I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

i lost 60 pounds in the first 3 months and was cocky about it. then it slowed to nothing.

i ate 20 pounds of pistachoes over the holidays nov to jan, and they are extremely high in calories, so that was a big part of it.

don't mess with tesa or HGH if you want the pounds to fall off. they will make you gain.

i'm back on track down 65 but its going really slow.
Good to hear! Glad to know that you're back at it. Must be tough to go through what you went through especially what you said about the pistachios.
what shells? there are shells?

people say ss31 accelerates weight loss. i'm on that right now. settled on a 10mg dose.

its hard to hit the sweet spot as there are no feels on this one. to much and you may waste product. to little and it might not do anything.

plus its super expensive
i'll find a really strong diuretic next time i go on HGH. i need to show progress to continue to get my zepbound.
My cardiologist gave me Telmisartan/hctz it really helps with the water retention from hgh. Also use berberine and metformin for blood sugar issues. My A1c went down .5 and my glucose was 73 while using 6-8ius a day.
I second the don't mess with statement here. HGH and Test blew me up like a balloon. Although this doesn't seem to happen with everyone, it did for me. Also stalled my weight loss which is expected, but really messes with your happiness not seeing the scale go down.
The weight stall/gain with Tesa/HGH is just water retention. It disappears in a matter of DAYS when you stop/take a break. With that said, I don’t think either of them are worth researching until you are close to your goal weight, unless you are exercising strenuously and frequently, and you want to maximize muscle mass retention.
sometimes you just have to get sick on one of your favorite foods to get the craving out of your system.
I didn't get sick and if one was if front of me now I would eat it for sure. Tirz only gives me the strength not to buy them but I don't know if I could pass one up if it was in front of me. Hmmmm wonder if it would make me sick now...... you might have a point
i don't know why people are so against diuretics. its actually a treatment for high blood pressure.
People die from using them incorrectly. Lots of bodybuilders. Just had another one this month, Jodi Vance. Severe dehydration caused her to have a heart attack.
My cardiologist gave me Telmisartan/hctz it really helps with the water retention from hgh. Also use berberine and metformin for blood sugar issues. My A1c went down .5 and my glucose was 73 while using 6-8ius a day.
hctz is a diuretic so makes sense

I've not noticed telmisartan making a difference though, and can't find any indication in the research that it should do anything.
hctz is a diuretic so makes sense

I've not noticed telmisartan making a difference though, and can't find any indication in the research that it should do anything.
It’s a combination medication, the hctz is the benefit in this duo. Love Telmisartan, switched to it over amoldophine, feel much better.
It’s a combination medication, the hctz is the benefit in this duo. Love Telmisartan, switched to it over amoldophine, feel much better.
Ah, gotcha.

And yeah in general I think blood pressure med doses of diuretics are one thing, bodybuilder show prep doses another thing altogether.

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