Tirzepatide shortage is over

Just use Google, the forum is indexed, and google is quite good at finding what you're looking for compared to most custom site search engines:

Search with
site:glp1forum.com your search
View attachment 2439
Hell, you can even see which web crawlers are😆 currently active and what they're accessing.


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That's beyond my comprehension, perhaps Zips too.

Just from reading the forum software manual, it looks like there are two places to change the setting. One which Zip can control, and one that his only his hosting provider controls. Both are required.

After a long and mostly enjoyable career in IT, I'm glad to be out of it and semi-retired. Now I just need to get my health back on track by shedding all these pounds I found during Covid and my long path to sobriety.

Shame too! Having been a witness to so many advances in technology, I'm going to miss out what ChatGPT and AI has done to people in IT careers. In many ways, it feels like access to ChatGPT and people starting out in IT is like giving machine guns to chimpanzees. Although I felt like that when Kali was released and security folks (both sides).

I'm continually shocked at how well ChatGPT can write code and solve problems that some people wouldn't dream of having the capacity to do with 10,000 hours of real experience.

I'm still puzzled why GYC* is not searchable.
I think a lot of people are panicked and curious right now. But once they see that sourcing from domestic vendors is still somewhat pricey but without the safety and convenience of their telehealth service, and that sourcing from China is straight up sketch A.F........ They'll go a different route. Probably compounded Sema because that shortage doesn't look to be ending anytime soon, or maybe even Liraglutide because it's available as generic now and it does work if you're willing to pin on the daily. I just don't think a lot of people are going to be able to follow through with moving to the dark side. It's a nice thought for many of them now, but most won't do it.
Ok.. this is going to be one of my infamous longarrhea posts... This isn't directed at anyone specific and not intended as offensive. I speak my mind, if you don't like it, block me!

I get it! My ins stopped paying and I went 2 months without before I was willing to take a chance. Because of what I was reading, I convinced myself that I'd be willing to pay domestic prices for sema, forever. $120/month was cheap enough. Fortunately, for me, I caught a 4th of July sale and bought a year supply of Sema for half price - $60 for a 14mg vial x 8. I was, and still am, happy about that purchase and I'm still using it on 2 RS's.

It took another month of research to learn the direct china options and be comfortable enough to pull the trigger on 2 kits of sema10 from GYC - which cost $278 shipped. Even with all that research, there were issues with that buy that took almost 2 more months to sort out, but I ended up with 2 kits of Sema that tested at 12mg with 99.85% purity. That's 5 doses of 2.4mg for $28. Add in $4 bac water, and I'm at about $20/month for Sema. 7x less than domestic and 60x less than name brand!! Yeah, Fuck big pharma - greedy pricks!

Since that time, I've managed to work through the requirements to get into better options and get into buying groups that are a much better option than what most people are doing. Don't ask me to hand you this info. These groups are protected and I won't risk my membership or expose the group to people who promise to keep a secret, then run to Reddit and tell the world! If you want in to fight club, you'll have to put in the time and research to figure it out. The fact I even told you these exist, is more than I should have said...
again. This is me helping people - if you don't see it as such, that's your loss!

While I don't recommend taking advice from 1 person, if all you read are my 386 postings, you will see my journey and learn A LOT. Certainly enough to direct your own research in whatever direction you choose. I would also recommend reading the posts of the other 3 members with the most posts here. Dionysos, Milos, and our admin Zip. That's a lot of posts, but much of what the 4 of us have said will get you where you need to be. I would also pay attention to, and follow, those who are labeled as "Research Experts". If Zip finds them level headed enough and trustworthy of being mods, then what they have to say should be included in your research. We don't all agree on everything, which is a good thing. Form your own opinions and follow your research. If anything goes wrong, there's no one to blame but yourself. That said, this forum is by no means the be all, end all research center. It is but 1 source and there are many others... From numerous books about peptides, written by doctors, to at least 9 other platforms. There is an endless supply of research material.

I've also spent countless hours researching every aspect, from bac water and syringes, to storage and my latest venture - filtering. In my journey, I learned about 30+ other peptides and have been down numerous rabbit holes learning about them.

