Teso is awesome.

Just curious, do you have ADHD? This is what my brain feels like all the time, I simply lack the physical energy to get any of it done.

On the other hand, when I do have the physical energy, this is my biggest obstacle. This sounds like decision paralysis which I also struggle with constantly.

Now I'm wondering if teso might not be the right option for me. The reason I asked if you have ADHD is because I know medications like Adderall can make people without ADHD feel like this, and those with ADHD experience the opposite - so I wonder if the same may be true for teso.
I can speak towards it. I took a genetic test that tells me about my COMT genetic mutation. In my case, my dopamine and norepinephrine are elevated in my prefrontal cortex, which leads to the hyperfocus, lack of stress management, etc. The COMT gene in my case metabolizes acetylecholine very slowly. Side note, exercise and weightlifting help drain the acetylcholine for a little while. Adderall helps straighten out the dopamine signaling in the prefrontal cortex so a person feels those particular benefits. Adderall however is a weak modulator of norepinephrine.

Taking an SSRI for serotonin will also elevate your levels too much. A person might have taken Welbutrin and felt kinda off...

Taking an SNRI for norepinephrine like Strattera also again raises your/my already high norepinephrine. I came across this when I was prescribed Modafinil as an alternate ADHD treatment, and noticed my sleep was tootally jacked.

Anecdotally, I developed tinnitus when I took Welbutrin and blurry eyes when I took Modafinil. Low and behold there is some connection to both of those with norepinephrine!

I started digging down the rabbit whole into what will !reduce! norepinephrine, and it turns out another ADHD medication called Guanfacine will shuttle norepinephrine out of your prefrontal cortex and create a feedback loop to lower it. Lower norepinephrine helps you have normal conversations that are less stressful. Norepinephrine is also the main culprit in rejection sensitivity, and so on. I'm hoping at my next dr visit to ask for it..

I think I came across an abstract for a research article that made a connection where chronically elevated norepinephrine forces the alpha adrenergic receptors to tell your fat cells not to allow fat release. In normal people, norepinephrine goes up and down and normally tells fat to destroy itself.

So, while I loved the idea of Tesofensine raising Seretonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine; it became a hard no for me.

Instead of using Tesofensine, any other nootropics, or "head" medicines, take a look into Mirabegron (as a way to burn some extra calories while you sit). I've also found benefits in using oral testosterone (to maintain muscle mass), ezetimibe (clean the liver), cardarine (also liver), and some key supplements.
I can speak towards it. I took a genetic test that tells me about my COMT genetic mutation. In my case, my dopamine and norepinephrine are elevated in my prefrontal cortex, which leads to the hyperfocus, lack of stress management, etc. The COMT gene in my case metabolizes acetylecholine very slowly. Side note, exercise and weightlifting help drain the acetylcholine for a little while. Adderall helps straighten out the dopamine signaling in the prefrontal cortex so a person feels those particular benefits. Adderall however is a weak modulator of norepinephrine.

Taking an SSRI for serotonin will also elevate your levels too much. A person might have taken Welbutrin and felt kinda off...

Taking an SNRI for norepinephrine like Strattera also again raises your/my already high norepinephrine. I came across this when I was prescribed Modafinil as an alternate ADHD treatment, and noticed my sleep was tootally jacked.

Anecdotally, I developed tinnitus when I took Welbutrin and blurry eyes when I took Modafinil. Low and behold there is some connection to both of those with norepinephrine!

I started digging down the rabbit whole into what will !reduce! norepinephrine, and it turns out another ADHD medication called Guanfacine will shuttle norepinephrine out of your prefrontal cortex and create a feedback loop to lower it. Lower norepinephrine helps you have normal conversations that are less stressful. Norepinephrine is also the main culprit in rejection sensitivity, and so on. I'm hoping at my next dr visit to ask for it..

I think I came across an abstract for a research article that made a connection where chronically elevated norepinephrine forces the alpha adrenergic receptors to tell your fat cells not to allow fat release. In normal people, norepinephrine goes up and down and normally tells fat to destroy itself.

So, while I loved the idea of Tesofensine raising Seretonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine; it became a hard no for me.

