I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

i wanna know why others that have lost weight quickly aren't getting mothered?

update: something is screwy. I'm going up a few pounds in weight and it can't be due to calories because i've maintained 500-800 a day. I think some of these things i'm taking are bloating me. I should be down another 3-4 pounds but gaining.
Maybe something you stopped taking was helping with inflammation/water weight?
i wanna know why others that have lost weight quickly aren't getting mothered?

update: something is screwy. I'm going up a few pounds in weight and it can't be due to calories because i've maintained 500-800 a day. I think some of these things i'm taking are bloating me. I should be down another 3-4 pounds but gaining.
Not sure what you've continued versus paused these days, but anything that is driving GH release is likely to cause water retention
Not sure what you've continued versus paused these days, but anything that is driving GH release is likely to cause water retention

I don't feel worth a damn on any of this stuff. HGH, HGC, TEST-C, Have done healthy dose of all.

5iu day HGH
3000iu HCG this morning
500mg test-c a few days ago

I don't feel worth a damn on any of this stuff. HGH, HGC, TEST-C, Have done healthy dose of all.

5iu day HGH
3000iu HCG this morning
500mg test-c a few days ago
i think taking the above has totally destroyed my weight loss efforts. probably tesamorelin too. I noticed a weight loss slow down when i started the tesa.

then when i took the above, started gaining a pound a day and don't know where it's going to stop. I've stopped everything for a while to let my system clear out.

I'm playing with the fat melting injections now.
there are 3 categories
1. DCA deoxycholic acid
3. Lemon bottle pineapple enzyme

the PPC based Lipo Lab seems to be working the best and its less painful and causes less swelling. Its also one of the cheapest. i found it for $100 for 10 10ml vials. I put that in the left side and DCA based products in the right side and now i'm noticeably imbalanced with the right side having substantially more fat, unless it's just long-term swelling. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
i think taking the above has totally destroyed my weight loss efforts. probably tesamorelin too. I noticed a weight loss slow down when i started the tesa.

then when i took the above, started gaining a pound a day and don't know where it's going to stop. I've stopped everything for a while to let my system clear out.

I'm playing with the fat melting injections now.
there are 3 categories
1. DCA deoxycholic acid
3. Lemon bottle pineapple enzyme

the PPC based Lipo Lab seems to be working the best and its less painful and causes less swelling. Its also one of the cheapest. i found it for $100 for 10 10ml vials. I put that in the left side and DCA based products in the right side and now i'm noticeably imbalanced with the right side having substantially more fat, unless it's just long-term swelling. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
When you say 5IU hgh, was that once daily, and how many mg? There tends to be some confusion on the conversion from mg to IU
When you say 5IU hgh, was that once daily, and how many mg? There tends to be some confusion on the conversion from mg to IU
it was listed in the price sheet as 24iu per vial kit of 10. that's all i know. 5 doses total.
5000iu HCG in a weeks' time and 2 shots totaling 500mg TEST-c. That's it. Now I'm in some sort of runaway weight gain.

OK i got all this stuff in and was overly excited to try it all. That was a serious f-up. I get it. But i'm going to have to hear it from the den mothers anyway. They're already starting in on me.

When is this weight gain going to reverse. I've been at a calorie deficit the whole time. Maybe i was getting severely dehydrated and thought it was fat loss? I'm waiting to hit an equilibrium and get on track again.
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it was listed in the price sheet as 24iu per vial kit of 10. that's all i know. 5 doses total.
5000iu HCG in a weeks' time and 2 shots totaling 500mg TEST-c. That's it. Now I'm in some sort of runaway weight gain.

OK i got all this stuff in and was overly excited to try it all. That was a serious f-up. I get it. But i'm going to have to hear it from the den mothers anyway. They're already starting in on me.

When is this weight gain going to reverse. I've been at a calorie deficit the whole time. Maybe i was getting severely dehydrated and thought it was fat loss? I'm waiting to hit an equilibrium and get on track again.
I can almost guarantee that the rapid swings is water weight.

And 500mg test is not a low dosage tbh, it's the starting cycle for muscle building - And by no means an insignificant dose. And it's probably 3-5x higher than what you would want to take unless you are hitting the gym 5x a week.

Most likely it will take some time for the water retention to normalize, you could consider taking some AI until the test has left your system.

The hgh half life is very short, so that shouldn't really bother you for long.

Next time you play with steroids, opt for propionate ;) The shorter half life makes it aromatase less, and it also leaves the system faster if you have any unwanted side effects.

If you really want to burn fat, start going for morning walks when you wake up fasted. Walk at a moderate to slow tempo for an hour or two
so oyster, how is it going?
After little bit higher dose of test + HCG + whatnot im sure your weight didn't go down, there must be some water gain and maybe even little bit of muscle gain
but how was the feeling for the last week or so with increased levels of T?
so oyster, how is it going?
After little bit higher dose of test + HCG + whatnot im sure your weight didn't go down, there must be some water gain and maybe even little bit of muscle gain
but how was the feeling for the last week or so with increased levels of T?
i gained 7 pounds in a week. Not impressed with the feeling the test-c gives me, really nothing. That makes me think my natural test levels were fine.

