I have always kept my mouth shut about Aminos Research because it seemed that so many really liked their product and service.
They screwed me over for over $1K before their hiatus. Two orders were placed, one they had “lost” my order. I complained about not receiving, they then send me a tracking number and I was sent a box with bubble plastic and trash. And a note on shipping invoice “reship for dumbass”..
it sounds a bit insane to me, something like CanTydes style
Ohhhhhhhhh for sure! AA has definitely entered Cantides territory, and one-upped them by redefining unhinged.
I’ve only seen this style of shenanigans to skirt the law when it comes to recreational drug use, and creating undetectable analogues of restricted drugs that are technically legal because the chemical compounds are not legislated against or regulated. This is effectively AA styling themselves as a pharmaceutical manufacturer, who have crowdsourced the clinical trials to ‘researchers’, and will tweak their chains based of anecdotal evidence. It’ll potentially also starts a rush between other peptide sellers to do the same seeking larger gains while selling on the idea it’s for the betterment of the community and freedom from corporate interests.
With talks of reporters sniffing around looking for stories, and big pharma complaining of playing whack-a-mole. Government and their regulators will most certainly be looking much closer at this whole community/scene than they may have planned or intended to.
This is an epochal moment for this space, and not a good one.
Today, I’ve witnessed Icarus fly to close to the sun 🤦‍♂️
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

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Wonder if it was a tirz- sema mix or a tirz with a modified amino acid sequence…
Suggest we refrain from labeling people. Many of those people don’t know what they don’t know. They may find their way to this forum and it will be our responsibility to guide them.
Did you try to guide them ?
Maybe you haven't read all that goes on in there. Many were kicked out including myself for trying to tell the them.
It doesn't take long to read through that group to realize that some people just don't want to be guided.
It goes back to saying that unfortunately some people really shouldn't be meddling with things in the community.
Anything said or done gainst Brandon in there you better know how to handle it. For that they don't need to be guided.
I stand by what I say.
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Which I hate, because I love peppys. And now it’s like double edged sword vibes if we need to discuss how AR’s post and claims made us feel vs oh shit am I going to be deleted if I state how I feel. But the point of peps is for us to discuss our personal experience!
Idk he’s getting dragged pretty hard in his mea culpa post over on peppys… I’d say the criticism of his actions is pretty harsh! (And deservedly so)
Regarding GLiPtide, we worked with a team of scientists and testing labs to design modifications in order for researchers to study the effects of various fatty acid side chains in lieu of the existing side chains utilized on existing GLP1 type sequences available. GLiPtide specifically was the C18 side chain of Sema on the main sequence of Tirz instead of the C20 side chain currently utilized. GLiPtide is two carbons smaller. This was tested and validated by the labs as it’s such a small change. We had plans to also develop and study a myriad of other side chain with main chain combos to better understand the effects of these fatty acids. While I believe that studies of these side chains would make for very enlightening and fruitful studies, my delivery of what we were doing was simply poor. In my excitement over this new product, I failed to thoroughly assess the implications of such an endeavor and my delivery of information was extremely misguided. For that I am deeply sorry to you all.
Brandons post on Peps
Wonder if it was a tirz- sema mix or a tirz with a modified amino acid sequence…
Regarding GLiPtide, we worked with a team of scientists and testing labs to design modifications in order for researchers to study the effects of various fatty acid side chains in lieu of the existing side chains utilized on existing GLP1 type sequences available. GLiPtide specifically was the C18 side chain of Sema on the main sequence of Tirz instead of the C20 side chain currently utilized. GLiPtide is two carbons smaller. This was tested and validated by the labs as it’s such a small change. We had plans to also develop and study a myriad of other side chain with main chain combos to better understand the effects of these fatty acids. While I believe that studies of these side chains would make for very enlightening and fruitful studies, my delivery of what we were doing was simply poor. In my excitement over this new product, I failed to thoroughly assess the implications of such an endeavor and my delivery of information was extremely misguided. For that I am deeply sorry to you all.
Brandons post on Peps
Yeah just saw it….crazy.
I have always kept my mouth shut about Aminos Research because it seemed that so many really liked their product and service.
They screwed me over for over $1K before their hiatus. Two orders were placed, one they had “lost” my order. I complained about not receiving, they then send me a tracking number and I was sent a box with bubble plastic and trash. And a note on shipping invoice “reship for dumbass”..
This is…. Absolutely nuts.
Regarding GLiPtide, we worked with a team of scientists and testing labs to design modifications in order for researchers to study the effects of various fatty acid side chains in lieu of the existing side chains utilized on existing GLP1 type sequences available. GLiPtide specifically was the C18 side chain of Sema on the main sequence of Tirz instead of the C20 side chain currently utilized. GLiPtide is two carbons smaller. This was tested and validated by the labs as it’s such a small change. We had plans to also develop and study a myriad of other side chain with main chain combos to better understand the effects of these fatty acids. While I believe that studies of these side chains would make for very enlightening and fruitful studies, my delivery of what we were doing was simply poor. In my excitement over this new product, I failed to thoroughly assess the implications of such an endeavor and my delivery of information was extremely misguided. For that I am deeply sorry to you all.
Brandons post on Peps
so it is now exactly on the same level as "legal highs" industry

not good, it will attract now even more unwanted attraction of regulatory bodies and medias
While I won't be trying this novel peptide anytime soon (folks - it truly is novel, not a blend), it seems the promises that came about from the initial announcement are based not on observations, but educated guesses based on the sequence of AAs and how it compares with the sequence of existing Incretin Mimetics like Sema and Tirz.