Instead of using Tesofensine, any other nootropics, or "head" medicines, take a look into Mirabegron (as a way to burn some extra calories while you sit). I've also found benefits in using oral testosterone (to maintain muscle mass), ezetimibe (clean the liver), cardarine (also liver), and some key supplements.
I don't have COMT but I do have MTHFR and MTRR gene mutations. Wellbutrin didn't do a thing for me. Not a single side effect, nothing. Adderall used to kinda work for me before my ovaries were removed. Turns out if you have no estrogen Adderall doesn't work so well 😂 I was on HRT for a but not currently. I plan on seeing an endocrinologist soon because the GYN just randomly throws hormones at me without doing any tests. I should have much better luck with the Endocrinologist. I've also noticed MOTS-C has the opposite effect on me than most others, which seems to also be related. Every time I dig down this rabbit hole, I find more rabbit holes to explore.

The worst part of my ADHD is the inattentive aspect. That paired with fatigue makes it difficult for me to get *anything* done.
the discomfort was having “too much” energy. It was harder to focus because my mind was darting from thing to thing. It felt like being told to clean an hoarder’s house. Theres so much to do and you don’t know where to start. That feeling was the “peak” of the negative effects. I did notice a heart rate increase but that seemed to allay along with the previously explained “too much”. Insomnia, strangely, was not a factor. No headaches either, more of a mental exhaustion, and I’m sure that helped the sleep.
Ok so i haven't read all these posts..so sorry if you have already covered this...the mind darting thing to thing..
Do you have adhd? I take adhd meds that another could take and feel like they were on speed lol. Always a lovely thing when you get diagnosed in your 40s and the doctor looks at you, to the test, to you, to the test, and says " I have no idea how you have made it this long..you have the worst case i have ever seen in 30 years" 😶
So with all that being said..lol..I wonder if this would actually work like my adhd meds.
Just ordered a bottle. Hopefully this gives me the boost I need🤞I have upped my Tirz and the fatigue has definitely hit me.
If you ordered from PGB, make sure you read their announcement about the teso/BPC snafu. You may end up with BPC tabs 😒
I didn't order directly through a GB but I've confirmed it's a totally different vendor that color codes their tablets. Seems like this should be a common practice imho.
I've been lurking for quite a while but just wanted to chime in and give something back. I took my first dose of Teso 500mg today and I feel "normal." That's the best I can describe it.

I should note that I haven't felt "normal" in 25 years since I had to stop taking Ritalin. Diagnosed with ADD in college. Went cold turkey off Ritalin after getting my first job offer and being told I'd have to be off it to be hired. Over the years I've had to make do with lots of caffeine and coping mechanisms to get by. Doctors over the years have denied new scripts since I had been off them for years and doing "fine" so I obviously didn't need them.

Any way I started Tirz in late August. Currently doing 3mg Friday PM + 2mg Monday PM. I've been dealing with sluggishness since I started. I am down 20lbs from my highest recorded weight (288). I stumbled on this thread and it sounded like it might help with the fatigue and maybe help with the ADD as well. My plan is to add the 500mg to my Saturday AM and Tuesday AM as a pick me up for the Tirz fatigue. I will evaluate how it impacts the ADD and may adjust the dosing if needed to stay feeling normal.
@peptideusername we demand an update on the original post, hasn't been updated since 9/19 😥
Not a ton to update. Just been cruising along on 1/4 tab (125mcg) every other day for about a month now. Once I got through those few bumps in the road, things smoothed out and it’s going well.
I will reevaluate my protocol in a month or so because I am learning that my reduced body weight manifests itself in increased drug efficacy - much like my alcohol tolerance has lessened.
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I've been on a low dose for about a month. Don't feel any energy boost now. I'm not taking for appetite suppression more for mental clarity and focus. I think it does ok for that. When I say low dose I take about 250mcg every 2 to 3 days. If I take more than that it is hard for me to sleep. I don't plan on being on it forever and hope to taper down even more and see how I feel.
Not a ton to update. Just been cruising along on 1/4 tab (125mcg) every other day for about a month now. Once I got through those few bumps in the road, things smoothed out and it’s going well.
I will reevaluate my protocol in a month or so because I am learning that my reduced body weight manifests itself in increased drug efficacy - much like my alcohol tolerance.
How’s your heart rate been? That’s my biggest concern in starting.
2nd 500mg dose for me wasn't nearly as beneficial. Had only 4hrs sleep the night before so was dead tired all day. ADD was uncontrolled. No focus no energy. Today mostly the same. Resting heart rate still sub 60bpm.
I was able to get about 7 hours of sleep last night. Today I felt a lot more energetic and clear headed again. So I think the lack of sleep was too much for it to overcome.