I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

Check out the r/fasting (reddit) They've got me convinced fasting is a really good thing. I'm going to try and work my way up to a week. I just did a 3 day stint from noon on Sunday to noon Wednesday.
Autophagy (prolonged fasting) does wonders for loose skin, among other benefits! Although, like most things in life, you have to be careful to not go overboard with excessive periods and frequency of prolonged fasting. But if done in moderation, it has significant benefits!
Check out the r/fasting (reddit) They've got me convinced fasting is a really good thing. I'm going to try and work my way up to a week. I just did a 3 day stint from noon on Sunday to noon Wednesday.
Based on other reddit advice I've seen, and the misinformation surrounding peptides there, I'm a bit hesitant to trust "I read it on the internet, so it must be true".

I do hope this works out for you and others and will be following your journey. I have a feeling sema won't get me to my goal, and it certainly hasn't got me to the point where I'm able to not eat at all for days. Perhaps when sema stalls and I switch to tirz and/or reta, I'll be ready for this...

I do protein smoothies and add Garden of Life meal replacement powder, but I'm slowly working my way into this, rather than jumping off a cliff into the waterfall without a life jacket. But I'm not as trusting as others and want to see proof of several others jumping and surviving first.. and if I jump, I'll be wearing a life jacket, lol

My grandpa used to say: "Believe nothing you hear or read, and only half of what you see". It was more than pure luck that got him home alive from Utah Beach in 1944.
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Based on other reddit advice I've seen, and the misinformation surrounding peptides there, I'm a bit hesitant to trust "I read it on the internet, so it must be true".

I do hope this works out for you and others and will be following your journey. I have a feeling sema won't get me to my goal, and it certainly hasn't got me to the point where I'm able to not eat at all for days. Perhaps when senacstalls and I switch to tirz and/or reta, I'll be ready for this...

I do protein smoothies and add Garden of Life meal replacement powder, but I'm slowly working my way into this, rather than jumping off a cliff into the waterfall without a life jacket. But I'm not as trusting as others and want to see proof of several others jumping and surviving first.. and if I jump, I'll be wearing a life jacket, lol

My grandpa used to say: "Believe nothing you hear or read, and only half of what you see". It was more than pure luck that got him home alive from Utah Beach in 1944.
yeah, my biggest concern is how is fasting to lose weight as fast as possible developing any sustainable lifestyle changes or habits for long term weight management if OP ever plans to get off this peptide. i think it's just unnecessary. i'm not denying fasting has its benefits but most of the clinical studies i've looked at surround mostly intermittent fasting rather than prolonged periods and OP even wants to work up to a whole week.
i think it's just unnecessary. i'm not denying fasting has its benefits but most of the clinical studies i've looked at surround mostly intermittent fasting rather than prolonged periods and OP even wants to work up to a whole week.

I agree, it is unnecessary. I'm an impatient person and I'm really sick of being heavy. The other thing is it gets addictive as you have warned. I get a certain high from fasting and I believe in the theory of cellular repair so I'm going to do some experimentation. I also get a great feeling from the reta, so I have to guard against increasing the dose if I don't absolutely have to. I've never done any pot or anything so if this is my one thing I'm OK with it.

I have not tried sema or cagri but have both on the way.

I've gotten into juicing as part of the calorie reduction plan so maybe that's one good thing that will stick.
I agree, it is unnecessary. I'm an impatient person and I'm really sick of being heavy. The other thing is it gets addictive as you have warned. I get a certain high from fasting and I believe in the theory of cellular repair so I'm going to do some experimentation. I also get a great feeling from the reta, so I have to guard against increasing the dose if I don't absolutely have to. I've never done any pot or anything so if this is my one thing I'm OK with it.

I have not tried sema or cagri but have both on the way.

I've gotten into juicing as part of the calorie reduction plan so maybe that's one good thing that will stick.
I'll put a warning here - jabberjaw is about to write a novel...

I do wish you luck and good health.. and thank you for your willingness to be a "test dummy". I understand impatience and intolerance of the extra weight. I'm impatient as well, but have enough health issues to contend with, without creating more.

@icebear My insurance stopped paying for Ozempic after 6 months. I dropped 40#, but gained back 15 during the 2 months of research before finding an affordable option.