Take my rant for what it's worth to you. I am still very new to this and by no means an expert. I'm less experienced than everyone else I mentioned in this post, but I'm disabled and have spent 30-50 hours a week researching for the last 5 months, so I've certainly put in the time. Most people can't dedicate this much time and it might take a year or more to put in that amount of research.

I realize the majority of people who previously found their way here are willing to put in the research, but there are those who come in asking questions like - " I'm new, tell me everything I need to know so that I can have tirz in my hand tomorrow". It just doesn't work like that! And if we start into this mass influx of 200 people a day, instead of 200 per month, then there will be A WHOLE LOT MORE of those who insist on being spoon fed.

One thing that irritates me, and others, is when someone asks a question that was answered 5 posts earlier, and 8 other times in the same thread. If you can't read at least the last page or 2 of a thread before asking a question, then I have nothing to offer you... And it speaks volumes about you. I spoon fed my kids... you are not my kids... I'm not spoon feeding anyone!

If you read the intro to the forum, our admin is, or at least was, adamant about each person doing their own research. There are too many risks to be leaning on 1 person for all of your research. Everyone has a different level of what they are comfortable with. Some have no problem ordering from the first place they see and injecting "who knows what" without another thought. While others might spend 4 months researching, only to never buy anything because they don't trust a drug that isn't FDA approved and comes from a pharmacy... With 20 levels in between.

QSC and Amo are the 2 places most people run to first. I will say I have not, and will not, buy from either of them. If you don't know why I said that then you either haven't done enough research, or you are much more trusting than me. The more I learn, the more I'm satisfied with that choice. But I'm also riddled with bad luck, misfortune, and my cup is definitely half empty! Some call me a pessimist, I call it realism. But make no mistake, I'm a grumpy old prick, and I have no problem expressing it. On the other hand, I have no problem giving someone the shirt off my back, if I feel like you need it.

Think of me like Gordon Ramsey... I can be kind and work with kids, but also have no problem screaming in your face and throwing you out of my kitchen. There is a reason I'm not a mod, and I'm fine with that. I'm very much self aware. It is what it is.

If you made it through whats probably my longest post yet, good for you! You might have a chance of finding the better options.

I'm not open to debate this, these are my opinions and this is my experience. Take it for what it's worth and move to the next step in your journey.

End Napoleon complex rant...
Ok.. this is going to be one of my infamous longarrhea posts... This isn't directed at anyone specific and not intended as offensive. I speak my mind, if you don't like it, block me!

I get it! My ins stopped paying and I went 2 months without before I was willing to take a chance. Because of what I was reading, I convinced myself that I'd be willing to pay domestic prices for sema, forever. $120/month was cheap enough. Fortunately, for me, I caught a 4th of July sale and bought a year supply of Sema for half price - $60 for a 14mg vial x 8. I was, and still am, happy about that purchase and I'm still using it on 2 RS's.

It took another month of research to learn the direct china options and be comfortable enough to pull the trigger on 2 kits of sema10 from GYC - which cost $278 shipped. Even with all that research, there were issues with that buy that took almost 2 more months to sort out, but I ended up with 2 kits of Sema that tested at 12mg with 99.85% purity. That's 5 doses of 2.4mg for $28. Add in $4 bac water, and I'm at about $20/month for Sema. 7x less than domestic and 60x less than name brand!! Yeah, Fuck big pharma - greedy pricks!

Since that time, I've managed to work through the requirements to get into better options and get into buying groups that are a much better option than what most people are doing. Don't ask me to hand you this info. These groups are protected and I won't risk my membership or expose the group to people who promise to keep a secret, then run to Reddit and tell the world! If you want in to fight club, you'll have to put in the time and research to figure it out. The fact I even told you these exist, is more than I should have said...
again. This is me helping people - if you don't see it as such, that's your loss!

