Tracy gone MIA?

Speaking of QSC, is anyone able to assist me with identifying my peps since their support is offline currently? The ID numbers they provided when they sent me the order confirmation should match somewhere on the discrete packaging right?
That’s theoretically how it works. Godspeed though
Something being decriminalized means very little for the safety profile of use. It's perfect legal to eat and drink nothing but hamburgers and soda, but it's still awful for you. Alcohol is legal in most of the world, heavy use of it is still awful for you.

Abusing a drug, again, in the medical/research context, refers to using something outside of medical supervision and in doses beyond the therapeutic dose. So yes, some of us are abusing peptides. But AAS users in this context are almost universally abusing them, as the therapeutic doses for drugs like test, deca, etc., are well below the levels used by people using them for their effects in muscle growth.

You don't have to spend long on meso to find a post of yet another person not getting bloods, downplaying their high blood pressure, etc. Or pretending their BP isn't an issue because telmisartan has gotten it under control. Professional bodybuilding and AAS use are highly correlated with an increase in mortality. It's hard to prove causality, but there is enough data around it and a plethora of mechanisms that explain potential causes, so the idea that gym bros are pinnacles of health despite their AAS usage is not an idea that stands on particularly firm ground.

Roid rage is an unscientific term that does little to explain the complex way AAS use impacts the brain, but the idea that they have no neurological impact is simply false (see the studies I linked a few pages back), and for many users, it 100% manifests as increased aggression and anger. Many AAS users have specifically spoken about it, such as Dr. Mike Israetel. The idea that some of these AAS just make you calm and others are the real monster maker is not something we have any specific evidence for in the literature. Some people might experience no or minimal impact. Others might experience significant impact.

Look: No one here is saying to not use AAS. This community in general seems to very much fall in line with the idea that adults should be able to inject what they want in their body and make their own decisions about the trade offs of doing so.

But let's not act like AAS use is all sunshine and daffodils. There's not a free lunch, you're not getting to pack on additional muscle at significantly enhanced rates without negative impacts to your health, and in a statistically significant portion of AAS users, those impacts include increased anger and aggression. Underplaying the medical risks of AAS usage only encourages irresponsible use of them by leaving the users uninformed.
Spoken like someone who has never actually taken steroids, gj wasting everyone’s time. I’m on test, mast, and tren around half a gram total and my bp is staying under 120/70 so clearly not really the issue here and other lifestyle factors are
Spoken like someone who has never actually taken steroids, gj wasting everyone’s time. I’m on test, mast, and tren around half a gram total and my bp is staying under 120/70 so clearly not really the issue here and other lifestyle factors are
This is such a stupid dangerous thing to say its not even funny. Are you seriously trying to say that because you personally are not currently suffering any negative side effects, then it must be that there is nothing bad about steroids? Are you that dense.
Spoken like someone who has never actually taken steroids, gj wasting everyone’s time. I’m on test, mast, and tren around half a gram total and my bp is staying under 120/70 so clearly not really the issue here and other lifestyle factors are
It's well known that some people tolerate steroids better than others. IFBB pros exist and most of them don't fall over dead. I'm legitimately glad for you that you respond well and that it has minimal impacts on your blood pressure. That isn't the case for everyone, even those that are at healthy weights, do regular cardio, have a good diet, etc.

Your anecdotal experience does not invalidate mountains of scientific research and broad consensus on the impacts of AAS use.
It's well known that some people tolerate steroids better than others. IFBB pros exist and most of them don't fall over dead. I'm legitimately glad for you that you respond well and that it has minimal impacts on your blood pressure. That isn't the case for everyone, even those that are at healthy weights, do regular cardio, have a good diet, etc.

Your anecdotal experience does not invalidate mountains of scientific research and broad consensus on the impacts of AAS use.
I think like everything else, it's all about moderation. In the case of pro bodybuilders, not just moderation in steroids and supplements, but moderation in behavior as well. Years of blasting to the max, extreme cutting cycles, crash diets, etc. are going to take a toll and you're going to have a higher likelihood of adverse health events and decreased longevity. Your average guy on a "TRT+" type regimen or a hobbyist lifter running "normal" cycles is probably going to be okay. I see no harm in it as long as you're using common sense and watching your bloods and mental state closely.
I think like everything else, it's all about moderation. In the case of pro bodybuilders, not just moderation in steroids and supplements, but moderation in behavior as well. Years of blasting to the max, extreme cutting cycles, crash diets, etc. are going to take a toll and you're going to have a higher likelihood of adverse health events and decreased longevity. Your average guy on a "TRT+" type regimen or a hobbyist lifter running "normal" cycles is probably going to be okay. I see no harm in it as long as you're using common sense and watching your bloods and mental state closely.
I think thats what most of us pro-caution individuals are getting at. Pro body builders absolutely throwing their hormones in a tail spin is very different then jim and joe trying to recover quicker and get some bigger gains. I want to try using HGH with 1-2 IU to help keep my muscle mass up while im on glp1's, alternatively GHRP-2 is interesting to me by simply increasing what my body already produces.
I think like everything else, it's all about moderation. In the case of pro bodybuilders, not just moderation in steroids and supplements, but moderation in behavior as well. Years of blasting to the max, extreme cutting cycles, crash diets, etc. are going to take a toll and you're going to have a higher likelihood of adverse health events and decreased longevity. Your average guy on a "TRT+" type regimen or a hobbyist lifter running "normal" cycles is probably going to be okay. I see no harm in it as long as you're using common sense and watching your bloods and mental state closely.
There is significantly less risk in moderate usage of AAS than extremely high levels, to be sure.

But there is increased risk even at trt+ levels. You want to minimize it watching your bloods, bp, etc., for sure. But it's still more than if you weren't doing it.