I've seen others talk about staying on a 1mg dose of sema, after reaching weight goal on various others, as maintenance. At china prices, that's about $10/month including all supplies, so if that's what it takes to get me through the last 20 years of my life, so be it. Hopefully there aren't long term use implications, but until that info comes out, I'll take that bet.

One of my biggest issues is the other meds I take. Remeron makes me ravenous and crave sugar/carbs, but it's the only psych med, out of dozens I've tried over the years, that actually works, so I'll fight to the death to stay on it, and do whatever it takes to combat the food noise, but even if it means dying as a "fat bastard" (cue Austin Powers theme song) .. at least I'll be a happy(ier) fat bastard.

I was a certified dietary manager the last 7 years of my career, so I have the knowledge, just not the will power to fight the constant, jet propelled, food noise that comes with Remeron.

I'll slowly work on changing over the majority of my food intake to delicious protein smoothies with Garden of Life meal replacement powder.

My smoothies aren't nauseatingly nutritious, but they are better than pounds of junk food, and taste good enough that I enjoy them - making it sustainable . I feel like I can gradually make them more nutritious without making that sudden change from delicious to blech!

Try this:
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 cup mango
1/2 cup strawberries
1 small banana
3-4 Tbsp Greek yogurt (I currently use Greek Gods vanilla honey - it's pretty high in fat/sugar)
4-6oz whole milk
Blend well then add:
1 heaping scoop Promix unflavored gras fed whey isolate
1 scoop Garden of Life lightly sweet meal replacement
Blend about 30 seconds

I've found that if I add the powders at the beginning, the smoothie is overly foamy, so I put them in at the end after the fruit is well blended. The yogurt can make it foamy too, so you could add that with the powders at the end, if you prefer.

And I buy the fruit fresh, ripen it, cut it up and freeze it.. it's much better than buying the bags of unripe frozen fruit. I picked 80# of strawberries this spring, topped, 1/4'd, and froze.

Sometimes I'll leave out the banana and Garden of Life and double the protein powder. The banana masks the blech from the garden of life powder... Some great reviews on Amazon for this stuff... If you see the LONG post where the guy refers to the south end of a north bound rhino, you found the right one.

Some protein powders are just plain nasty, no matter what you do to them. Unflavored Promix Whey Isolate is exceptionally lacking in the blech department. 5 stars as far as whey is concerned.

I can't do sugar substitutes - so nasty ::chef shivers and cringes:: Garden of Life - lightly sweet version - does have some stevia, but not noticable.

I'll slowly work towards fat free Greek yogurt and skim milk.

This smoothie won't work with your ketosis, but if you decide to go another route, this smoothie is about as good as it gets, imo.

Oh, I've had kidney stones that required a trip to the hospital for a Dilaudid injection because 30mg morphine wasn't enough, so that's a hard pass on a diet that has kidney stones as a "side effect"!! I was certain something ruptured inside me and I was minutes from death. No thank you!
Thanks for all the info broken chef. I'm assuming you are a chef?

I'm too lazy to make that smoothy. I just run by a juice place and get a celery or cucumber or radish and cucumber juice. They hardly have any calories and are filling. I don't do any fruits with all the sugar.

I had done 2mg reta on Thursday and drove into Boston yesterday for work. The drive home killed me, and I just felt depleted, so I just gave myself another 2mg this morning to try and reenergize myself. Tip for getting into or out of Boston. If you want to avoid soul crushing traffic, go between midnight and 3am. There's really no other good time.

My wife always scopes out some interesting place to get takeout when I go into the big city. I brought home Polish food. It gave us loose digestion. We're finding that lately, spending big bucks on takeout does not assure you're getting anything good. I've had the mindset that I paid a bunch of money for food so I need to finish it. Now I'm more OK with not eating something that's not enjoying and putting it in the back yard for the skunks.
I've got ketosis going. Had a sashima delux 21pc on Sunday, then just a can of kipper snacks on Monday. Nothing yet today. The test strip shows purple but not the darkest yet.
I wouldn't worry about getting to the darkest shade on those testing strips. If it changes color, you're in ketosis, simple as that. Darker results could simply be an indicator of dehydration. You could be in the same level of ketosis and the shade can change drastically simply by adjusting your water intake.
You always hear of these actors losing weight really quick for parts. There's a fasting subreddit where people only drink water for up to 30 days and they are saying it's healthy and really adamant about it. At some point i'll probably start feeling really bad and back off. But it's surprising how good you can feel with calorie restriction. The reta makes me feel virile and may be able to help me.
Those actors also add a little sprinkle of testosterone, maybe some mastering, anavar etc. that way they keep their muscle mass.

