Will anything ever bring the early magic back?

I started Tirz in July 2024 and it's been a successful ride so far. I am still losing, or not gaining, albeit slowly. Lost 45 pounds and about 15 or 20 to go.

I've stayed at 12.5mg till now, and I'm ready to go to 15mg on my next dose. But i've also been stacking cagri or cagrisema on day 5 of the tirz cycle to mitigate hunger.

The issue is that I just don't get the feels like I used to. I don't get the feeling that I'm full after a small portion, I don't get the food aversions or just absolute disinterest in snacking, and I don't get the ability to chug a protein shake for breakfast and forget about food until dinner.

I know there's a lot I could do. I can increase my dose a little, or take it more frequently. I can stack more cagri or sema or survo, I can transition to or stack reta...lots of options.

But what I really wonder is, is there any way to bring back the magic of those first couple months. I loved those days where I could just not think about food for 12 hours straight. Even when I increase my dose or stack, it doesn't seem to be the same.

Honestly it's not surprising to me that people start getting caught up in the suspicion they got a bad batch or a bad vial, or it's degraded or whatever. I don't think those things have happened to my products most likely, but I see why people think it. After some time, it just doesn't feel the same.

Is there any way to bring the magic back?
I read that if you did a 6week wash out you would be able to re-start at lower doses. I was at 10mg. I washed out for 6 weeks and re started at 5mg.
When I did that, I gained 8# and it took me a month to regain forward progress. 🤷‍♀️. I'm still loosing, just not as rapidly as before I think its not just the drug metabolism, but my whole metabolism had changed. Up to a point t I didn't put any effort into exercise. Ut maybe with this last 15#I might
I read that if you did a 6week wash out you would be able to re-start at lower doses. I was at 10mg. I washed out for 6 weeks and re started at 5mg.
When I did that, I gained 8# and it took me a month to regain forward progress. 🤷‍♀️. I'm still loosing, just not as rapidly as before I think its not just the drug metabolism, but my whole metabolism had changed. Up to a point t I didn't put any effort into exercise. Ut maybe with this last 15#I might
Whatever you do, make sure that you don't take GLP-1 drugs the way they worked most effectively in the clinical trials.
I just started a daily nal dose, I wonder if that'll make my sema feel magic again? I'm also on bupropion so I'm basically on sema AND Contrave right now. If I don't start losing faster I'll riot.
What daily dose of Nal? I’m curious the difference in how regular dosed Nal affects receptors vs. LDN!

Anecdotally, I did try regular Nal (50mg) daily when I was also on Wellbutrin about a decade ago for bulimia addiction/ cravings. It didn’t touch the bulimia impulses, but I imagine it is different for alcohol/ smoking/ opioid addiction. Also, if people aren’t purging as a part of their food addiction, I suspect the Nal may help more, as that is half the additive component.

Linking Hunter’s LDN video below!
I don't normally post source questions but is Naltrexone available from the CN vendors or India pharma or do you need a telehealth script?
Idk, but if you get compounded low-dose naltrexone, it is much more expensive than using a Good RX coupon for the regular dose naltrexone from your GP. I don’t have (or need) a GP or health insurance, so my telehealth psychiatrist was willing to prescribe it after a short discussion. $30 for 6-12 months LDN.
I got a script from my actual psych, it just took months to fill. Turns out they won't fill just 30, I had to get a 90 day supply.

When I was having trouble getting it a bunch of people messaged me to try Indian pharmacies, but I didn't end up trying that.
That’s crazy, was it the pharmacy or your dock that wouldn’t give you a 30 day supply? I filled a 30 day supply here in TX with a GoodRX coupon for $30. Maybe every state has a different guidelines or different pharmacies do?
There are at least 5400 women on Reddit who say you take 2.5mg for over a year, and it continues to work perfectly, and it is dangerous if you titrate up. I think you asked this question in a safe space lol

But yes, I started in Feb 2024 and Tirz does absolutely nothing for me besides give me some hard do doos for three days.
Whatever you do, make sure that you don't take GLP-1 drugs the way they worked most effectively in the clinical trials.
Those dosing plans are optimized so the lowest common denominator doesn’t screw it up. I’m not convinced that weekly dosing is ideal for every single one of these compounds, or that the doses are as one-size-fits-all as was used in the trials.

That said, you’re not wrong. But tweaking for individual variation isn’t totally bonkers
What daily dose of Nal? I’m curious the difference in how regular dosed Nal affects receptors vs. LDN!

