Nexaph testing

I haven't documented all of the times QSC has screwed someone over but the folks over at Peppy's have been monitoring their behavior closely and actually have a warning ⚠️ on their vendor page.

Domestic vendors absolutely charge a premium but they also take very good care of their customers. I have first hand experience with that. USPS marked one of my packages from Skye as delivered without dropping off the box and I was really upset because that order wasn't cheap. I reached out to them and not only were they super nice, they promised to reship the package if it wasn't delivered within a few days. I waited and the box was ultimately delivered, but that kind of support is worth its weight in gold.
those domestic vendor 800+% margins do make it easier for them to eat a reship. You’re right though, if you’re just dipping your toe in then skye et al would be a good place to start. But don’t get all excited and buy 30 vials from those guys, suck up the overseas experience when you’re filling your hoardy hole.
those domestic vendor 800+% margins do make it easier for them to eat a reship. You’re right though, if you’re just dipping your toe in then skye et al would be a good place to start. But don’t get all excited and buy 30 vials from those guys, suck up the overseas experience when you’re filling your hoardy hole.
I would even go as far to say your first purchases as a newbie should be domestic while you continue to read and gather information. If you get screwed it’s not because there was a lack of information available.
Just bought some Reta 12 off of Nexaph, visa transaction was smooth. Vials are amber for some reason, which I think is stupid.. can't clearly see the constituted peptide.. I like to look through clear vials for impurities. Paid $250 (free and very quick shipping) for what I believe will actually be a kit of Reta 14 (labeled 12). Of course QSC would be a better deal, but I feel kind of snookered buying from one of their promotions earlier this year that had supposed Janoshik testing that didn't correspond to the kits I received.
I agree with you about the amber vials. But if I'm remembering correctly, he said on Telegram that they were out of the 3ml clear vials but could do 3ml amber vials or 2ml clear vials instead. There was a poll with options of 3ml amber, 2ml clear, or push out the re-stock date until 3ml clear were available, and the people voted for the 3ml amber vials.
That’s because, after the test is completed, the option to pay a little more and have the test result published is offered to the customer. And as @exploitedworkerbee pointed out (on another forum), that leads to cherry picking results. Have you ever noticed that there are only good test results on the public page of Jano’s website?

I would argue that right now, until that policy changes, the Jano site is one of the worst places to look for sources because you’re only going to find results that the vendors want you to find.
I agree 100% with what you are saying and it's becoming more true by the day with Janoshik's public postings... Wasn't always as obvious as it is now though (it's a shame) I stand corrected.
On the reddit tirz telegram people are claiming Nexaph tirz degrades 1% per month.
I’ve never seen a test below 98. Something. I guessing that several have been tested older than than a month. I have the 10mg batch that has been the subject of many discussions. He is sending replacement for it somewhere around November 26th. I hope someone ask for a donation of one of my vials to test 6 months down the road, that would be a really good indication of how or if it is degrading. I have about 7 months of compound in stock to use up first.
If they set a standard by saying they replace under 99% then by definition yes, 98% is substandard.

Ty. I am just hyper aware of the fact that these conversations will outlive us and someone might read through in the future. Thought it would be helpful to confirm that the your issue wasn't 98% purity vials, but Nexaph changing their standards.
Ty. I am just hyper aware of the fact that these conversations will outlive us and someone might read through in the future. Thought it would be helpful to confirm that the your issue wasn't 98% purity vials, but Nexaph changing their standards.
Gotcha. Yep, i personally have no issue taking something that tests 98%, and I think that most people who do have a problem with it don’t have a handle on what the purity figure actually means.

That said, when vendors make purity promises they’re promoting the idea that high purity is critical for safety in order to sell a product, so they ought to be prepared to eat a little shit when they lower their purity standards.
I’ve never seen a test below 98. Something. I guessing that several have been tested older than than a month. I have the 10mg batch that has been the subject of many discussions. He is sending replacement for it somewhere around November 26th. I hope someone ask for a donation of one of my vials to test 6 months down the road, that would be a really good indication of how or if it is degrading. I have about 7 months of compound in stock to use up first.
Did you reach out to him about the replacement? I also have some of the batch that is supposed to be replaced and wasn't sure if I was supposed to do something
Ty. I am just hyper aware of the fact that these conversations will outlive us and someone might read through in the future. Thought it would be helpful to confirm that the your issue wasn't 98% purity vials, but Nexaph changing their standards.
I envision professors several hundreds of years into the future poring over each post and comment made in the glp1forum. Folks will have Ph.D.s in interpreting DwightTheDelight's comments.
I envision professors several hundreds of years into the future poring over each post and comment made in the glp1forum. Folks will have Ph.D.s in interpreting DwightTheDelight's comments.

Listen. I'm just going to take that as a compliment so we can remain besties. I know what you are thinking too, "Dwight doesn't know what I'm thinking..." And you are right. Let that sink in.
Nexaph promises 99%, ASC considers 98% acceptable and does not guarantee 99%. So far as I know if anyone contacts Cain about a vial that tests below 99% he makes it right (refund or replacement) and does spot testing by reaching out to other people who also purchased the same batch. Given all of the different factors that can impact purity I don't know what else we should ask for.
endotoxin, sterility, product mass
i recently sent two vials to be tested by Peptide Test from two different vendors. Tuk Angel (ASC) and SRY, the SRY shipment took about 10 days longer to receive so and I put the ASC vials in the a thermos in the freezer at about -3 degrees F (average). Both vials tested with great results. Not necessarily an A/B test but the ASC vial went through at least one freeze/thaw cycle. I plan to test again next October to see how they hold up after a year stored at -8.7F (I bought a dedicated freezer).

The results of both tests are posted on this site but they are impossible to find. For SOME reason lowly users like me are not permitted to post test results in the test results channel. I don't want to post again in the public square but can DM them if you're interested.
Looking forward to the testing you plan to do again next October! Generous of you to offer to share the COAs for the tests you've just had done on ASC and SRY. Which Sry product?