Also, hitting the gym is generally going to give better results than just biking (or both). I would strongly recommend doing some weight lifting
Male 5'10" sw273 cw243 gw173

It's been about six weeks down 30. I know it's going to take a lot. I'm going to have to do some fasting and ride an exercise bike every day. Really hump it good. So far i have done no exercise.

Had 2 doses script Zepbound 2.5. Then 2-2.5 research tirz then 2-5 research tirz. And a little Reta at 1mg/2mg with the tirz. Maybe switch over to Reta because it makes me feel good. Hording the script zep for the wife.

I think it's possible with these drugs and hard work and eating like a supermodel on top of them.
You're an adult so I trust you to figure out what's best for you, but I will tell you from personal experience having lost over 100lbs in a little over 6 months once many years ago on fen/phen that the biggest negative I experienced is the skin can't keep up with such a high rate of weight loss in a short amount of time and never really recovers. 25 years later I imagine there is better info out there on what kind of supplements etc. might help so you may want to look into that along your journey.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
I agree, it is unnecessary. I'm an impatient person and I'm really sick of being heavy. The other thing is it gets addictive as you have warned. I get a certain high from fasting and I believe in the theory of cellular repair so I'm going to do some experimentation. I also get a great feeling from the reta, so I have to guard against increasing the dose if I don't absolutely have to. I've never done any pot or anything so if this is my one thing I'm OK with it.

I have not tried sema or cagri but have both on the way.

I've gotten into juicing as part of the calorie reduction plan so maybe that's one good thing that will stick.

I would strongly recommend that you reconsider dropping weight that rapidly, for several reasons. The main one being that it is rather unhealthy and comes with a bunch of potential side effects.

You will lose a significant amount of muscle mass in such a deficit, unless you supplement with aas.

Dropping weight that rapidly will most likely cause you to have a large amount of loose skin, which only gets worse by the muscle loss.

A very restricted diet is likely to cause deficiencies unless your nutrition is spot on (supplementation does help though).

It will also be very difficult to maintain your achieved weight loss after such a rapid drop, the rebound might be very significant - Since you won't really build any sustainable habits when doing it this way.

I believe it's better to use time as an aid, drop slowly while gradually making changes to your lifestyle and habits that can help you effortlessly maintain your weight loss for 10,20,30+ years, even without medication.

So what if it takes a year or two instead of 6months? You want to keep the results for way longer than that, take your time and don't stress it - focus on your well being and mindset, that's honestly more important.

Too much focus on an arbitrary weight goal is quite likely to cause stress discontent and body dysmorphia.

I have been at 10-12% bodyfat with a bmi of almost 40. And i still felt self conscious at the beach, small when comparing myself to others, in the mirror i looked like a piece of dough. So please, focus on the journey and the improvements you do, not on a goal you want to rush towards.

All of the above are of course my personal opinions, and not me telling you that my way is the right way - You should do what makes you happy and what works for you. But be careful about rushing the process towards an arbitrary goal :)
Those actors also add a little sprinkle of testosterone, maybe some mastering, anavar etc. that way they keep their muscle mass.

unless you supplement with aas.

can you elaborate on the items you suggested?

All my mass is in my core and i can feel it shrinking and i'm getting really stoked. I don't mind if i lose some muscle mass as i've always had really thick muscular thighs and core. I've always tried to get the abs to pop but, extensively working my stomach/core just made me look thick and i don't like it.
can you elaborate on the items you suggested?

All my mass is in my core and i can feel it shrinking and i'm getting really stoked. I don't mind if i lose some muscle mass as i've always had really thick muscular thighs and core. I've always tried to get the abs to pop but, extensively working my stomach/core just made me look thick and i don't like it.
Yes, my phone autocorrected, I meant to say masterone.

