Because i mentioned it may have been used with Reta, but it turned out that it wasn't used. It was me being too hasty in announcing the issue with the Reta batch which turned out to be nothing more than a bad freeze drying process that caused the degradation. Which in turn has been fixed and re shipped out to all customers with that affected batch.
Cain, I'm going to be honest with you: this is exhausting. While your services are convenient and you are generally fair with your customers there is always some drama around your business practices, and the story about how things went off the rails is always convoluted and difficult to sort out.
Do you have proof from the manufacturer that the issue was with the way that batch of peptides was lyophilized?
I don't think the issue here is that you were too hasty in announcing the issue, it's that you didn't continuously provide us with updates, and you weren't transparent about why you were replacing vials. You could have easily avoided this issue by letting everyone know that you were wrong about the issue being caused by a new filler, explained that this was a manufacturing issue, and provided a timeline for replacement since that's what you did anyway.
Even if I assume there is no intentional wrongdoing here, I'm going to be a little harsh and say it looks like you aren't particularly good at managing your business and public communications.
Are you still working with the manufacturer who sent you a bad batch? That would have been something to announce too. I could never work with a company that cares so little about their own QA that they send me bad product.