Who is currently or was previously above a 15mg dose?

I'm currently on my last 15-20lbs to lose. For the life of me I'm chicken to go up. I'm only at 7.5 started in May. I love how you say FucK it SciencE! I'm there because this is not working for me. I'm thinking going up to 10mg because nothing is happening. I've been on 2.5 most of the way. I guess after 7 months my body is not accepting low doses. I'm ready to pull that trigger for the last few lbs.
My wife and myself been on 7.5 since about October (we started in August) - once a week. This week we went to 7.5 after 5 days as both of us started getting super hungry at the day 4 mark. It's weird that we're in sync since we have completely different body types even if we have been dose matching the entire time... but anyway I'm going to stick to the shorter 5 day cycle of 7.5mg now as that should give a more consistent minimum 9mg+ dose in the blood stream, since the half life is 5 days.
My wife and myself been on 7.5 since about October (we started in August) - once a week. This week we went to 7.5 after 5 days as both of us started getting super hungry at the day 4 mark. It's weird that we're in sync since we have completely different body types even if we have been dose matching the entire time... but anyway I'm going to stick to the shorter 5 day cycle of 7.5mg now as that should give a more consistent minimum 9mg+ dose in the blood stream, since the half life is 5 days.
I'm going for every 5 days now
20-25lbs to Goal- lost first 35lbs within 3 months. Mid 50s female- I've been at 12.5 since late October 2024, experiencing my 2nd stall. Plan 15mg in about a month. My plan is to max at 15mg for a few months to see where that gets me regarding goal. If stall occurs again following 15mg max out, the plan is Reta transition w/ minimal Cagri stack.
If goal weight achieved, plan for Reta maintenance bi weekly or weekly. I'll have to research at that time.
I'm currently on my last 15-20lbs to lose. For the life of me I'm chicken to go up. I'm only at 7.5 started in May. I love how you say FucK it SciencE! I'm there because this is not working for me. I'm thinking going up to 10mg because nothing is happening. I've been on 2.5 most of the way. I guess after 7 months my body is not accepting low doses. I'm ready to pull that trigger for the last few lbs.
Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes if you decide to move up.

For science, of course.😉
Currently at 15, will be doing 5th dose tomorrow. I'm about 3lbs from my goal weight. Started Feb. 24.
6'2" big framed, goal weight is 245.


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I read somewhere big flower is currently testing up to 20 or 25.
I think at some point it just stops helping you lose weight. She is at 28-30mg a week but in maintenance. She said it just takes the edge off appetite and helps with food noise.

If you look at the trial data most people, regardless of dosage, stopped losing weight after about 60 weeks. What the data doesn't tell you is if you can extend this period by titrating up over a long period of time. In other words, if the people on 5mg titrated to 10mg after the weightloss stopped, would they lose weight beyond the 60 weeks?
I think at some point it just stops helping you lose weight. She is at 28-30mg a week but in maintenance. She said it just takes the edge off appetite and helps with food noise.

If you look at the trial data most people, regardless of dosage, stopped losing weight after about 60 weeks. What the data doesn't tell you is if you can extend this period by titrating up over a long period of time. In other words, if the people on 5mg titrated to 10mg after the weightloss stopped, would they lose weight beyond the 60 weeks?
Hmmm I wonder too.
I think at some point it just stops helping you lose weight. She is at 28-30mg a week but in maintenance. She said it just takes the edge off appetite and helps with food noise.

If you look at the trial data most people, regardless of dosage, stopped losing weight after about 60 weeks. What the data doesn't tell you is if you can extend this period by titrating up over a long period of time. In other words, if the people on 5mg titrated to 10mg after the weightloss stopped, would they lose weight beyond the 60 weeks?
That's why I'm sticking with sema as long as possible. When sema stops working, I've still got tirz and reta to try. Maybe survo or maz. The options will be numerous by then.

I'm also open to stacking if sema still helps with noise but not with weight. I never want noise again. 🥲
I went up to 25mg the past 2 months. I started tirz Aug 1st 2023 and lost my first 30lbs on just 2.5mg and then my weight loss slowed so I started titrating up and by a year in, I had hit 60lbs down and up to 15mg but I still wanted to lose another 60lbs. I was only dropping about 1lb a month since the summer so I decided to try going up. Did 20mg for a month in November/December and then went up to 25mg. I didn't find it helped lol. Actually the thing that has seemed to help the most is moving my injection back to my thigh! I went down about 3-4lbs since doing that at the beginning of the month lol.

I personally have had VERY few side effects from tirz the whole time I've been on it. It made me sleepy in the very beginning on shot days and I have had some constipation here and there, but it's mostly only helped with satiety and less so with appetite reduction and food noise. Honestly, if I hadn't lost weight, I would think I was taking a placebo or was just a non-responder.

I've gone back down to 15mg this last shot because I was trying to get my order in with QSC before CNY and seemed to have missed them, so now I need to stretch out the rest of my supply to last until next month. I'm also going to start stacking with sema to try and get some actual appetite reduction help and hopefully start things back up again.
I'm currently on my last 15-20lbs to lose. For the life of me I'm chicken to go up. I'm only at 7.5 started in May. I love how you say FucK it SciencE! I'm there because this is not working for me. I'm thinking going up to 10mg because nothing is happening. I've been on 2.5 most of the way. I guess after 7 months my body is not accepting low doses. I'm ready to pull that trigger for the last few lbs.
For what it's worth, I noticed no differences between 5mg-15mg in terms of side effects that got any worse. I also started in May. I always broke my stalls by eating bad for a couple days. It definitely resets something in my body. 4th of July weekend was excellent for me lol