WTF, like what do they think someone’s gonna do that’s dangerous/ shady with Naltrexone50mg. We'll see. The Wellbutrin was supposed to be for nicotine which didn't work but it turned out it did wonders for my mood when used with buspirone. The sema helped with the nicotine, I'm using almost none now it's mostly habit. I only just started it so I have no opinion on the nal yet, so far sema worked for alcohol by like 90%.
I honestly don't know, my pharmacy just kept not filling it for like five months then when my psych sent in a 90 day script instead now that she considers me Stable and Trustworthy (tm) all of a sudden they had it. I probably should have asked why, I would have happily just paid for it cash, I had to do that last year when my insurance wouldn't cover lamotrigine in anything less than 90 day supply.

Please keep us posted on your Nal experience—I am thankful Tirz fixed the food addiction, but struggling with residual mental “sticky/ disempowering thought” addictions and…Reddit. It seems like you’ve overcome 90+% of the physical dependencies, which is incredible.