good thing. I'm going to try and shrink my prostate with fasting.
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218 so I have 45 to go with only 3.5 months left. I don't think I'm going to make it but that's OK. I don't look pregnant in a t-shirt anymore so I'm already very pleased.

I am finding the cagri works the best for me. It's best at suppressing appetite and doesn't make my heart rate go to 120 bpm.
Im nearly exactly your specs! Im a 51m 5’11” starting weight was 271lbs on July 2nd, today I’m at 218lbs only using Tirz and OMAD/and eating only protein enriched food and shakes (No sugars and nearly no carbs… No breads and pastas at all.) For the last month ive used cjc1295/ipamorelin and BPC157 as when i started to work out and weight lift with heavy resistance bands i could move for days after (i have never worked out in my life! I was skinny as a teen but never was “muscular”) and after adding the CJC,IPA, and BPC i had no soreness after working out and could do it daily with no downtime. About to add Tesa as well for the lingering belly fat (and hopefully love handles). My goal is also 185-175 range by end of year. But i think i can get there. Have also been talking to my doc about peptides and shes all for it! And even told me about how her boyfriend took Anovar and it really helped him (First time i had a doc tell me go for it with peptides and mild steroids) Shes been doing blood work on me every 3 months. I went from having an A1C of 5.7 (borderline pre diabetic the day i started) to 5.2! Perfect A1C. BP went from 140/80 to 114/80!, Cholesterol from 237 to 202 (still not a great good and bad cholesterol mix but much better than it was), and PSA was good as well. She also started me on a prescription of 50,000iu of vitamin D a week (was very deficient cause it lethargy and weight loss and depressed mood) to now back to normal! And she also started me on testosterone gel 1.6% 40mg daily as i was very low! (Being 51 and morbidly obese i assumed i was low but it was very low… like 148 testosterone and a 4.4 free testosterone.) Been doing that for 3 months now and just did my bloodwork last Friday and should be getting those results today. But assume it’ll be much improved as i feel a ton better. I haven’t started adding Reta or Cagri to my regimen at all as I’m still at 7.5mg and still losing decently and just trying to be more active now that its finally starting to cool off (in Phoenix,AZ and has been over 100 degrees since April and just a week ago dropped below 100). I look and feel like a different person but am super motivated to get to goal weight before end of year. Should be sub 200 by mid November and i think ill have a chance at it but at the very least ill be very close and haven’t been that weight since i was like 18. Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress as we (besides age) are very similar to starting weight, dates, and goals.

EDIT: Literally minutes after writing this i got my new testosterone results in. They are as follows:
3 months of the testosterone Gel 1.6% 40mg daily my testosterone levels went from -
148 to 326 (in normal levels for my age now whew!) and free testosterone from 4.4 to 6.2 (much better but still listed as low. She has extended my script for an other 3 months and will recheck then but the fact that even though its rising, I’m still in the low normal to low range so adding in anovar still feels like a decent idea.) let me know for anyone with experience (@Bacchus ?).
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how her boyfriend took Anovar

Let me know when you find a source if appropriate. I'm getting my stuff from China but it sounds like your doc is prescribing it for you. I've got some stuff on the way to me. My doc didn't want me to go on anything. She sees it as a sign of weakness.

Please continue to post frequent updates. It will help me to have someone in a similar situation to compare myself to/compete with.:ninja:

About to add Tesa as well for the lingering belly fat (and hopefully love handles)

The tesa only works on deep fat from what I've researched, but i have that problem too. I'm trying fat melting injections for the fat pouch below the BB which i had even when i was 170 pounds. So far, they don't seem to be dissolving anything. I'll give it a month or 2 to work.
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As a 20+ year member of AA (and NA), I could not agree with you more 😔
Congratulations! That is freaking awesome! I will be celebrating 30 years 10/15. It is crazy how time flies....

I never even heard of or thought of peps for alcoholism/drug addiction. It totally makes sense, though. Down another rabbit hole I go.
We've been kicking a lot of options around, none of which have been implemented yet. I do have HGH, HCG, Testosterone C and a few mild steroids ordered. And I started tesamorelin recently that is supposed to target deep fat in the stomach. Too early to tell if it's doing anything.

