AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

I ended up going with matching emails but great to know. Was quick, link generated by amo, sent paid, was told 48 hours too. So easy I now wonder if I should have ordered more!
Did you contact them to receive an invoice/link, or did you go through the website, add something to your cart and then just select Alibaba for payment type?
Paypal via Alibaba. was sort of tricky in that I needed to establish an Alibaba account first, then log into it, then look at the alerts that directed me to the request to pay/order.
and their email rspns is actually amazing. I added on to my initial order Saturday eve (just added this morning) and they waived extra shipping, and are going to do all in 1 shipment. But they responded each time w/in 3 minutes (USA time!). very reassuring. I plan to take one vial from the shipment and get it tested before use, which is why I increased my order from 1 to 2 kits. Still a great deal overall. +the vendor said if results were not on target, they would reship, no cost. also very reassuring.
Hi, is Alibaba pay th same as having an Alibaba account or is it something different? If the same, I just downloaded the Alibaba app, signed up, and wondering how I link it to PayPal? Thanks for any help.
you just have to set up an Alibaba account - similar to setting up an Amazon account if you've done that. Once I had my Alibaba account set up, my PayPal was listed as a payment option and I selected that. (note: after setting up the Alibaba account, log into it and you will see the 'bell/alert at top right' - click on that to get to your order/payment screen and pay).
Did you contact them to receive an invoice/link, or did you go through the website, add something to your cart and then just select Alibaba for payment type?
I contacted them through their website and they emailed me at my gmail account. Then all comms were handled through email, although order was placed on their website. I had a lot of questions for them -- and by that time, I was gmail-ing them and they were FAST responding. Eased my mind. I got links in my email to the order, then for payment which took me to Alibaba (where I then signed in and saw the alert at top right screen), then an email receipt showing Paypal payment. Now waiting on shipping but Paypal will add a minute - since overseas. I expect shipping information by Tuesday end day.
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@AnnSolo771 thanks so much. Figured it out! Amopure was very responsive via email, super fast once I stopped going through contact on the website.
and their email rspns is actually amazing. I added on to my initial order Saturday eve (just added this morning) and they waived extra shipping, and are going to do all in 1 shipment. But they responded each time w/in 3 minutes (USA time!). very reassuring. I plan to take one vial from the shipment and get it tested before use, which is why I increased my order from 1 to 2 kits. Still a great deal overall. +the vendor said if results were not on target, they would reship, no cost. also very reassuring.
What did you order of ok to ask? And where are you having it tested?
I received my T60 order today. I have a 2-3 month supply from LSKY that I need to get through before trying this. Hopefully Cndmk will update with their test results before then. If not, I'll send away for my own.
I received my T60 order today. I have a 2-3 month supply from LSKY that I need to get through before trying this. Hopefully Cndmk will update with their test results before then. If not, I'll send away for my own.
I ordered L30 today. Haven't yet reconstitued anything ever so when I get to it, it will be a first and I will further feel like a chemist! I'm assuming Cndmk ordered L-60 too. Sending to a US lab? The Amo person told me it will be above mg weight and above 99% purity and if I test and it is isn't to let them know and send test and they will refund/refill. But I'm not yet up to speed about knowing where to send for testing.
I received my T60 order today. I have a 2-3 month supply from LSKY that I need to get through before trying this. Hopefully Cndmk will update with their test results before then. If not, I'll send away for my own.
I haven't received mine yet, but I would always encourage everyone to get their supplies tested.

For myself, I believe using randomized vials from my order will be a decent representative sample for my kits, but that doesn't guarantee that your order isn't from a different batch. I'm a paranoid person though, so to each risk tolerance on your own I suppose.

Just started the process of talking to peptide test to see if I can do the QSC deal as well and get 50mg and 60mg tests bundled together for a little cheaper than getting both test costs separately, hoping to maybe hammer something out before the 50mg deal expires this friday.

If I can't get a deal, then I'll just stick with sending out the 60mg and skip the 50mg sale.

On a side note, what do people recommend to send out tests with in terms of packaging peptide vials? Just bubble wrapped in a small box? I've never sent out vials for testing, so not sure if I need to account for any jostling?