These are all anabolic/androgenic steroids, so I'm unsure if it's suitable on this board, let me know if I'm over a line.

NB: This is not a recommendation to use these drugs, and there can be severe side effects, especially if you have cardiovascular issues, high cholesterol, kidney/liver issues etc.

I just feel like some discussion around it is healthy, considering some transformations you see on social media, celebrities etc - which are simply not achievable through peptides alone.

Keep in mind that steroids generally are unhealthy, no question about it. So it is a risk/reward thing, but definitely not something to take lightly or do on a whim.

Before considering any kind of anabolics, keep in mind that they are generally harsher on your body than the peptides you already take. And there are more considerations to make before adding it to your current treatment. They are also banned in a different way than what peptides are most places.

First off, all of them can impact blood pressure and cholesterol quite badly - there are definitely individual differences as with anything, but I do recommend a lot more caution if you consider adding any anabolic - especially if you have any weight related issues/diseases.

Testosterone everyone has some kind of relationship to, the higher your testosterone level is - the more it takes for your body to go catabolic, so you can diet harder without losing muscle mass as long as you have enough protein - there is definitely a limit to this of course, and the more you take the more effect (and side effects) you get.

Personally I think a low dose trt can have more health benefits than demerits for most men at 40+. But that is also individual and situational, so it's best to consult a doctor and do some blood panels.

But generally, testosterone would be considered the safest anabolic steroid to use. I have seen very good results with the combination and glp-1s. But I was not able to find any studies supporting any synergetic effect, I believe it's just that both works but with different mechanics.
Testosterone comes in injectable form and as a cream/patch. There are some orals, but I don't know enough about them to make an educated statement since I never read up on it since it adds a toll on the liver and I don't see why anyone would do that when there is no need.

As for the others mentioned:

Winstrol has a significant effect on metabolism and accelerates the fat-burning process which can dramatically change body-composition. It comes in oral and injectable form. This drug has a high toxicity for the liver, especially on high doses over longer time-frames. It's a go-to drug for bodybuilders when getting ready for the stage, and I would be surprised if it's not used by movie stars when preparing for roles.

Masterone is not a very strong steroid, but it has some interesting effects, it competitively inhibits the aromatose enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. So it's very often used in combination with other steroids in order to alleviate estrogen related side effects. Only available as an injection (some would claim it has an oral form, but it's not the same thing, and I doubt it's good for the liver). Other than the aromatose inhibiting effect it also increases free testosterone which helps inhibit catabolism and it reduces water retention in the body.

Anavar is probably the safest oral, has significant fat burning properties and is unlikely to significantly suppress testosterone production at low doses (though personally I always recommend a testosterone base with any other AAS you take). Lipoprotein lipase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the metabolism of fats, and overexpression of this enzyme can lead to insulin resistance and obesity. Studies have shown that Anavar can decrease lipoprotein lipase activity, which may help to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

That covers the usual ones for this specific purpose, there are others. But some I won't even mention because the risk/reward isn't really worth considering for someone that's on a fat-loss journey and not doing bodybuilding/powerlifting.

I want to again underline that I do not recommend that you use any of these, I do so personally - But that does not make it a good idea. I'm just fed up with unrealistic transformations being posted and claimed to be done naturally - so i wanted to write a bit about it.

As an example, this is me after a very lazy period during the corona lockdown. The timespan from first to last photo is around 3-4 months. I wasn't specifically trying to lose weight, it was just a side effect from lifting and building muscle - and my diet was definitely not great. But keep in mind that it comes with a lot higher risk than glp-1s.

The messed up skin on my arms (and some on my back) is a direct effect from playing around with steroids in my early 20s without understanding how to manage and dose it properly. Could have been easily avoided, but i was not educated enough.

As for your mass and core. The best way to make the abs pop, is a lower fat %. Focus on compound movements and your core comes along naturally - And your proportions look a lot better if you make sure not to neglect your chest shoulders and back. A few sets on abs and obliques after each workout helps, but no need to overdo it. I love land mine twists and kneeling rope crunches for abs. Leg raises are great too.