There was an issue with high creatinine in my last blood test. I just ordered a portable meter to keep a close eye on it. It also does uric acid and urea.
View attachment 2107
Always like to keep my eyes open for new toys I probably don't need...do you have a link for the meter you specifically got?
Thanks :)
Have you considered MOTS-C? Exercise in a bottle, I swear I feel 20 years younger since I started taking it.
It knocks me out a few hours after taking it 😭 Although I suspect it may be related to MTHFR/MTRR gene mutations (confirmed), methylation pathways, etc. I have switched my Cyano B12 to Methyl B12 and started taking methylfolate and betaine tmg and will probably give the MOTS-C another go in a month or so. Fingers crossed because I've had terrible fatigue for a while, way before I started the Tirz. 🤞
It knocks me out a few hours after taking it 😭 Although I suspect it may be related to MTHFR/MTRR gene mutations (confirmed), methylation pathways, etc. I have switched my Cyano B12 to Methyl B12 and started taking methylfolate and betaine tmg and will probably give the MOTS-C another go in a month or so. Fingers crossed because I've had terrible fatigue for a while, way before I started the Tirz. 🤞
Before trying MOTS-C again try a course of SS-31 first. It’s supposed to repair damaged mitochondria first, then the mots-c will do a better job. And yes, Tirz fatigue was the only side effect for me but it was real. I now take 0.5ml each of MIC B12 & LIPO-C twice a week and it has solved my issue for fatigue. Another thing to look into as it was an issue for me was in my initial bloodwork i found out that i was Vitamin D deficient and had low testosterone (but didnt have the normal low T issues so never suspected) Im a guy so not sure this would apply (no idea your gender and dont want to assume) but addressing both of those was probably also pivotal in eliminating the fatigue as well.
Let me know when you find a source if appropriate. I'm getting my stuff from China but it sounds like your doc is prescribing it for you. I've got some stuff on the way to me. My doc didn't want me to go on anything. She sees it as a sign of weakness.

Please continue to post frequent updates. It will help me to have someone in a similar situation to compare myself to/compete with.:ninja:

The tesa only works on deep fat from what I've researched, but i have that problem too. I'm trying fat melting injections for the fat pouch below the BB which i had even when i was 170 pounds. So far, they don't seem to be dissolving anything. I'll give it a month or 2 to work.
The Anavar isnt prescribed but she was all on board for me taking it if i can find an affordable and reliable source (shes super open minded). SO i will look into overseas sources as well ( i always send a sample out to be tested but ive done that enough with a few vendors and have had perfect results so i know which vendors to trust so i should be good.)

Yes, tesa was used for more visceral fat but anecdotal evidence has said that it can also target normal belly fat as well. Not sure how true this is but getting one kit is affordable enough to try. As for the “fat melters” I haven’t had a ton of luck with these (if we are talking about the same things) but they have helped hugely with the fatigue part of tirz (I take 0.5ml each of MIC B12 & LIPO-C twice a week) i started these mostly for the fatigue but the happy side effect a lot of peopl talked about was breaking stalls and plateaus as well. It helped with the fatigue and not convince d of the breaking of stalls ( i did break thru but not convinced it was the cause). Also had a few people on a subreddit reach out to me saying that they found big success in adding AOD9604 to their routine instead of Tesa. So may try that as well.

And finally I’ll be sure to keep in touch as it’s nice to find someone in near the same boat and stats as you to compare notes with! Good luck brother.
Always like to keep my eyes open for new toys I probably don't need...do you have a link for the meter you specifically got?

I think this is a pretty cheap device and i don't hold out that much hope for its accuracy, but if it can give me an idea of what kinds of activities, foods, medicines cause my eGFR to go down, i can modify my behaviors in a way to avoid potential kidney damage. I'm wondering if i have a stone now that is causing some blockage. The hospital did use a hand held device before i did my ct scan to make the decision whether to use contrast dye. I'm sure it was a much more expensive one.
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Before trying MOTS-C again try a course of SS-31 first.
I did 😢

Another thing to look into as it was an issue for me was in my initial bloodwork
Nothing has stood out in my bloodwork. I did have a hysterectomy & oophorectomy so I was thrown into surgical menopause pretty early which is definitely a factor, but MHT didn't seem to help the fatigue.

I did recently learn about MTHFR and MTRR gene mutations, and that's when it clicked. I ran to my DNA results and plugged them into Genetic Genie and NutraHacker and sure enough, I had a few mutations. Issues that can arise from these mutations can be tested for by checking homocysteine, b12, and folate levels. We already knew I had low B12 (despite being a carnivore!). I haven't had the other tests done though. Hoping my new supplement regimen helps.

I'm sleepy and don't have the bandwidth to type out all the sciency stuff, so heres a summary from ChatGPT:
Congratulations! That is freaking awesome! I will be celebrating 30 years 10/15. It is crazy how time flies....

I never even heard of or thought of peps for alcoholism/drug addiction. It totally makes sense, though. Down another rabbit hole I go.
Awwww, thank you. Recovery *is* freaking awesome, yes.
And congratulations to you. I will remember you on October 15th and raise a cup of coffee to toast your 30 Years 💟
i had ordered this: https://www.flexussports.com/products/amilean-fat-loss-lotion-with-2-aminophylline

they don't have it and they're trying to talk me into this: https://pavlikperformance.com/products/metaboderm

there's actually study that says Aminophylline works so i don't know about the botanical stuff.
the above are external topical fat melters.

there are also injectable fat melters that are supposed to directly act on the fat cell destroying the membrane. (lemon bottle, lipo lab, dr lipo, neobella, skinderma, desobody and several others) the main ingredients: PPC PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE, deoxycholic acid, enzymes from pineapple Bromelain, Riboflavin, and Lecithin etc. Dermatologists and health clinics are providing these treatments for hefty fees. People inject their own and save. I've been trying this on my fat pouch at the bottom of my stomach.
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