So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

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Love that you are always saving the receipts and watching our backs. This is mind boggling.
I'd think this were an April fools joke if it wasn't coming up in September.

This is troubling considering so many thought of this vendor as reliable for so long. It makes me wonder what else in the peptide world isn't what it seems.
That’s why we test. I am sooo thankful I found this forum and Peppy’s very early in my research.
I have always kept my mouth shut about Aminos Research because it seemed that so many really liked their product and service.
They screwed me over for over $1K before their hiatus. Two orders were placed, one they had “lost” my order. I complained about not receiving, they then send me a tracking number and I was sent a box with bubble plastic and trash. And a note on shipping invoice “reship for dumbass”..
Did you get what was missing or just junk in the mail?
Please, please do not worry about the product that is now in your hands! I am not here to "endorse" AR but I cannot bear the idea of you now being anxious about your purchase.

Although this latest "new peptide" development is very troubling and absolutely unacceptable, their known-peptide products have maintained an impeccable reputation for quality. Everything has always been tested, always meets purity and quantity standards. A great deal of third-party testing has confirmed their own Janoshik testing. It has NOT all been a ruse. This has been a very good vendor; I have a lot of their product from the "before times," and I won't hesitate to use any of it.

That being said, I will never purchase from them again, because I will not support this new venture that has crossed the line.
Anyone who would pull a stunt like that would lose my trust immediately regardless of past performance.
While I agree, I think it needs to be discussed. Someone who would do this is either uneducated or sociopathic. I once made a joke about a crazy vendor being like a Batman villain. Well here we are again, just a different kind of villain. It's worth getting at least sort of worked up about.
As a novice, I value this discussion and don’t feel like anyone is overreacting. Not sure who needs to calm down.
The post is absolutely alarmist because the behavior of this vendor is alarming.

Every other peptide out there has been through some kind of legitimate R&D process at some point in the past, the vast majority of them having completed animal trials and many having completed some human trials. Regardless there is a lot of literature and knowledge publicly available for all of them to help people make informed decisions about what they're experimenting with.

Here we're dealing with a person with zero qualifications cooking up some mystery molecule with only his word about what it allegedly is and does (we learned in private discussions that his assertions about the efficacy, etc. were entirely THEORETICAL with zero actual proof to back up his claims never mind any kind of SAFETY concerns). Top that off with his Coca Cola-esque "secret recipe" and unlike every other peptide in the world for which there is publicly available and peer reviewed data he's expecting people to just take his word. Alarming.

Frankly, this guy is dangerous and it's only prudent to assume that any of his other products that haven't been proven pure and safe via independent testing (and not any testing he has commissioned or paid for) ARE NOT SAFE TO USE. Someone this mentally unstable could very easily have been altering products sent to customers for MONTHS to see how they reported back on the effects of what they thought was tirzepatide when they were in fact an unwilling test subject injecting this mystery chemical. Medical history has a long list of supposedly well-intentioned "scientists" and "physicians" injecting people with experimental drugs under the guise that they were safe vaccines, etc. that turned out killing, sickening, and crippling countless innocent people. That is what this narcissistic psychopath just tried doing to unwitting members of the peptide enthusiast community.
When you put it like this..😬 Never thought about it like this. Point made.
I was a reasearch RN for years, so let me explain. This is different in that drugs going even to phase 1 testing get tested in vitro and on animals, then phase 1 is EXTREMELY small and well monitored with labs and physician oversight. Then phase 2 is just a little bigger, enough to see if a larger population can see anything like the results you expect. Physician oversight, lab tests, imaging, lots of data gathering, and statistical analysis are what make all of the examples you gave VERY different from selling the peptide equivalent of a little kid mixing together shampoos to create their own brand.

Even the Cold War studies on epithalon are much more advanced than this. What AR did is the equivalent of companies in the early 1900s making radioactive products that were supposed to cure all kinds of ailments based on science that someone made up without any kind of training or scientific analysis. We're better than that.
Appreciate you explaining this.
Regarding GLiPtide, we worked with a team of scientists and testing labs to design modifications in order for researchers to study the effects of various fatty acid side chains in lieu of the existing side chains utilized on existing GLP1 type sequences available. GLiPtide specifically was the C18 side chain of Sema on the main sequence of Tirz instead of the C20 side chain currently utilized. GLiPtide is two carbons smaller. This was tested and validated by the labs as it’s such a small change. We had plans to also develop and study a myriad of other side chain with main chain combos to better understand the effects of these fatty acids. While I believe that studies of these side chains would make for very enlightening and fruitful studies, my delivery of what we were doing was simply poor. In my excitement over this new product, I failed to thoroughly assess the implications of such an endeavor and my delivery of information was extremely misguided. For that I am deeply sorry to you all.
Brandons post on
The post is absolutely alarmist because the behavior of this vendor is alarming.

Every other peptide out there has been through some kind of legitimate R&D process at some point in the past, the vast majority of them having completed animal trials and many having completed some human trials. Regardless there is a lot of literature and knowledge publicly available for all of them to help people make informed decisions about what they're experimenting with.

Here we're dealing with a person with zero qualifications cooking up some mystery molecule with only his word about what it allegedly is and does (we learned in private discussions that his assertions about the efficacy, etc. were entirely THEORETICAL with zero actual proof to back up his claims never mind any kind of SAFETY concerns). Top that off with his Coca Cola-esque "secret recipe" and unlike every other peptide in the world for which there is publicly available and peer reviewed data he's expecting people to just take his word. Alarming.

