QSC result just released.


New Member
Feb 5, 2024
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If I'm not mistaken there are one or more vials from this same batch either at or on the way to Jano for testing.

I don't know anything about these Chromate folks, but everything I've seen so far tends to indicate that they have not yet mastered testing GLP-1's accurately.
I saw a copy of the Jano test that QSC had done prior to release of this batch. 2.32 mg and 98.89 purity. Looking to see the results of what Jano is/will be testing.
Tracy's response will be classic Tracy. Probably will say if it's not a Jano test he doesn't give a fuck.
exacly, will have hard time to keep track with all the newbie labs that pop up every week trying to make some pennies from testing, especially that the batch is tested recently by jano. So better save your money.
The Chromate lab doesn't seem to have the best reputation on Meso, and they've only been around on there publicly for less than 6 months time. Much like when looking at or testing a new and previously untested supplier, a new and untested testing service likely needs to have multiple tests that come back with consistent results before we can say their results are accurate and definitive. I recall reading about Jano having some issues at the very early stages, but startup issues are really not that different from any new business. But Chromate started with testosterone oil testing, which seems easier (and is definitely cheaper) than peptide testing, so it seems likely to me that it's not something that is just going to be very accurately nailed down overnight. If it was that simple, I sense we would have a lot more sources for testing (ignoring that there are also seemingly legal issues about operating such a service).

It just stinks because I feel we would all benefit from having an additional high quality testing service so that we aren't all (both buyers and sellers) effectively relying on Janoshik alone. I always dislike when a system has a really glaring single point of possible failure that would hurt the entire rest of the system. But it seems we are still looking for that alternate tester.
I know this thread and esp. The manufacture response just lit up some huge red flags for me. To many others to use.
I know this thread and esp. The manufacture response just lit up some huge red flags for me. To many others to use.
Would you still say QSC's reliable in this case? Im just about to buy from them but am now a bit hesitant. Any other suppliers youd recommend?
Would you still say QSC's reliable in this case? Im just about to buy from them but am now a bit hesitant. Any other suppliers youd recommend?
I've purchased from QSC several times in the past year without any problems whatsoever, and know a number of others who have as well.

I still think they're reliable, especially for tirz and sema. Are they perfect? Nope, but neither are 99.9% of the other Chinese suppliers. Every supplier is only as good as their most recent batch that tested well. QSC's consistency has improved a lot in the past year, and even though they've had some screwups along the way they are still a safer bet than most of these new suppliers popping up who nobody has ever heard of and who don't really have enough tests over time (or any tests at all) to prove their products imho. They are also one of the only suppliers who send everything out for testing on their own.

Anyone looking for hand-holding, warm and fuzzy feelings, being called "dear", "sweetie" and "friend", or expecting Amazon-like delivery and customer service should probably shop elsewhere.
I've purchased from QSC several times in the past year without any problems whatsoever, and know a number of others who have as well.

I still think they're reliable, especially for tirz and sema. Are they perfect? Nope, but neither are 99.9% of the other Chinese suppliers. Every supplier is only as good as their most recent batch that tested well. QSC's consistency has improved a lot in the past year, and even though they've had some screwups along the way they are still a safer bet than most of these new suppliers popping up who nobody has ever heard of and who don't really have enough tests over time (or any tests at all) to prove their products imho. They are also one of the only suppliers who send everything out for testing on their own.

Anyone looking for hand-holding, warm and fuzzy feelings, being called "dear", "sweetie" and "friend", or expecting Amazon-like delivery and customer service should probably shop elsewhere.
Thanks for clearing things up! The reason I ask is because im buying Thymulin and SS31 which arent the usual peptides people go for, and Ive heard that suppliers arent as consistent with less popular peptides. Ill give it a shot and keep you guys posted!
Thanks for clearing things up! The reason I ask is because im buying Thymulin and SS31 which arent the usual peptides people go for, and Ive heard that suppliers arent as consistent with less popular peptides. Ill give it a shot and keep you guys posted!

Actual batchs of SS31 and Thymulin:

I've purchased from QSC several times in the past year without any problems whatsoever, and know a number of others who have as well.

I still think they're reliable, especially for tirz and sema. Are they perfect? Nope, but neither are 99.9% of the other Chinese suppliers. Every supplier is only as good as their most recent batch that tested well. QSC's consistency has improved a lot in the past year, and even though they've had some screwups along the way they are still a safer bet than most of these new suppliers popping up who nobody has ever heard of and who don't really have enough tests over time (or any tests at all) to prove their products imho. They are also one of the only suppliers who send everything out for testing on their own.

Anyone looking for hand-holding, warm and fuzzy feelings, being called "dear", "sweetie" and "friend", or expecting Amazon-like delivery and customer service should probably shop elsewhere.

In fairness, the new assistants to Tracy have increased the speed of response noticeably. I emailed for a price list recently and got a response with it in under 3 minutes. I haven't ordered from the Alisa sales agent(s) but they seem a bit disorganized overall. Tracy generally is on top of things as long as not backed up, and the new assistants seem to be limiting any getting backed up. Just don't send "buying steroids gonna get swoll" or "buying tirzepatide gonna get smoll" as your bank transfer comment...

I'm also very encouraged by the new sometimes available group buys, the procedure for them, and the guarantees effectively underwriting free replacement in case of testing that shows either insufficiently high purity or insufficiently high product amount contained. It seems to show a lot of confidence on the part of Tracy and QSC that the products offered in the group buys will test at the high levels promised, because they will be out a fairly significant amount of money if the products test poorly. Also the resulting discounted price and (for many but not all countries) free shipping makes the pricing extremely competitive if not better than most other sources that I've seen, and the track record for QSC is longer than those other sources. Considering the terms of the group buys, just my opinion, but it seems to be about as good of an overall purchase method as exists that I've seen in terms of quality assurance of getting what you've paid for. The only better way of assurance I see is sending one of your own vials to Janoshik on every order.

I've purchased from Tracy probably half a dozen times in the past year myself, and the only major issue was the one time promo offered for free express shipping with guaranteed reship, as many packages (including mine) either got flagged at customs, or got caught up in a shipper strike action, and ended up getting returned. The reship (non-express) came through smoothly without issue. Also, I personally prefer not being called "dear" or "sweetie" as a minor plus of ordering from Tracy; this isn't a family dinner invite, it's a business transaction :D.
If I'm not mistaken there are one or more vials from this same batch either at or on the way to Jano for testing.

I don't know anything about these Chromate folks, but everything I've seen so far tends to indicate that they have not yet mastered testing GLP-1's accurately.
Good to know!! I've seen Chromate results on several suppliers sites. Thanks for letting us know this! I'll be looking for suppliers with Jano tests.

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