Anecdotally, I did try regular Nal (50mg) daily when I was also on Wellbutrin about a decade ago for bulimia addiction/ cravings. It didn’t touch the bulimia impulses, but I imagine it is different for alcohol/ smoking/ opioid addiction. Also, if people aren’t purging as a part of their food addiction, I suspect the Nal may help more, as that is half the additive component.

Linking Hunter’s LDN video below!
50mg. We'll see. The Wellbutrin was supposed to be for nicotine which didn't work but it turned out it did wonders for my mood when used with buspirone. The sema helped with the nicotine, I'm using almost none now it's mostly habit. I only just started it so I have no opinion on the nal yet, so far sema worked for alcohol by like 90%.
That’s crazy, was it the pharmacy or your dock that wouldn’t give you a 30 day supply? I filled a 30 day supply here in TX with a GoodRX coupon for $30. Maybe every state has a different guidelines or different pharmacies do?
I honestly don't know, my pharmacy just kept not filling it for like five months then when my psych sent in a 90 day script instead now that she considers me Stable and Trustworthy (tm) all of a sudden they had it. I probably should have asked why, I would have happily just paid for it cash, I had to do that last year when my insurance wouldn't cover lamotrigine in anything less than 90 day supply.
I'm at a good weight to be goal weight now. I have noticed the same for the past maybe two months. I am starting to crave sugar like before. I get hungry and start thinking about food out of nowhere. I am eating more, more often but it seems like I still get full where before I never did.

I weigh myself every morning and there have been a few mornings where I just knew I blew it. I am maintaining my weight within 5 pounds. small fluctuations. I suppose if it continues like this and the hunger never comes like before the medicine this is actually ideal and a good place for me to learn and eat slower, with purpose, not skip meals so it comes on full force.

just my current experience

First pin April 2, 2024
i already take adderall so adding ephedrine isn't in the cards for me. i have taken it once or twice when i couldn't get the addys though. didn't help much for focus.

eh, sad to hear the magic is probably gone forever. hopefully it remains effective anyway even if i get hungry more often. as i type this i just finished off a small bowl of sloppy joe meat leftovers that would have filled me for hours previously and i don't even feel satisfied this time.

definitely going to 15mg tirz and upping the cag asap
You take Adderall and you're still hungry? Crazy.
Also, if you don’t care about your wellness and really just don’t want to feel hungry for 12 hours at a time, you can always take a couple of bronkaid (ephedrine) tablets. Combined with tirz you definitely won’t want to eat.
Thanks for the reminder. I think I still have some of them stashed. I remember having to show my license for that purchase as they keep those behind the counter now.
My NP said I was in a tough spot when I complained that on the 5th-ish day I wanted to eat everything. She said it was just in my head.

Then I read the entire study on tirz and sema.
The half life is 5 days.
I read that if you did a 6week wash out you would be able to re-start at lower doses. I was at 10mg. I washed out for 6 weeks and re started at 5mg.
When I did that, I gained 8# and it took me a month to regain forward progress. 🤷‍♀️. I'm still loosing, just not as rapidly as before I think its not just the drug metabolism, but my whole metabolism had changed. Up to a point t I didn't put any effort into exercise. Ut maybe with this last 15#I might
I got to 15mg tirz still had alot to loose ..stopped everything for 6 weeks ..started back at 2.5 then 5 etc... now at 15 again
The way I see it stopping made it go alot longer then if I would had stayed at 15 .. it was a year ago I stopped..
Now at lowest weight ever
My NP said I was in a tough spot when I complained that on the 5th-ish day I wanted to eat everything. She said it was just in my head.

Then I read the entire study on tirz and sema.
The half life is 5 days.
yep, you'll find lots and lots of folks around these parts that add something else like sema or cag on day 4-5 to get them over the tirz hump, or adjust their tirz dosing to every 5 days.
There are at least 5400 women on Reddit who say you take 2.5mg for over a year, and it continues to work perfectly, and it is dangerous if you titrate up. I think you asked this question in a safe space lol

But yes, I started in Feb 2024 and Tirz does absolutely nothing for me besides give me some hard do doos for three days.
That is so funny how wildly different our bodies are, bc Tirz, and even moreso Reta now make me poop all day long 🫣 Before Tirz, I could go days without pooping. And I’m only on 2-4mg per week combined.

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