The HGH stopped my tooth that was bothering me, i think? I don't know about the HCG. It's a pregnancy hormone. I guess it made me look pregnant?

back on the tesa and cagri, stopped everything else. I think release of my natural HGH makes me feel better.

gaining the 7 pounds makes it really hard to make the goal by the end of the year, so i think i'm not going to push to achieve that.

i look fine except for the large stomach and that's not even bad. It's the pouch of fat right below the belly button that's always there to some extent. I was watching old sex tapes i made with the wife when i was something like 180 ish and it was there. Everything will be concentrated on that stubborn fat area.

drying out
fat melting injections, but they contribute to the swelling
tesa for the deep stomach fat
cagri to keep appetite under control

all subjective stuff.
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i gained 7 pounds in a week. Not impressed with the feeling the test-c gives me, really nothing. That makes me think my natural test levels were fine.

The HGH stopped my tooth that was bothering me, i think? I don't know about the HCG. It's a pregnancy hormone. I guess it made me look pregnant?

back on the tesa and cagri, stopped everything else. I think release of my natural HGH makes me feel better.

gaining the 7 pounds makes it really hard to make the goal by the end of the year, l so i think i'm not going to push to achieve that.

i look fine except for the large stomach. Everything will be concentrated on that.

drying out
fat melting injections, but they contribute to the swelling
tesa for the deep stomach fat
cagri to keep appetite under control

all subjective stuff.
You should stop to mix everything randomly together and just using it for a week.
Stick with one good planned stack for at least 6 weeks
i gained 7 pounds in a week. Not impressed with the feeling the test-c gives me, really nothing. That makes me think my natural test levels were fine.

The HGH stopped my tooth that was bothering me, i think? I don't know about the HCG. It's a pregnancy hormone. I guess it made me look pregnant?

back on the tesa and cagri, stopped everything else. I think release of my natural HGH makes me feel better.

gaining the 7 pounds makes it really hard to make the goal by the end of the year, so i think i'm not going to push to achieve that.

i look fine except for the large stomach and that's not even bad. It's the pouch of fat right below the belly button that's always there to some extent. I was watching old sex tapes i made with the wife when i was something like 180 ish and it was there. Everything will be concentrated on that stubborn fat area.

drying out
fat melting injections, but they contribute to the swelling
tesa for the deep stomach fat
cagri to keep appetite under control

all subjective stuff.
don't worry about water, it will go away as fast as it came and in the end im sure your body composition will look much better. Anyway good to hear you are still going strong! ;)
You should stop to mix everything randomly together and just using it for a week.
Stick with one good planned stack for at least 6 weeks
yeah his time frame is really too short to really see any significant results
OK, so i'm concentrating on these fat "melting/dissolving" injections.

I ordered several to try and have gone thru it all except for the Chinese lemon bottle. About 25 10ml bottles total.

Chinese knockoff lemon bottle
Lemon Bottle
Lipo Lab

I tried as much as possible to put different ones in different areas to isolate on the different effects.
Chinese lemon bottle - one 10ml bottle gave me a gout flare up. Put using the rest of the 10 bottles on hold. $12/bottle
Lemon Bottle - very expensive. I paid $50 for 1 10ml bottle. not worth it in my opinion $50/bottle
Neobella - very mild did not notice very much effect other than some swelling $30/bottle
Lipo Lab - medium mild, does not cause much swelling, but area i used it on has reduced to the point that my lower stomach is very noticeably lop sided. I ordered 2 more boxes of this. 20 vials for $200 $10/bottle
MCCM- a spanish company. It's supposed to have 10% DCA it stings going in. Causes a lot of swelling. $12/bottle
Skinderma - this could be the exact same thing. It's very similar to MCCM sold by the same company. $12/bottle
Desobody - i'm not sure whats in this but it stings like a mother going in. Causes swelling and temporary hardening of the fat that subsides a bit the next day. $17/bottle

I think all of these work a little bit to some extent. I chose to order more Lipo Lab because it seemed the most effective even though it has less DCA but it does have PPC that may be synergetic. It's not painful to inject like the last 3 on the list. To get this fat pouch eliminated its going to take many more bottles over months if it is at all possible.

One problem is these aren't meant to rid inches of fat. Probably more like 1/8 to 1". I started too early in my weight loss process. I don't think that is a problem other than the pain of injection and money spent. I do think if i want a nice-looking stomach i will have to keep this up for a long time. The alternative is real surgical lipo which is probably going to cost in excess of $6000 here in Massachusetts. Everything is more expensive here. Plus the pain of recovery, wearing compression garment and so on. I would elect to do the awake local procedure which some say is extremely painful. I do not want to go under general anesthesia for something not absolutely necessary.
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I feel like you're gonna lose a ton of muscle.
FWIW, heavier RSes have greater muscle mass because they need that muscle to carry around a heavier body, hence why they have thicker calves in general. If I take a fit 150 RS and measure their muscle mass, then add 100 pounds onto that same RS, their muscle mass will increase. Take that 100 pounds away, and their muscle mass will decrease.

So while an RS might lose some muscle in their journey, I’m not terribly convinced it’s all that bad, at least not insofar as needing to fear monger. It doesn’t take much for an RS to maintain what he already has.
Sorry, don't get me wrong. I was not talking about replacing food with shakes. I use shakes in addition to my regular diet to get more protein in my body. Here, we have Clear Whey Protein Isolate, and it feels like drinking water with protein.
Have you tried any of the clear protein that tastes like juice or lemonade? Before that, found it impossible to get my protein in.
Are you talking about ascites? It often causes that pregnant looking stomach in men, and is a sign of an underlying and serious condition.
I looked up that condition. Pretty sure it's just a combo of deep fat and subq fat for me. You can go to a Patriots game and see 1000s of guys that look that way.

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