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Super informative write up. Thank you for taking the time to educate us. If i ever did any steroid i would microdose.

I've always had that pouch of fat below the belly button even when i was near ideal weight.

So they say the items you mentioned above are really good with that sort of thing vs i've also been considering getting as low as i can go on peptides and just go in and have the shit lipo-ed off.
Super informative write up. Thank you for taking the time to educate us. If i ever did any steroid i would microdose.

I've always had that pouch of fat below the belly button even when i was near ideal weight.

So they say the items you mentioned above are really good with that sort of thing vs i've also been considering getting as low as i can go on peptides and just go in and have the shit lipo-ed off.

Yeah, that pouch can be a very difficult to deal with.
Cutting alcohol can greatly contribute to getting rid of it.

A lot of factors in play, genetics, overall fat %, hormone balance, diet and so on - In most cases you would probably have to drop down to a fat % that isn't very sustainable to get rid of it naturally (if you are over 30 anyway) or have a diet that isn't very practical to maintain for most people.

I find it better to strive for contentment than perfection, it's easier on your sanity :)
Yeah, that pouch can be a very difficult to deal with.
at the risk of getting my ass chewed, i have some stuff on the way to try to target that belly apron/pouch. everything else is looking decent. i don't cary any fat at all on my extremities. it's just the belly.

tesamorelin will get the deep fatthat makes the stomach look bloated, and lemon bottle and neobella subq injections are supposed to destroy fat cells right under the skin on contact.
at the risk of getting my ass chewed, i have some stuff on the way to try to target that belly apron/pouch. everything else is looking decent. i don't cary any fat at all on my extremities. it's just the belly.

tesamorelin will get the deep fatthat makes the stomach look bloated, and lemon bottle and neobella subq injections are supposed to destroy fat cells right under the skin on contact.
Sounds interesting, I don't know enough about it to comment - But do keep us updated on how it works!
I keep getting the criticism for trying to lose weight too fast. In the aminophylline topical cream study, they had participants do a 600 calorie a day diet and walk. I mean, if I'm going to eat 1800 cal a day why even bother with the peptides? In reality, these (S,T,R,C) are a tool to lose weight rapidly.

Greenway et al. (18)
(Trial 2) 1.2×10-5 M forskolin + 2.5×10-4 M yohimbine + 1.3×10-2 M aminophylline Five times a week for four weeks
• 600 kcal/day diet
• Patients were encouraged to follow a walking program
• To increase transcutaneous absorption, the thighs were wrapped in warm 600 to 900 mOsm/L magnesium sulphate solutions for 30 minutes before each of the ointment applications.
• An occlusive plastic wrap was placed over the area to which the ointment was applied throughout the 4-week study period. All participants lost more girth on the treated thigh than the control thigh with a mean ± SEM difference of 2.03 ± 1.36 cm (p<0.05) • One of the ladies who participated in this study, which was carried out in the summer, experienced a heat rash under the occlusive plastic wrap on both legs that went away after the plastic wrap was removed.

I'm also looking for some of this cream.
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I keep getting the criticism for trying to lose weight too fast. In the aminophylline topical cream study, they had participants do a 600 calorie a day diet and walk.

Greenway et al. (18)
(Trial 2) 1.2×10-5 M forskolin + 2.5×10-4 M yohimbine + 1.3×10-2 M aminophylline Five times a week for four weeks
• 600 kcal/day diet
• Patients were encouraged to follow a walking program
• To increase transcutaneous absorption, the thighs were wrapped in warm 600 to 900 mOsm/L magnesium sulphate solutions for 30 minutes before each of the ointment applications.
• An occlusive plastic wrap was placed over the area to which the ointment was applied throughout the 4-week study period. All participants lost more girth on the treated thigh than the control thigh with a mean ± SEM difference of 2.03 ± 1.36 cm (p<0.05) • One of the ladies who participated in this study, which was carried out in the summer, experienced a heat rash under the occlusive plastic wrap on both legs that went away after the plastic wrap was removed.

I'm also looking for some of this cream.
It's not criticism, we just care about your health ;)

Losing weight fast is perfectly fine, but it can have some complications, so it's more like a heads up than criticism

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