Any info appreciated.
I order 4 kits of 60mg last Sunday while getting a decent discount over talking in email. I JUST emailed them this morning because I was in the same boat, they gave me the china tracking number (it will be transferred to USPS probably in a day), and it JUST cleared NY customs, so I'm pretty sure I should see it early next week.

Once I get the kits, I'll be sending out 4 randomized vials from my kits (1 per kit) to peptide test to get validated and make sure the quality is still up to snuff. They promised me to re-ship if my test results came back less than 60mg or lower than 99% purity.

P.S. if anyone is doing a group buy, email them for their rates with larger quantities, I got about another 8-9% discount on their already decent price for 60 mg, which got me to order (was initially waiting to buy from QSC 50mg tirz GB, but I figure the price i got is just as comparable to that one, but way faster shipping).
Sorry for jumping into the thread late, but wanted to ask. Is L60 = T60, which I assume was an old product description for 60 mg Tirz, is my assumption correct?
Sorry for jumping into the thread late, but wanted to ask. Is L60 = T60, which I assume was an old product description for 60 mg Tirz, is my assumption correct?
I would say, it might be an Alternative way of describing what you are saying.

If I was going to be an aggressive pharmaceutical attorney who receives obscenely large checks from companies who would want to suppress opportunities for intrepid researchers to have access to research peptides for testing purposes, then I *might* do a google search for things that might flag a website (say a letter and a dosage).

This would perhaps allow a company to avoid some investigation for a time.

Regardless, if I had that question and wanted to be SURE, I might email said company to see if that was an error, or intentional...
I would say, it might be an Alternative way of describing what you are saying.

If I was going to be an aggressive pharmaceutical attorney who receives obscenely large checks from companies who would want to suppress opportunities for intrepid researchers to have access to research peptides for testing purposes, then I *might* do a google search for things that might flag a website (say a letter and a dosage).

This would perhaps allow a company to avoid some investigation for a time.

Regardless, if I had that question and wanted to be SURE, I might email said company to see if that was an error, or intentional...
MSG well received…
What did you order of ok to ask? And where are you having it tested?
I ordered 2 kits 30mg 'L', and 1 kit 15mg R. Initially just ordered 1 kit but then thought better re shipping, testing and went all in. If testing comes back good, then I will likely order more kits and keep them in the freezer. I will have tests done either at Peptide Test (in Dorr, MI and administered by TrustePilot; or Vanguard (in Olympia, WA). Cost is roughly the same at each place. Janoshik seems great but am not willing to send a vial BACK overseas to test.
Just started the process of talking to peptide test to see if I can do the QSC deal as well and get 50mg and 60mg tests bundled together for a little cheaper than getting both test costs separately, hoping to maybe hammer something out before the 50mg deal expires this friday.
The QSC deal will take a while to recieve. They aren't known for their fast shipping.
Any advice of how much to stockup? I just started, and am only on a baby dosage to adjust to the medicine. I am so happy to not be hungry. I am still hungry sometimes and can still eat but I'm not starving, and not having cravings like crazy so I definitely want to make sure I have enough. Assuming a normal schedule of 2.5 5 7.5 etc each month and how much bac water I would need. This would be my first time ordering peptide.
Thank you for any assistant. I figure someone must have done the math and can be me some advice.
Just pulled the trigger on 4 cases L60 and 3 cases of S10. I had to ask twice and only got 5% (I didn't feel like pushing it harder.
Any advice of how much to stockup? I just started, and am only on a baby dosage to adjust to the medicine. I am so happy to not be hungry. I am still hungry sometimes and can still eat but I'm not starving, and not having cravings like crazy so I definitely want to make sure I have enough. Assuming a normal schedule of 2.5 5 7.5 etc each month and how much bac water I would need. This would be my first time ordering peptide.
Thank you for any assistant. I figure someone must have done the math and can be me some advice.
That’s hard to answer since you don’t know where you might eventually settle. You really don’t need to titrate up if you are seeing good results at your current dose. You can plan for the worst case scenario of highest dose. (15mg wk X 52 wks) to ensure you have enough. Lyophilized peptides will last 2-3 years in the freezer before reconstituting.

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