While I don't recommend taking advice from 1 person, if all you read are my 386 postings, you will see my journey and learn A LOT. Certainly enough to direct your own research in whatever direction you choose. I would also recommend reading the posts of the other 3 members with the most posts here. Dionysos, Milos, and our admin Zip. That's a lot of posts, but much of what the 4 of us have said will get you where you need to be. I would also pay attention to, and follow, those who are labeled as "Research Experts". If Zip finds them level headed enough and trustworthy of being mods, then what they have to say should be included in your research. We don't all agree on everything, which is a good thing. Form your own opinions and follow your research. If anything goes wrong, there's no one to blame but yourself. That said, this forum is by no means the be all, end all research center. It is but 1 source and there are many others... From numerous books about peptides, written by doctors, to at least 9 other platforms. There is an endless supply of research material.

I've also spent countless hours researching every aspect, from bac water and syringes, to storage and my latest venture - filtering. In my journey, I learned about 30+ other peptides and have been down numerous rabbit holes learning about them.

Take my rant for what it's worth to you. I am still very new to this and by no means an expert. I'm less experienced than everyone else I mentioned in this post, but I'm disabled and have spent 30-50 hours a week researching for the last 5 months, so I've certainly put in the time. Most people can't dedicate this much time and it might take a year or more to put in that amount of research.

I realize the majority of people who previously found their way here are willing to put in the research, but there are those who come in asking questions like - " I'm new, tell me everything I need to know so that I can have tirz in my hand tomorrow". It just doesn't work like that! And if we start into this mass influx of 200 people a day, instead of 200 per month, then there will be A WHOLE LOT MORE of those who insist on being spoon fed.

One thing that irritates me, and others, is when someone asks a question that was answered 5 posts earlier, and 8 other times in the same thread. If you can't read at least the last page or 2 of a thread before asking a question, then I have nothing to offer you... And it speaks volumes about you. I spoon fed my kids... you are not my kids... I'm not spoon feeding anyone!

If you read the intro to the forum, our admin is, or at least was, adamant about each person doing their own research. There are too many risks to be leaning on 1 person for all of your research. Everyone has a different level of what they are comfortable with. Some have no problem ordering from the first place they see and injecting "who knows what" without another thought. While others might spend 4 months researching, only to never buy anything because they don't trust a drug that isn't FDA approved and comes from a pharmacy... With 20 levels in between.

QSC and Amo are the 2 places most people run to first. I will say I have not, and will not, buy from either of them. If you don't know why I said that then you either haven't done enough research, or you are much more trusting than me. The more I learn, the more I'm satisfied with that choice. But I'm also riddled with bad luck, misfortune, and my cup is definitely half empty! Some call me a pessimist, I call it realism. But make no mistake, I'm a grumpy old prick, and I have no problem expressing it. On the other hand, I have no problem giving someone the shirt off my back, if I feel like you need it.

Think of me like Gordon Ramsey... I can be kind and work with kids, but also have no problem screaming in your face and throwing you out of my kitchen. There is a reason I'm not a mod, and I'm fine with that. I'm very much self aware. It is what it is.

If you made it through whats probably my longest post yet, good for you! You might have a chance of finding the better options.

I'm not open to debate this, these are my opinions and this is my experience. Take it for what it's worth and move to the next step in your journey.

End Napoleon complex rant...
Great post, Chef. I have ordered from QSC but not Amo (and I don’t plan to). Like you, time has opened up new opportunities and access and that’s now my go-to. I had 4 DM’s on my Reddit account asking for sources. I am not replying to them. I was not spoon fed and I don’t want to spoon fed anyone either. Like you said, there’s so much to read here that will help newbies tremendously. It just takes effort. I’m a believer that when you put in the work to learn something, it sticks a whole lot better than someone just telling you.

Again, I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
Ok.. this is going to be one of my infamous longarrhea posts... This isn't directed at anyone specific and not intended as offensive. I speak my mind, if you don't like it, block me!

I get it! My ins stopped paying and I went 2 months without before I was willing to take a chance. Because of what I was reading, I convinced myself that I'd be willing to pay domestic prices for sema, forever. $120/month was cheap enough. Fortunately, for me, I caught a 4th of July sale and bought a year supply of Sema for half price - $60 for a 14mg vial x 8. I was, and still am, happy about that purchase and I'm still using it on 2 RS's.

