Who is currently or was previously above a 15mg dose?

My goal weight is 189 pounds. My start weight was 268. I’m down to 206. I can’t imagine a woman weighing 150 and I should have the same max dose.

I started on sema in sept of 23 . Maxed out at 5 mg after almost 12 months. Got down to about 216 and stalled a bit. Took a little time off as I had 2 minor surgeries( colonoscopy and nose surgery ). They wanted 2 weeks for each off meds. Plus a month in between. I switched to tirz on the month in between. 2.5 to start. Then went to 5 after. Didn’t really have much luck. Started to feel it at 7.5 and then started losing again at 10. Now I’m at 15 and still slowly losing. I’m going to keep on 15 for a few weeks. If I don’t lose any more I may make a change. Either up the dose , try Reta or add Cagri to the tirz.

Also considering Tesamorelin as I get closer to my goal to help with some still stubborn stomach fat. I’ve heard it’s good for the last few pounds.
If you're saying you maxed out at 5mg Sema that's 2.5x the max dose of Ozempic. Proportionally be 37.5mg Tirz! Is that what you meant to say?

I think a bit of Cagri while maybe lowering your Tirz dose might be worth trying... I'd say whataya got to lose but you know. 🙄
If you're saying you maxed out at 5mg Sema that's 2.5x the max dose of Ozempic. Proportionally be 37.5mg Tirz! Is that what you meant to say?

I think a bit of Cagri while maybe lowering your Tirz dose might be worth trying... I'd say whataya got to lose but you know. 🙄
My bad. I meant to say 2.5 mg of sema. It has been a few months
I'm taking 15mg every 5-6 days, but a couple of times I've done it with just a 4 day separation between shots and experienced no major side effects. At first, I felt the incredible appetite reduction that I did when I first began taking tirz in Jan of last year, but now it just feels like every other dose. I'm happy to have it still, don't get me wrong, but I do really miss those first few months on tirz. They were magical.
Sounds like it acts the same as most other meds/drugs. Good in the beginning and then you start to build a tolerance so you have to go up and up...
Do you dose all the same day ? Or what’s your schedule?

No, every 3.5 days... 10mg tirz and .8mg sema every 3.5ish days.

EDIT: I also know someone who is on 30mg of Tirz weekly.
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I took 15 mg every 5 days for several months and now take 15 every 6 or 7 days. The biggest issue I have had is with headaches for 2 days post injection. It doesn't matter what dose I am on it started at 2.5 mg and continues. I try to dose on Friday AM so I am off during the worst of it.
I moved up to 15mg Tz in late January. Current, slow loss, almost a stall, 10 lbs from goal. Last couple weeks, no scale movement. Oddly, Heart rate appears to have increased slitely during the 15. My game plan hasn't changed. I'll stay at 15 until goal, then transition to Reta w/ Cagri stack of .125 initially.
can they poop

heh. I didn't ask.

Been trying to come up with a protocol for myself as that is somewhat of a problem area. Right now I'm settling in on 3-4 ducolax (actually costco generic) a day. And it seems to be the ticket for smooth audits.
For sure! I use cherry Dulcolax before bed every 2-3 nights and it usually works soon as i wake up or within the hr. It hasn't let me down yet. Everyone is saying Mag07 but it is basically the same thing only without the H2O. Besides, Dulcolax is cheaper ($5.00 walmart). Also, it's more gentle and non-cramping. To each their own. In the end it don't matter what you use to 💩 as long as you get to 💩 😁
For sure! I use cherry Dulcolax before bed every 2-3 nights and it usually works soon as i wake up or within the hr. It hasn't let me down yet. Everyone is saying Mag07 but it is basically the same thing only without the H2O. Besides, Dulcolax is cheaper ($5.00 walmart). Also, it's more gentle and non-cramping. To each their own. In the end it don't matter what you use to 💩 as long as you get to 💩 😁

Yeah, I think of it as a safety issue.

Without anything, it's a struggle. I tried magnesium and Miralax daily which seemed to work OK. But when I was at Coscto I couldn't find the mag at the doseage I wanted and I was just unsure if it was the right choice. So in haste I bought this Docusate Sodium bottle. I don't recall the price but there is 400 gel caps in there. Easy to take. Does the trick.

One case of a death related to GLP1s that I've read about was caused from complications of a perforated bowel. I assume due to constipation.

But now with this regimen I'm extruding fine. Before that I'd use the Fleet product which seems like it should be an emergency only situation. I don't want to describe it so you'll have to look up Fleet. But it was a real hassle and no fun.

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