Nexaph testing

Keep in mind that one of the first vendors SM recommends when newbies ask for domestics or single vials is Royal Peptides aka Cantydes and he knows they’re one and the same.

So that should speak for itself about… something.
Yeah that is wild to me. It was such a good move to give that vendor enough rope to hang themselves here instead of deleting everything because now people can go see exactly what brand of crazy that person is.

To vilify Nexa under the context of honestly but NOT Cantydes just does not compute.
Yeah that is wild to me. It was such a good move to give that vendor enough rope to hang themselves here instead of deleting everything because now people can go see exactly what brand of crazy that person is.

To vilify Nexa under the context of honestly but NOT Cantydes just does not compute.
Sooooooooo glad I was able to read Cantydes stuff here. Like, legit scary.

And the difference between how Cain and Cantydes responded to questions is like apples and hand grenades. Many grew to respect Cain because of how he’s handled issues and questions. I know I was one of them.
Sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with this dude? Running a profitable peptide business isn't rocket science. You buy product from a reputable manufacturer or distributor, pay for some tests to confirm quantity (and where relevant sterility), then sell for cost + profit to people with some nice stickers on it.

That's the ENTIRE business model.

There's no need to do all of this weird shit. Cain appears to be an actual pathological liar

Anyway, someone should probably let the folks on the other forum know. Probably not me since I think the gator may be mad at me. @DwightTheDelight, @milos, @Bacchus, you all are in good standing. Any one of you want to take one for the team?

Yeah but he still tried it which is a problem on its own.
Pretty sure the other forum is sponsored by Cain. They suck cains pp so hard over there it's not even funny.
OK I'll break it down for you, but my money is on you being unable to be convinced no matter the strength of the argument.

First, the appearance of potential for conflict of interest isn't nothing. Think Justice Thomas's lavish trips paid for by billionaires. The body that is evaluating fairness ought not be taking money from parties that stand to gain from the result, this is basic stuff. Eroding trust in the third party testing process only gives the vendor more power -- what good is a third party test that is percieved not to be any more trustworthy than the vendor supplied one?

Second, and related, the person organizing the test does indeed have a lot of power. For them to be a representative of the company being tested opens up space for shenanigans. How do the donors get selected, for example? Can that be manipulated? Who recieves the test? Is it possible for them to intercept and redo a bad test? Group buys have been busted for this, why couldn't your man baba?

Third, have you considered what baba's interest is here? Why would he want to fund testing? Why he chose to do it behind closed doors? Do you believe it is because he is concerned about your safety? If so, sorry to tell ya, it goes under his marketing budget, not his quality assurance budget. A platform has every right not to want to be treated as a billboard for unscrupulous suppliers, and it is unethical for them to try to circumvent this. Another example of unethical behavior from this vendor.

Finally, this is all a distraction from other issues. OK fine, you are ok with them secretly working with the test facilitator (you shouldn't be), let's not lose sight of them using novel fillers on unknowing customers who are injecting something that has not been tested and turns out to have uncertain interactions with the meds. This is no joke, these are injectable drugs he is fucking around with.

Your condescension knows no bounds, it’s really something.

The person organizing the test volunteered to collect names and lists of vials to keep them straight (several different peps and batches being tested). Those vials were sent directly by customers who volunteered to the lab, Peptide Test. In other words, random people volunteered to send in a vial and put them in bubble mailers and sent to PT. PT does the tests. Cain pays for the tests. Tests are available to those of us who purchased a given batch first, then released to the commuting writ large. JUST LIKE A GB. How can that be manipulated by the vendor?

It can’t be.
Pretty sure the other forum is sponsored by Cain. They suck cains pp so hard over there it's not even funny.
His marketing stuff is really effective if you don’t understand that you’re looking at a sales pitch. That perspective transforms his little giveaway from a commercial into a public service, and they eat that shit up over there.
Sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with this dude? Running a profitable peptide business isn't rocket science. You buy product from a reputable manufacturer or distributor, pay for some tests to confirm quantity (and where relevant sterility), then sell for cost + profit to people with some nice stickers on it.

That's the ENTIRE business model.

There's no need to do all of this weird shit. Cain appears to be an actual pathological liar

Anyway, someone should probably let the folks on the other forum know. Probably not me since I think the gator may be mad at me. @DwightTheDelight, @milos, @Bacchus, you all are in good standing. Any one of you want to take one for the team?

Yeah but he still tried it which is a problem on its own.
None of what you’re reading is true.
Your condescension knows no bounds, it’s really something.

The person organizing the test volunteered to collect names and lists of vials to keep them straight (several different peps and batches being tested). Those vials were sent directly by customers who volunteered to the lab, Peptide Test. In other words, random people volunteered to send in a vial and put them in bubble mailers and sent to PT. PT does the tests. Cain pays for the tests. Tests are available to those of us who purchased a given batch first, then released to the commuting writ large. JUST LIKE A GB. How can that be manipulated by the vendor?