I've got no issue with people using AAS - I'm on TRT, and am saving the extra vials of test I get for increased dosages when I get my weight and bf% down. If I have success, I'll be adding more AAS to that for future cycles. In no way am I against the use of AAS.

What I am against is people acting like there are no risks. The science just simply doesn't support the idea that it is just as safe as not using it, or that there are no side effects. That's not even the prevailing stance on places like meso.

Of course not everyone take AAS turns into a gigantic asshole, or has their heart explode, or whatever. Despite consuming copious amounts of marijuana over decades, I have never had it cause paranoia. Lots of people don't experience any paranoia at all, even at very high doses. But I'm still going to caution people that that is a well known side effect of smoking weed. Even if AAS use only amplifies existing feelings or tendencies, the difference between an amplified response might be walking away from an argument muttering under your breathe vs. getting into a shouting match.
There is significantly less risk in moderate usage of AAS than extremely high levels, to be sure.

But there is increased risk even at trt+ levels. You want to minimize it watching your bloods, bp, etc., for sure. But it's still more than if you weren't doing it.

I've got no issue with people using AAS - I'm on TRT, and am saving the extra vials of test I get for increased dosages when I get my weight and bf% down. If I have success, I'll be adding more AAS to that for future cycles. In no way am I against the use of AAS.

What I am against is people acting like there are no risks. The science just simply doesn't support the idea that it is just as safe as not using it, or that there are no side effects. That's not even the prevailing stance on places like meso.

Of course not everyone take AAS turns into a gigantic asshole, or has their heart explode, or whatever. Despite consuming copious amounts of marijuana over decades, I have never had it cause paranoia. Lots of people don't experience any paranoia at all, even at very high doses. But I'm still going to caution people that that is a well known side effect of smoking weed. Even if AAS use only amplifies existing feelings or tendencies, the difference between an amplified response might be walking away from an argument muttering under your breathe vs. getting into a shouting match.
The risks (and hassle. there's some micromanagement involved) are why I haven't dabbled yet. I made the call to get my weight/bodyfat where I need it to be, retest my levels and go from there. I'm not "clinically" low (the range of "acceptable" levels is hogwash though) just on the cusp, so for now I'm unsure as to whether i want to take on the hassle.
no, no.

i've just learned not to be so damned honest about everything.

lie my ass off like everybody else. i get in DMs with people and find out they're trying like 30 things. i'm like why do i take all the flak
You're not supposed to admit that you're not being honest. Doing that is way too honest.
Just curious, what does a "TRT+" type regimen typically consist of? I know what TRT is, and I've learned a ton about peptides, and I know what AAS is (but have never done them.) What's the "+" that folks who do TRT typically do?
That's AAS abuse disguised as TRT. Makes people feel better about themselves.

Disclaimer: I think responsible adults should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies as long as it doesn't put additional burden on society.
Just curious, what does a "TRT+" type regimen typically consist of? I know what TRT is, and I've learned a ton about peptides, and I know what AAS is (but have never done them.) What's the "+" that folks who do TRT typically do?
Increasing their testosterone dosage to put them in the supraphysiological range, but not by a huge margin. Or adding a low dosage of an additional AAS. Some TRT clinics even prescribe var/deca/winny .
This is such a stupid dangerous thing to say its not even funny. Are you seriously trying to say that because you personally are not currently suffering any negative side effects, then it must be that there is nothing bad about steroids? Are you that dense.
110% what he said!
Especially tren! For god’s sake have you lost your mind???!!!
That's AAS abuse disguised as TRT. Makes people feel better about themselves.

Disclaimer: I think responsible adults should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies as long as it doesn't put additional burden on society.
Says the person injecting peptides with way less clinical research and human studies. You don’t even know what risks you’re taking.
Care to elaborate which peptides without human studies I inject? I have nothing against AAS, but your claim about a person you don't know is ridiculous.
Just curious, what does a "TRT+" type regimen typically consist of? I know what TRT is, and I've learned a ton about peptides, and I know what AAS is (but have never done them.) What's the "+" that folks who do TRT typically do?
Some clinics do test + deca so you can get help with joints from deca. Outside of clinical settings you commonly see people add mast or primo which are fairly mild and mostly cosmetic in effect and then for cutting you might see test, mast, and low dose tren like 70 mg a week. The low dose of tren help you keep muscle during a cut and keeps water retention down, hardly any side effects at that dose either. Low dose HGH is also common to add to trt+ like 2-4 iu. The real definition of trt+ is doses that are sustainable for long periods of time without risks to health.
Has anyone received their order yet? haha
but seriously, I have 2 orders outstanding from around Christmas time. I never did get tracking numbers. Nothing shows as incoming on USPS. Got my fingers crossed.
I'm in the same situation. One order in the wind. One showed up smashed and poorly packaged and one made it without issue. (All from black Friday but we're supposed to ship mid December from US WAREHOUSE)🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I'm obviously hoping the last one will arrive but not counting on it now. They offered to reship smashed stuff if I paid shipping and for 3 extra bottles but I didn't want to send them more cash with an out-standing order and limited communication. I'm not a hater..I really want them to work out. And I can wait. We'll see.
Some clinics do test + deca so you can get help with joints from deca. Outside of clinical settings you commonly see people add mast or primo which are fairly mild and mostly cosmetic in effect and then for cutting you might see test, mast, and low dose tren like 70 mg a week. The low dose of tren help you keep muscle during a cut and keeps water retention down, hardly any side effects at that dose either. Low dose HGH is also common to add to trt+ like 2-4 iu. The real definition of trt+ is doses that are sustainable for long periods of time without risks to health.
Dear lord almighty… you are one stupid guy …
There is nothing safe about Tren!!!
No trt clinic prescribes tren.

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