It took another month of research to learn the direct china options and be comfortable enough to pull the trigger on 2 kits of sema10 from GYC - which cost $278 shipped. Even with all that research, there were issues with that buy that took almost 2 more months to sort out, but I ended up with 2 kits of Sema that tested at 12mg with 99.85% purity. That's 5 doses of 2.4mg for $28. Add in $4 bac water, and I'm at about $20/month for Sema. 7x less than domestic and 60x less than name brand!! Yeah, Fuck big pharma - greedy pricks!

Since that time, I've managed to work through the requirements to get into better options and get into buying groups that are a much better option than what most people are doing. Don't ask me to hand you this info. These groups are protected and I won't risk my membership or expose the group to people who promise to keep a secret, then run to Reddit and tell the world! If you want in to fight club, you'll have to put in the time and research to figure it out. The fact I even told you these exist, is more than I should have said...
again. This is me helping people - if you don't see it as such, that's your loss!

While I don't recommend taking advice from 1 person, if all you read are my 386 postings, you will see my journey and learn A LOT. Certainly enough to direct your own research in whatever direction you choose. I would also recommend reading the posts of the other 3 members with the most posts here. Dionysos, Milos, and our admin Zip. That's a lot of posts, but much of what the 4 of us have said will get you where you need to be. I would also pay attention to, and follow, those who are labeled as "Research Experts". If Zip finds them level headed enough and trustworthy of being mods, then what they have to say should be included in your research. We don't all agree on everything, which is a good thing. Form your own opinions and follow your research. If anything goes wrong, there's no one to blame but yourself. That said, this forum is by no means the be all, end all research center. It is but 1 source and there are many others... From numerous books about peptides, written by doctors, to at least 9 other platforms. There is an endless supply of research material.

I've also spent countless hours researching every aspect, from bac water and syringes, to storage and my latest venture - filtering. In my journey, I learned about 30+ other peptides and have been down numerous rabbit holes learning about them.

Take my rant for what it's worth to you. I am still very new to this and by no means an expert. I'm less experienced than everyone else I mentioned in this post, but I'm disabled and have spent 30-50 hours a week researching for the last 5 months, so I've certainly put in the time. Most people can't dedicate this much time and it might take a year or more to put in that amount of research.

I realize the majority of people who previously found their way here are willing to put in the research, but there are those who come in asking questions like - " I'm new, tell me everything I need to know so that I can have tirz in my hand tomorrow". It just doesn't work like that! And if we start into this mass influx of 200 people a day, instead of 200 per month, then there will be A WHOLE LOT MORE of those who insist on being spoon fed.

One thing that irritates me, and others, is when someone asks a question that was answered 5 posts earlier, and 8 other times in the same thread. If you can't read at least the last page or 2 of a thread before asking a question, then I have nothing to offer you... And it speaks volumes about you. I spoon fed my kids... you are not my kids... I'm not spoon feeding anyone!

If you read the intro to the forum, our admin is, or at least was, adamant about each person doing their own research. There are too many risks to be leaning on 1 person for all of your research. Everyone has a different level of what they are comfortable with. Some have no problem ordering from the first place they see and injecting "who knows what" without another thought. While others might spend 4 months researching, only to never buy anything because they don't trust a drug that isn't FDA approved and comes from a pharmacy... With 20 levels in between.

QSC and Amo are the 2 places most people run to first. I will say I have not, and will not, buy from either of them. If you don't know why I said that then you either haven't done enough research, or you are much more trusting than me. The more I learn, the more I'm satisfied with that choice. But I'm also riddled with bad luck, misfortune, and my cup is definitely half empty! Some call me a pessimist, I call it realism. But make no mistake, I'm a grumpy old prick, and I have no problem expressing it. On the other hand, I have no problem giving someone the shirt off my back, if I feel like you need it.

Think of me like Gordon Ramsey... I can be kind and work with kids, but also have no problem screaming in your face and throwing you out of my kitchen. There is a reason I'm not a mod, and I'm fine with that. I'm very much self aware. It is what it is.

If you made it through whats probably my longest post yet, good for you! You might have a chance of finding the better options.

I'm not open to debate this, these are my opinions and this is my experience. Take it for what it's worth and move to the next step in your journey.