It can’t be.
You didn’t actually respond to the points I made so I hope you don’t expect me to respond to yours?
This is a bald faced lie. Please, let’s do better than fling wild accusations like this around.

Manipulate?? How?? By paying for group tests coordinated by someone else, where that person has folks who volunteer send their vials directly to the labs themselves?

How does that manipulate anything??
It's unfortunate you don't seem to understand the concept of a 3rd party test or the importance of 3rd party tests for that matter. True 3rd party tests are the best tool we have to keep ourselves safe and vendor involvement is absolutely unacceptable. Critical safety measures need to be separate from those with financial incentives.
I'm equally as confused as to why he approached anyone... just let the testing servers do what they do. Why does he need to be involved in any way?
Is it really that hard to understand? Any type of influence or connection can be used to his advantage. Maybe not right away, but if the relationship is established they have a card to play at some point down the road. It's like Chevron partnering with a high ranking EPA official. Maybe no crime was committed as of yet, but it's not hard to see what was intended.
OK I'll break it down for you, but my money is on you being unable to be convinced no matter the strength of the argument.
That's not very nice and I'd like to think I've conducted myself in this forum in a way that would not make me seem like a close minded individual.
Group buys have been busted for this, why couldn't your man baba?
He's not "my man". I've never purchased from Nexa and don't plan to, for ALLLLLL the myriad other issues that have come up with them on this forum and others. The only argument I'm making here is WRT this one, particular issue which seems to me no different than any of the other Vendors paying for testing after product is sent out and volunteers are chosen.

This situation seems even LESS nefarious to me than that, because like you said, what if the volunteers are ringers who were purposely sent good product to then "volunteer" to have tested? I get that that can, and has, happened. But what happened in this instance is a bunch of people self-organized to send their vials directly to the lab themselves, and Cain learned of it and said "I'll pay for that". If that is all that happened, why is that so egregious?
Finally, this is all a distraction from other issues. OK fine, you are ok with them secretly working with the test facilitator (you shouldn't be), let's not lose sight of them using novel fillers on unknowing customers who are injecting something that has not been tested and turns out to have uncertain interactions with the meds. This is no joke, these are injectable drugs he is fucking around with.
100% agree that offering to pay for tests is the least concerning offense against them. There does seem to be a trend of dishonestly with this company, but offering to pay for a test that he could in no way influence the result of (unless he's trying to bribe the lab to fudge the results) just doesn't seem like a big deal.
First, the appearance of potential for conflict of interest isn't nothing. Think Justice Thomas's lavish trips paid for by billionaires. The body that is evaluating fairness ought not be taking money from parties that stand to gain from the result, this is basic stuff. Eroding trust in the third party testing process only gives the vendor more power -- what good is a third party test that is percieved not to be any more trustworthy than the vendor supplied one?
Justice Thomas, in that example, would be the lab, not the testing group. I think that comparison would work if Cain was trying to bribe the lab to only present good results. Jano or PT would be the ones "evaluating fairness" (purity). He was just offering to cover the cost of vials sent in by independent individuals directly to the lab, not even to a 3rd party facilitator.

Listen - I get all your other points about the reputation and behavior of this company in general, and on that we agree. It just seems like, due to all that other shit, this vendor is also being criticized for doing one additional thing that lots of other vendors also do, and no one bats an eye. That is the part I don't get.
It's unfortunate you don't seem to understand the concept of a 3rd party test or the importance of 3rd party tests for that matter. True 3rd party tests are the best tool we have to keep ourselves safe and vendor involvement is absolutely unacceptable. Critical safety measures need to be separate from those with financial incentives.
I understand the concept.

What you don’t seem to understand is what a lie is, what a mischaracterization is. And if you’re so concerned with vendor honesty, you might want to take a look in the mirror. And be a little more careful about what you say.

Describing “Michelle” as an “infiltrator” and “partner” makes someone lose all credibility for anything else they’d say. Because it’s flatly not true.

You also said Cantydes was rumored to doxx their customers. Is that true? Now I’m not so sure.
Is it really that hard to understand? Any type of influence or connection can be used to his advantage. Maybe not right away, but if the relationship is established they have a card to play at some point down the road. It's like Chevron partnering with a high ranking EPA official. Maybe no crime was committed as of yet, but it's not hard to see what was intended.
I think what I, and perhaps this other person are having trouble with here is how this act constitutes "influence".

We assume the lab is a neutral 3rd party and cannot be bought. The lab is doing the testing. The lab doesn't care who pays for the test. No matter who sends money to the lab, if the lab is doing its job, then the results will be what they are, regardless of who wrote the check. So Nexa sells 100 of something. 5 of those people self organize and say, we're going to test this product, let's all send it in to the Lab. Nexa finds out and says "I'll send money to the lab to cover the cost of the test".

