Less is More
I read that if you did a 6week wash out you would be able to re-start at lower doses. I was at 10mg. I washed out for 6 weeks and re started at 5mg.I started Tirz in July 2024 and it's been a successful ride so far. I am still losing, or not gaining, albeit slowly. Lost 45 pounds and about 15 or 20 to go.
I've stayed at 12.5mg till now, and I'm ready to go to 15mg on my next dose. But i've also been stacking cagri or cagrisema on day 5 of the tirz cycle to mitigate hunger.
The issue is that I just don't get the feels like I used to. I don't get the feeling that I'm full after a small portion, I don't get the food aversions or just absolute disinterest in snacking, and I don't get the ability to chug a protein shake for breakfast and forget about food until dinner.
I know there's a lot I could do. I can increase my dose a little, or take it more frequently. I can stack more cagri or sema or survo, I can transition to or stack reta...lots of options.
But what I really wonder is, is there any way to bring back the magic of those first couple months. I loved those days where I could just not think about food for 12 hours straight. Even when I increase my dose or stack, it doesn't seem to be the same.
Honestly it's not surprising to me that people start getting caught up in the suspicion they got a bad batch or a bad vial, or it's degraded or whatever. I don't think those things have happened to my products most likely, but I see why people think it. After some time, it just doesn't feel the same.
Is there any way to bring the magic back?
When I did that, I gained 8# and it took me a month to regain forward progress.