Amopure stinging (here we go again)

I was going to inject my rs with compounded next shot to compare injection site reactions, but now I'm going to backfill the amo instead and see...... because yeah, makes sense the skin looked like that after the damage the needle probably took from that rubber lol.

I'll try compounded again the next time after for a week vs week vs week comparison on my rs.

Also interested in comparing effectiveness, week vs week
I started on Amble compounded Triz and have always gotten the red spot with every injection. I use SRY and AmoPure as well
I started on Amble compounded Triz and have always gotten the red spot with every injection. I use SRY and AmoPure as well
How much of the SRY have you used? I'm about to pull the trigger on the tirz.
How much of the SRY have you used? I'm about to pull the trigger on the tirz.
I joined their T15 group buy last month and the process went very smoothly. On their discord someone just got their test back and posted it. I won't use it for a few weeks still but I'll report back when I do.
I feel like my AmoPure isn’t working but I just injected today at 11am and 10pm was very hungry. I might need to update on this tomorrow.
I had the same but today I have the feeling it works better. This is the third day after injecting. I have the feeling I had to wait longer than I was used to but that it is working now. I also have less side effects than with my other product. Can you keep me updated about how it works for you?
I went to order the Tirz. So it is the L category? I’m so new and lost with this. I ordered last time from precision peptides. It was so expensive. I want to order from amopure.
Yes. L=T. I placed a 2nd order yesterday.
Almost makes me wonder if half the reports of stinging are being caused by bent needles
Maybe we should make a topic about the stinging might be caused by the vial and ask if people who put the fluid in another vial also had stinging issues? That way we can be sure.
They probably do, like with all kinds of other stuff.

The thing that worries me though in my conversation with Amo is the fact that they told me if the burning/stinging persists we should contact a health worker or doctor asap. Based on that statement I wonder what experiences they already had until now.

I would be a lot more reassured if they would have told me what the problem was they solved with the stinging Tirz. They could also have easily told me that everybody reacts different on the product and that I shouldn’t have to worry but instead they told me that the stinging problem has been solved and that if stinging persists I should contact a doctor.

Not very reassuring imho.
I feel like that’s a pretty normal recommendation. Especially when you have a patient/client with a possible site reaction complaining of discomfort.

If your symptoms continue see a doctor, yup I have said that about a thousand times in my career. It’s a CYA response.
I finally found sterile vials in Europe from a credible vendor. As of now I will pull the Amo product from those vials. This way we can see if the stinging really comes from a busted needle caused by the crappy Amo vial or from the product itself. Will keep u updated.
So…I received my first Amopure order today. The shipping to Europe was super fast and the customer service was great.

I ordered the Tirz 10mg (L10) but was a little weary about the things I read here about stinging product so I communicated that before ordering. They assured me that the stinging was a temporary problem already taken care of and that I didn’t need to worry about it.

I immediately tried the product out today and oh my it did sting a lot! I am on Tirz since may and never experienced this stinging feeling before. The vendor I used unfortunately isn’t available anymore hence the change to Amopure.

The stinging feeling is while injecting, not after the injection which was the first question they asked me but it stings severely which worries me since I never experienced this feeling while using Tirz.

I contacted the vendor and asked for another non stinging badge but they told me the stinging is normal while injecting and that they would not replace it. If the stinging would have been persistent they probably would have. I also have a red dot on the injection spot which I also didn’t have with my previous Tirz.

Anybody here who has the same experience? I am not eager to inject again since it really isn’t a nice feeling. It’s like injecting burning lava into your system. I was hoping they would have been more understanding and would have replaced the Tirz. I am not sure what to think about it.

Your thoughts and experiences?
Has anyone filtered the Amopure stuff to see if that removes the sting? 3ml and a filter might do it…
Has anyone sent in Amopure recently for testing?
Filters are on the way from the US. Had a lot of trouble finding the right filters here in Europe. Arrival of the filters will be between the 10th and the 29th of oktober. Hehe! My first Amo vial isn’t filtered yet but I’m def going to filter the rest of my supply. Will keep u updated about this as well.

Do you think using more BAC water would help?
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Has anyone sent in Amopure recently for testing?
There was a very large group test of T30 and T60 vials conducted back in September with kits purchased in August. The test was organized by members of this forum, if you search around you will find the thread. Several vials were also sterility tested, and failed. But other popular vendors were also tested at the same time and also failed. Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own risk assessment and harm reduction strategy. My compounding pharmacy is based out of my bathroom, there's no FDA oversight here.
Read my posts about Amo, I got a full refund once I destroyed the product and took pics. Keep messaging them. Mine stung as well! QSC is the best source I’ve had since X and I’ve tried a few.
Read my posts about Amo, I got a full refund once I destroyed the product and took pics. Keep messaging them. Mine stung as well! QSC is the best source I’ve had since X and I’ve tried a few.
When was this? When did you receive your refund? I asked three times. They seem very decisive not to refund me. I told them several times I don’t feel comfortable using the product. They keep repeating that the stinging is normal which it is not!
I ordered Sept 8th and received within three days

Any update on the effectiveness you're feeling? (mine arrived last week of Sept.)

My RS is on day 6, 2nd dose of Amo was yesterday ( 5 day dosing schedule), and has been hungrier than the past 15 weeks combined on Strive compounded. Food noise returned hard. ~+3lbs over the past week gained on the scale (im sure some of that is water/fluctuation for sure).

I still have some compounded left, so next Wednesday I'm going to use that for my RS and note any difference. I don't think it's time for a dose increase, this is only their 3rd week on 7.5mg.
Any update on the effectiveness you're feeling? (mine arrived last week of Sept.)

My RS is on day 6, 2nd dose of Amo was yesterday ( 5 day dosing schedule), and has been hungrier than the past 15 weeks combined on Strive compounded. Food noise returned hard. ~+3lbs over the past week gained on the scale (im sure some of that is water/fluctuation for sure).

I still have some compounded left, so next Wednesday I'm going to use that for my RS and note any difference. I don't think it's time for a dose increase, this is only their 3rd week on 7.5mg.
Very similar effects but no weight gain. I upped my dose from 10mg to 13mg (dosing every 5 days) and I think it fixed it. Just doesn’t last as long. I used SRY before this and I think they might have more effective Tirz
Very similar effects but no weight gain. I upped my dose from 10mg to 13mg (dosing every 5 days) and I think it fixed it. Just doesn’t last as long. I used SRY before this and I think they might have more effective Tirz

Thanks for the info, good to note. Would be good to hear some feedback from others who have broken into their September post-stinging batches as well.

With that info, I think I'll pivot my research and try 9mg for the next two doses (10 days) and note any difference, before testing vs. compounded again.