Was that a PR move? Probably. Likely. But my point is that paying for a test does not mean that the payer can influence the test, unless they are also paying off the lab to falsify results, which is a totally separate and very serious issue.
That's not very nice and I'd like to think I've conducted myself in this forum in a way that would not make me seem like a close minded individual.

He's not "my man". I've never purchased from Nexa and don't plan to, for ALLLLLL the myriad other issues that have come up with them on this forum and others. The only argument I'm making here is WRT this one, particular issue which seems to me no different than any of the other Vendors paying for testing after product is sent out and volunteers are chosen.

This situation seems even LESS nefarious to me than that, because like you said, what if the volunteers are ringers who were purposely sent good product to then "volunteer" to have tested? I get that that can, and has, happened. But what happened in this instance is a bunch of people self-organized to send their vials directly to the lab themselves, and Cain learned of it and said "I'll pay for that". If that is all that happened, why is that so egregious?

100% agree that offering to pay for tests is the least concerning offense against them. There does seem to be a trend of dishonestly with this company, but offering to pay for a test that he could in no way influence the result of (unless he's trying to bribe the lab to fudge the results) just doesn't seem like a big deal.

Justice Thomas, in that example, would be the lab, not the testing group. I think that comparison would work if Cain was trying to bribe the lab to only present good results. Jano or PT would be the ones "evaluating fairness" (purity). He was just offering to cover the cost of vials sent in by independent individuals directly to the lab, not even to a 3rd party facilitator.

Listen - I get all your other points about the reputation and behavior of this company in general, and on that we agree. It just seems like, due to all that other shit, this vendor is also being criticized for doing one additional thing that lots of other vendors also do, and no one bats an eye. That is the part I don't get.
I guess we just have to agree to disagree on the importance of the level independence of testing groups from vendors. I wouldn’t trust anything without a full firewall, you are more flexible about it. That’s all well and good.

What isn’t ok is breaching the firewall and not being transparent about it which is what it sounds like was attempted and thankfully failed.
Just spitballing here, why doesn't @YoYoFat volunteer to manage baba's testing moving forward, with baba funding it all, and have the donors all send everything directly to the lab? That way baba isn't underhandedly funding tests on a platform that wishes to remain independent, and people can put whatever trust they wish into the result? My guess is that without the credibility of the testing platform, which only exists because of that commitment to independence, people would see it for what it is: vendor testing.
I guess we just have to agree to disagree on the importance of the level independence of testing groups from vendors. I wouldn’t trust anything without a full firewall, you are more flexible about it. That’s all well and good.

What isn’t ok is breaching the firewall and not being transparent about it which is what it sounds like was attempted and thankfully failed.
I have the upmost respect for you and what you add to this forum, it is excellent to say the least.

In respect to transparency, all the info about testing for the subpar purity 10mg Tirz was known to all affected. Cain was paying for it, Michelle was over seeing the vials being sent to test. First three people who volunteered were selected. One vial of the three failed to meet the 99% purity and Cain posted the results and announced those affected would be receiving replacements.(mine is in route). I like doing business with folks that have guarantees and honor those when they fail to meet them.
Hi everyone, going to try to address as many of the concerns that i have seen in this thread as i can.

What fillers are used in our formulations:
We currently use either one or a combination of the following: mannitol, sorbitol, sucrose and trehalose. Histidine is currently only being used in Tesamorelin because of degradation worries. Tesamorelin has a tendency to degrade if not buffered properly hence the reason we use histidine. Histidine was used because that is what the FDA approved version of Tesamorelin used (egrifta).
Any formulation we make, you can directly ask me for the excipients used and ill be happy to answer that. I don't think any other vendor has that knowledge or can even tell you because they aren't directly involved in the manufacturing process. Saying mannitol is the only excipient used for any of these Chinese vendors or other vendors is completely false, mannitol only generally does not protect the peptide and you would have seen many other issues if that was the case.

Third party testing:
We do pay for third party testing for the peptides we sell, i believe this is normal practice among vendors. If this is not the case, please correct me. As for Michelle "infiltrating" and being an "agent" for me, this is absolutely ridiculous. She helps in organizing random donors for third party testing that is getting sent directly to the testing lab. This organizing is done for my telegram group and not for any other group outside of it. I didn't even know she was part of a group that does third party testing till SM1 made that ridiculous statement about me manipulating. Honestly these claims are just ridiculous and below the belt. We are trying to do right by our customers by paying for their third party testing and to reduce the burden of cost to them. Other than that we are not involved in any way.

I'm sorry to all my customers that have to deal with ridiculous claims made by these types of people that have nothing better to do than to drag a vendor because they have a grudge against them. I am not active on these forums anymore because of issues like this but am very active in my telegram community. So please if anyone has any concerns they can contact me on telegram or ask in the telegram channels so i can answer them directly.

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