We have no idea how exactly this incretin mimetic binds to GLP-1/GIP or any other receptors.

Does it even bind? If it does, does it behave like we want it to? Does it behave more like a liraglutide or dulaglutide, or does it have a nice and long half life like semaglutide? All of these have similar edits on the AA sequence.

Furthermore, when it binds, is it aggressive? Does it have an affinity for any other receptors that could be problematic?

I feel like their language behind the announcement is irresponsible. I feel that anyone who's looking to try this on themselves right out the gate are being irresponsible to themselves.

WITH THAT SAID: This community, for YEARS has hid behind the "Nah these are totally research peptides for my uhhh, Pet Narwhal!" claiming "research" when we know what is really meant. We have seen people use peptides that failed out of trials, have iffy safety profiles, may or may not mess with your endocrine system. We've seen people use peptides as a gateway into DNP and serious PEDs.

I don't think this community can have it both ways. The title of this post is alarmist and unnecessary.

You're using peptides for research? Boom - here's the perfect candidate for research.

You're using peptides for "research?" - then maybe walk away from this one, but you can at least allow it to be discussed because it sure as shit ain't going anywhere.
The post is absolutely alarmist because the behavior of this vendor is alarming.

Every other peptide out there has been through some kind of legitimate R&D process at some point in the past, the vast majority of them having completed animal trials and many having completed some human trials. Regardless there is a lot of literature and knowledge publicly available for all of them to help people make informed decisions about what they're experimenting with.

Here we're dealing with a person with zero qualifications cooking up some mystery molecule with only his word about what it allegedly is and does (we learned in private discussions that his assertions about the efficacy, etc. were entirely THEORETICAL with zero actual proof to back up his claims never mind any kind of SAFETY concerns). Top that off with his Coca Cola-esque "secret recipe" and unlike every other peptide in the world for which there is publicly available and peer reviewed data he's expecting people to just take his word. Alarming.

Frankly, this guy is dangerous and it's only prudent to assume that any of his other products that haven't been proven pure and safe via independent testing (and not any testing he has commissioned or paid for) ARE NOT SAFE TO USE. Someone this mentally unstable could very easily have been altering products sent to customers for MONTHS to see how they reported back on the effects of what they thought was tirzepatide when they were in fact an unwilling test subject injecting this mystery chemical. Medical history has a long list of supposedly well-intentioned "scientists" and "physicians" injecting people with experimental drugs under the guise that they were safe vaccines, etc. that turned out killing, sickening, and crippling countless innocent people. That is what this narcissistic psychopath just tried doing to unwitting members of the peptide enthusiast community.
The post is absolutely alarmist because the behavior of this vendor is alarming.

Every other peptide out there has been through some kind of legitimate R&D process at some point in the past, the vast majority of them having completed animal trials and many having completed some human trials. Regardless there is a lot of literature and knowledge publicly available for all of them to help people make informed decisions about what they're experimenting with.

Here we're dealing with a person with zero qualifications cooking up some mystery molecule with only his word about what it allegedly is and does (we learned in private discussions that his assertions about the efficacy, etc. were entirely THEORETICAL with zero actual proof to back up his claims never mind any kind of SAFETY concerns). Top that off with his Coca Cola-esque "secret recipe" and unlike every other peptide in the world for which there is publicly available and peer reviewed data he's expecting people to just take his word. Alarming.

Frankly, this guy is dangerous and it's only prudent to assume that any of his other products that haven't been proven pure and safe via independent testing (and not any testing he has commissioned or paid for) ARE NOT SAFE TO USE. Someone this mentally unstable could very easily have been altering products sent to customers for MONTHS to see how they reported back on the effects of what they thought was tirzepatide when they were in fact an unwilling test subject injecting this mystery chemical. Medical history has a long list of supposedly well-intentioned "scientists" and "physicians" injecting people with experimental drugs under the guise that they were safe vaccines, etc. that turned out killing, sickening, and crippling countless innocent people. That is what this narcissistic psychopath just tried doing to unwitting members of the peptide enthusiast community.
Are you in the COHR? Curious by your comment “we learned in private discussions…”

I have only ever purchased from him through the wholesale site and trust those products and will research them. But as for future purchases I probably won’t just because domestic is too expensive. I’m not suspicious of his inventory but just don’t like to overpay.