End Napoleon complex rant...
Man, I've bought from both QSC AND Amo :ROFLMAO: I fully understand why you'd avoid both though. Amo, while fast and convenient, doesn't have the best prices and there are way too many reports of stinging. They also don't make any COAs available which is problematic. I jumped on a purchase because I knew that a bunch of tests were being done from around the same time, yes.... you can call me a "free rider". QSC? It's Tracy, what more can you say. They've been around a long time, are sketch as hell, buyer beware for sure.

I agree with you though for the most part. Buying gray market medications, not just weight loss peptides, but all meds.... requires at least a rudimentary understanding of how the meds work, and a fairly extensive understanding of how the vendor scene works. Way too many people come here, to reddit, to "fight club" and don't bother reading a thing. Instead they make their presence known with a question that's totally off the wall (someone posted on reddit yesterday asking if they need to add more water to the vial after every injection, for example) or that's been asked and answered a million times. Not a good first impression and it also doesn't bode well for their future success. My advice for newbies is to do as I did. Read and google. A lot. Don't ask questions on forums. Search for answers. Like you, Broken Chef, I put in tons of hours before I ever made a purchase and by the time I hit the pay button or sent crypto I was comfortable in my decision making matrix. These are "research chemicals" and to me that means you need to approach this as a researcher, and that means finding your own answers. All the answers are here, but people need to put in the time and lurk and read and most importantly, to understand before they start making potentially life-altering decisions.
Just from reading the forum software manual, it looks like there are two places to change the setting. One which Zip can control, and one that his only his hosting provider controls. Both are required.

After a long and mostly enjoyable career in IT, I'm glad to be out of it and semi-retired. Now I just need to get my health back on track by shedding all these pounds I found during Covid and my long path to sobriety.

Shame too! Having been a witness to so many advances in technology, I'm going to miss out what ChatGPT and AI has done to people in IT careers. In many ways, it feels like access to ChatGPT and people starting out in IT is like giving machine guns to chimpanzees. Although I felt like that when Kali was released and security folks (both sides).

I'm continually shocked at how well ChatGPT can write code and solve problems that some people wouldn't dream of having the capacity to do with 10,000 hours of real experience.

I'm still puzzled why GYC* is not searchable.
Lol, I feel like GYC* worked 2 months ago. I know I researched them here, and looking back at my interactions with Zip, searching for GYC is the exact issue I had that led me to learning about the *.

A friend of Bill is a friend of mine!

I initially went to college for Computer Science in 1989. I was in the last class to be taught Cobol and Pascal. At 18yo, I realized that I'd have to spend my entire life in college, just to keep up with the changes, so I bailed tf out. While I regret leaving that behind, I had a long, successful, fun filled career as a chef - right up until I ruptured 2 discs in my neck, cutting me down in my prime.

The degree to which computer science has advanced far exceeds the education system. I feel like I could have spent 30 years in college and still not know half of it.

When I went back in the fall of 2018, I started a programming associates, switched to networking when I realized the time and stress programming requires, and hit a wall in CCNA classes. I wasn't looking to start a new career, I'm not physically capable, so I switched again to systems specialist. Managed to learn enough to build a gaming PC and banked $10k in scholarship kickbacks, on top of tuition and books paid for. It was worth it just for the financial aspect, lol.

But I do regret not sticking with it 35 years ago.. I probably wouldn't have ruptured discs and would still be working. Disability sucks to no end. I lost EVERYTHING I worked for. And that explains why I needed Bill.

Once Zip returns, I'd suggest chatting with him. Maybe you can help fix the search issue here. Being that there are so many 3 letters vendors, a 3 letter search is a necessity.
Great post, Chef. I have ordered from QSC but not Amo (and I don’t plan to). Like you, time has opened up new opportunities and access and that’s now my go-to. I had 4 DM’s on my Reddit account asking for sources. I am not replying to them. I was not spoon fed and I don’t want to spoon fed anyone either. Like you said, there’s so much to read here that will help newbies tremendously. It just takes effort. I’m a believer that when you put in the work to learn something, it sticks a whole lot better than someone just telling you.

Again, I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
I do not disagree with you or @Broken Chef, but it would probably be very helpful for a lot of new members if some of the old timers got together and made a “map”/guide for the new people and asked zip to sticky the post.