Frankly, this guy is dangerous and it's only prudent to assume that any of his other products that haven't been proven pure and safe via independent testing (and not any testing he has commissioned or paid for) ARE NOT SAFE TO USE. Someone this mentally unstable could very easily have been altering products sent to customers for MONTHS to see how they reported back on the effects of what they thought was tirzepatide when they were in fact an unwilling test subject injecting this mystery chemical. Medical history has a long list of supposedly well-intentioned "scientists" and "physicians" injecting people with experimental drugs under the guise that they were safe vaccines, etc. that turned out killing, sickening, and crippling countless innocent people. That is what this narcissistic psychopath just tried doing to unwitting members of the

The post is absolutely alarmist because the behavior of this vendor is alarming.

Every other peptide out there has been through some kind of legitimate R&D process at some point in the past, the vast majority of them having completed animal trials and many having completed some human trials. Regardless there is a lot of literature and knowledge publicly available for all of them to help people make informed decisions about what they're experimenting with.

Here we're dealing with a person with zero qualifications cooking up some mystery molecule with only his word about what it allegedly is and does (we learned in private discussions that his assertions about the efficacy, etc. were entirely THEORETICAL with zero actual proof to back up his claims never mind any kind of SAFETY concerns). Top that off with his Coca Cola-esque "secret recipe" and unlike every other peptide in the world for which there is publicly available and peer reviewed data he's expecting people to just take his word. Alarming.

Frankly, this guy is dangerous and it's only prudent to assume that any of his other products that haven't been proven pure and safe via independent testing (and not any testing he has commissioned or paid for) ARE NOT SAFE TO USE. Someone this mentally unstable could very easily have been altering products sent to customers for MONTHS to see how they reported back on the effects of what they thought was tirzepatide when they were in fact an unwilling test subject injecting this mystery chemical. Medical history has a long list of supposedly well-intentioned "scientists" and "physicians" injecting people with experimental drugs under the guise that they were safe vaccines, etc. that turned out killing, sickening, and crippling countless innocent people. That is what this narcissistic psychopath just tried doing to unwitting members of the peptide enthusiast community.
Imagine a new disease they can’t figure out the source caused by a Frankenstein peptide….. we had eosinophilia myalgia syndrome years ago probably from tainted tryptophan (debating that still) from a Japanese company taking shortcuts……..
Imagine a new disease they can’t figure out the source caused by a Frankenstein peptide….. we had eosinophilia myalgia syndrome years ago probably from tainted tryptophan (debating that still) from a Japanese company taking shortcuts……..
Wow i had never read about EMS and it's terrifying even if still debated on the exact cause, the options are equally scary and relevant to the current research world.
My best friends mom had EMS. All from an amino acid supplement.. docs were writing scripts for it. Tryptophan was banned for many years in the US due to it. The Japanese manufacturer had something like 60-70 contaminants in their product….. crazy
Has anyone seen buyer testing done on AR products, or even more specifically the wholesale tirz?
No I havent seen any. After the craziness I might send one from my tirz bulk buy. Idk he is the only vendor I trusted. Looking for a new source to purchase. Found a FDA China manufacturer but getting the run around. I have checked 3 companies so far …..
I agree that if it's a blend it shouldn't be presented as a single compound, but at the moment between BB Amino's claims and jano's statement/report I don't see why you're assuming it's a blend. All the limited evidence we're working from points to it being a single compound. I'm getting the sense you're trying to gin up a scandal at the edges where there isn't one while ignoring the giant scandal that is in fact present.

Anyone who would pull a stunt like that would lose my trust immediately regardless of past performance.
yes, agreed! trust is gone forever now.
I always miss the QR code part 😳

But yeah, looks like my question and yours were answered later on, Janoshik was provided with a reference by AR, and tested it against said reference. As much as Janoshik is a highly, highly valued part of this greater overall community, he is exactly one single part of it: Does provided sample contain what the test request is looking to see if it contains?

FWIW part of me also figures that if such a substance could be created, and had anything close to what is claimed for effectiveness...Big Pharma would (rightfully so arguably) have been all over it. If semi-random vendor can have a lab create this, so could any of Big Pharma. Only obstacle I can think of there would be if it infringes on the patents for S or T, that would stop them from it.

As a devil's advocate response, I'd like some sort of Phase 1 testing on a compound at absolute bare minimum, and in particular having that testing rather than being charged for the "privilege" of being the Phase 1 tester myself, which is basically what this is.

What even would a researcher dose this as? If it is a molecule that is part S and part T, well, on a milligram basis those doses are very different. 2.5mg is the T starting dose. 2.5mg is the current S long-term dose. Should someone administer 0.25mg? 2.5mg? In between? More? Less?

At least after a Phase 2 trial, a researcher would have a halfway decent idea of what dosage and schedule for administration may or may not cause whatever set of desired effects and unwanted side effects one is comfortable with.
This!!! Every word of this!
No I havent seen any. After the craziness I might send one from my tirz bulk buy. Idk he is the only vendor I trusted. Looking for a new source to purchase. Found a FDA China manufacturer but getting the run around. I have checked 3 companies so far …..
You are not alone. I feel like he was the only honest vendor as well and now??🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m super curious to know if any of his super sale products have been tested. I’ve had a handful of people offer to go in on a test but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. TBH I didn’t take “ this tirz is not working well “ all that seriously until recently. Starting to wonder.😬

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