Everyone can’t be expected to have the time to do all that research.

Personally, I don’t really understand the motivation behind the gate keeping though (NOT trying to start something, it’s honest curiosity).

We won’t share our sources and forwarders since it’s our business, even though we don’t really compete with the Chinese market anyway.

But I don’t see why you need to have hidden buyer groups. Most vendors would be happy to do business with any buyer as long as they pay their price and meet their MOQ?
I am a new person here, technically. This is my first post. But I have been lurking for months. I have spent countless hours researching and trying to find answers to the questions I have. Don’t think all newbies don’t do their due diligence. I have poured over these forums and read as much as I could. I appreciate the knowledge here, but don’t be so discouraging. All of us aren’t the same.
I’ll throw in my two cents on the “I won’t order from x” discussion: i recommend paying close attention to the options available at a given moment and evaluating them every time you place an order. If you blindly order from a single source every time because you am trust them, mark my words, you will get burned (ahem, AR anyone?). Likewise if you forever write off a vendor (Q is a common target of this) then when a disruption happens such as the X closure you’re stuck with a bunch of worse options.

It takes some effort but keep an eye on the landscape and don’t be brand loyal, it’ll pay dividends. It’s very much a “what have you done for me lately?” situation.
But I don’t see why you need to have hidden buyer groups. Most vendors would be happy to do business with any buyer as long as they pay their price and meet their MOQ?
Not sure if you know this already, but the most prominent of these hidden buying groups is working with a re-launch of a Chinese manufacturer that was shut down by the ccp for attracting too much international attention by selling directly to customers in the west. There are also rumors that their main sales rep was either taken to a re-education camp or executed.
I do not disagree with you or @Broken Chef, but it would probably be very helpful for a lot of new members if some of the old timers got together and made a “map”/guide for the new people and asked zip to sticky the post.

Everyone can’t be expected to have the time to do all that research.

Personally, I don’t really understand the motivation behind the gate keeping though (NOT trying to start something, it’s honest curiosity).

We won’t share our sources and forwarders since it’s our business, even though we don’t really compete with the Chinese market anyway.

But I don’t see why you need to have hidden buyer groups. Most vendors would be happy to do business with any buyer as long as they pay their price and meet their MOQ?
There are lots of sources on this forum. There’s no shortage of suppliers. So if we choose to gatekeep a few for ourselves, no harm in that. I was a regular customer of XCE and their info was blasted on Reddit all the time. Well we know how that turned out. So while I certainly don’t mind participating in a guide of sorts to help others, don’t expect me to provide every ounce of my knowledge. Chef and I have the right to keep some things to ourselves.
There are lots of sources on this forum. There’s no shortage of suppliers. So if we choose to gatekeep a few for ourselves, no harm in that. I was a regular customer of XCE and their info was blasted on Reddit all the time. Well we know how that turned out. So while I certainly don’t mind participating in a guide of sorts to help others, don’t expect me to provide every ounce of my knowledge. Chef and I have the right to keep some things to ourselves.
Again, not trying to start something :)

You have the right to do exactly what you want, I was just wondering if there was a specific concern/reason.

The vendor getting overrun by orders and making bad choices/taking shortcuts to meet demand could definitely be one.

Since I don’t pay a lot of attention I have no idea what the story with XCE is, but I’ll search it up, thanks :)
Again, not trying to start something :)

You have the right to do exactly what you want, I was just wondering if there was a specific concern/reason.

The vendor getting overrun by orders and making bad choices/taking shortcuts to meet demand could definitely be one.

Since I don’t pay a lot of attention I have no idea what the story with XCE is, but I’ll search it up, thanks :)
Ya I don’t want to start anything either. I actually enjoy most of your posts.

But can I say something? You are a vendor. So you’re looking at this from a different perspective. I’m not hiding a vendor. I shop through private group buys. And that’s all I’m saying about that.

Have a great day.
Great post, Chef. I have ordered from QSC but not Amo (and I don’t plan to). Like you, time has opened up new opportunities and access and that’s now my go-to. I had 4 DM’s on my Reddit account asking for sources. I am not replying to them. I was not spoon fed and I don’t want to spoon fed anyone either. Like you said, there’s so much to read here that will help newbies tremendously. It just takes effort. I’m a believer that when you put in the work to learn something, it sticks a whole lot better than someone just telling you.

Again, I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
I am gracious for the help you provided. Cracking the door to Annie was all it took to set me on a path. Funny how that was so hard to come by 4 months ago, but now it's an open invitation posted everywhere.
I am gracious for the help you provided. Cracking the door to Annie was all it took to set me on a path. Funny how that was so hard to come by 4 months ago, but now it's an open invitation posted everywhere.
Exactly. First trying to get on discord was hard. Now the vendors all post it on here. So the sources are definitely accessible.
Ya I don’t want to start anything either. I actually enjoy most of your posts.

But can I say something? You are a vendor. So you’re looking at this from a different perspective. I’m not hiding a vendor. I shop through private group buys. And that’s all I’m saying about that.

Have a great day.

Apologies if my digging feels intrusive, just curious about fight club 😉
I am a new person here, technically. This is my first post. But I have been lurking for months. I have spent countless hours researching and trying to find answers to the questions I have. Don’t think all newbies don’t do their due diligence. I have poured over these forums and read as much as I could. I appreciate the knowledge here, but don’t be so discouraging. All of us aren’t the same.

I agree. I came from Reddit and there's actually quite a bit of information on Reddit on this subject. Lumping everyone from Reddit into one category is a hasty conclusion.

But I think Reddit is also a natural progression for most of us. I went from telemed prescriber > Reddit > here.

I'd already done my Bac water research etc etc....

Fun bac water fact: Hospira's MSDS sheet says not to refrigerate bac water.

I shop through private group buys.

I'm learning more about group buys and to be frank, a little sketched at the idea.

Exactly. First trying to get on discord was hard. Now the vendors all post it on here. So the sources are definitely accessible.

It's not a difficult subculture to get into. I still don't qualify for Peppy's 2 week cooler requirement for their source page and I'm already in several Discords. Some of which I see you folks in as well.

Sure, some people just want to be spoon fed. They don't want to build a clock to find out what time it is. Probably best to just point them to the Gator's sheets and let them learn to swim.
Not sure if you know this already, but the most prominent of these hidden buying groups is working with a re-launch of a Chinese manufacturer that was shut down by the ccp for attracting too much international attention by selling directly to customers in the west. There are also rumors that their main sales rep was either taken to a re-education camp or executed.
Had no idea, even though I post a lot here - I don’t really pay much attention to the vendors, don’t have the time since it isn’t relevant for me.

Thank you for the information, then I know it’s not sensible to dig 👍 And so does all new members that are upset with the “gate keeping”
I agree. I came from Reddit and there's actually quite a bit of information on Reddit on this subject. Lumping everyone from Reddit into one category is a hasty conclusion.

But I think Reddit is also a natural progression for most of us. I went from telemed prescriber > Reddit > here.

I'd already done my Bac water research etc etc....

Fun bac water fact: Hospira's MSDS sheet says not to refrigerate bac water.

I'm learning more about group buys and to be frank, a little sketched at the idea.

It's not a difficult subculture to get into. I still don't qualify for Peppy's 2 week cooler requirement for their source page and I'm already in several Discords. Some of which I see you folks in as well.

Sure, some people just want to be spoon fed. They don't want to build a clock to find out what time it is. Probably best to just point them to the Gator's sheets and let them learn to swim.
It is getting easier to gain access. But I’ve seen nukes take place on discord. Some will report these servers. And recently many of us got disciplined (not exactly the right term🤪). So some vendors close invites from time to time as well to protect their server. I even have left many servers out of concern for my account.
It is getting easier to gain access. But I’ve seen nukes take place on discord. Some will report these servers. And recently many of us got disciplined (not exactly the right term🤪). So some vendors close invites from time to time as well to protect their server. I even have left many servers out of concern for my account.

I made a throw-away account for this purpose. There's account switching.

I'd heard that some were disciplined. And I can't afford to lose my main Discord. I use it for my part-time gig.

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