Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

I have never stated that the PTSD mods/admins are out to get me or they are in the pockets of certain vendors. On the contrary you can ask TwoSuppas about my contributions to their group and how many tests i joined while i was a member there. I think you may be confusing me with people that are associated with the brand SPC/SNP via group buys or reselling.

Sure i hid my identity in a grey market of research peptides, but with these big pharma groups out to get everyone nowadays do you blame me? I didn't do it to deceive clients or to scam them, it was to protect myself. And this isn't something new to online vendors in grey markets. All of us here use aliases online.
Sorry you don’t get to speak on behalf of PTDS admins. I was an admin so can attest, they’re not fans of vendors on their platform (where vendors are not allowed) using it under alt accounts. Undeclared vendor is bannable, and an offense they take extremely seriously. So no you’re surely not remembered as fondly as you suggest.
LOL what a load of bullshit.
I don’t know your real name, just your other screen name. That’s not an alias, that’s a misrepresentation of who you are portraying yourself to be. It’s basically like you’re wearing a wig and a fake mustache. You’re delusional.

LOL, what a load of bullshit? The only thing delusional here is your attempt at turning a screen name into some grand conspiracy. It’s a screen name, not a full-on secret identity. Comparing it to wearing a wig and a fake mustache? That’s just laughable. You’re reaching way too far.

And seriously, DO NOT GIVE THIS PERSON YOUR MONEY? That’s your big advice? Sounds more like you’re scared Cain is doing something right, and it’s making you uncomfortable. If people want to support him or another vendor, they can make their own decisions without you throwing a tantrum about it.

Sorry you don’t get to speak on behalf of PTDS admins. I was a founding admin so can attest, they’re not fans of vendors on their platform (where vendors are not allowed) using it under alt accounts. Undeclared vendor is bannable, and an offense they take extremely seriously. So no you’re surely not remembered as fondly as you suggest.
You really love waving around that "founding admin" title like it’s a badge of honor, huh? Cool story, but you’re not the authority on everything. And let’s be real—if the PTDS admins have an issue, I’m sure they’re more than capable of handling it themselves without you playing the forum police. You’re acting like the gatekeeper for a place you haven’t actively been part of in who knows how long.

As for Cain being remembered fondly or not, that’s subjective and definitely not up to you alone to decide. But thanks for sharing your very one-sided perspective.

It’s also pretty suspicious that you hardly ever seem to target any other vendors with this level of scrutiny. Makes me wonder if there’s a hidden agenda here. Maybe Cain’s just too much competition for you? Either way, this selective outrage is showing.

I actually found this forum through Reddit just last week and have been browsing non-stop. After watching this back-and-forth, it’s clear who the emotional ones are. Thanks for making my decision super easy: I’m definitely going to give Nexaph a try now. Appreciate the unintentional recommendation!
LOL, what a load of bullshit? The only thing delusional here is your attempt at turning a screen name into some grand conspiracy. It’s a screen name, not a full-on secret identity. Comparing it to wearing a wig and a fake mustache? That’s just laughable. You’re reaching way too far.

And seriously, DO NOT GIVE THIS PERSON YOUR MONEY? That’s your big advice? Sounds more like you’re scared Cain is doing something right, and it’s making you uncomfortable. If people want to support him or another vendor, they can make their own decisions without you throwing a tantrum about it.

You really love waving around that "founding admin" title like it’s a badge of honor, huh? Cool story, but you’re not the authority on everything. And let’s be real—if the PTDS admins have an issue, I’m sure they’re more than capable of handling it themselves without you playing the forum police. You’re acting like the gatekeeper for a place you haven’t actively been part of in who knows how long.

As for Cain being remembered fondly or not, that’s subjective and definitely not up to you alone to decide. But thanks for sharing your very one-sided perspective.

It’s also pretty suspicious that you hardly ever seem to target any other vendors with this level of scrutiny. Makes me wonder if there’s a hidden agenda here. Maybe Cain’s just too much competition for you? Either way, this selective outrage is showing.

I actually found this forum through Reddit just last week and have been browsing non-stop. After watching this back-and-forth, it’s clear who the emotional ones are. Thanks for making my decision super easy: I’m definitely going to give Nexaph a try now. Appreciate the unintentional recommendation!
Your more than welcome to buy my kit of T15mg at cost. I got 2
Jesus Christ I wish I wouldn't have bought their reta now.

Am I going to die when I inject this shit? Who would have thought that dealing with drug dealers would be so shady 🤣

If I vanish soon, one of you better tell my story. "DwighttheDelight was an idiot, but he was our idiot."
Jesus Christ I wish I wouldn't have bought their reta now.

Am I going to die when I inject this shit? Who would have thought that dealing with drug dealers would be so shady 🤣

If I vanish soon, one of you better tell my story. "DwighttheDelight was an idiot, but he was our idiot."
I bought T10 from a GB just a day before this shit came to light. I'm 2 or 3 injections in and no issues.
But I won't buy from them again. There's too many vendors to choose from now, I don't have to deal with the drama.
I really didn't want to get involved into this "discussion" who is cheating you out of money here, but since its still going on - I have for all of you maybe the most important question - does it really matter if you buy your product from american pretending to be a chinese or from a chinese boy pretending to be a chinese girl? Isn't it the only thing which matters is the product quality?

I really don't give a f**k who sells me the product as long as the quality is good and the price is right. And you can be even 4,5,6 genders beauty from North Korea and I will still happily give you my money for a good product! ;)

So, let's talk 3rd party tests results, it is actually the only thing which matters.
I bought T10 from a GB just a day before this shit came to light. I'm 2 or 3 injections in and no issues.
But I won't buy from them again. There's too many vendors to choose from now, I don't have to deal with the drama.

This is the other reason why this conversation hasn't died down. It's obviously negatively impacting this person's business but apart from being dishonest about the origin of their company, there is no indication that they've done anything else wrong.

So, let's talk 3rd party tests results, it is actually the only thing which matters.

There are new members on this forum who are unknowingly buying from a seller known for product that causes painful injection site reactions, but this is somehow the most controversial vendor on the forum even though there haven't been any complaints about their product. Please help us understand.
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There are new members on this forum who are unknowingly buying from a seller known for product that causes painful injection site reactions, but this is somehow the most controversial vendor on the site even though there haven't been any complaints about their product. Please help us understand.
Do you mean AmoPure? There are many threads about the issue and yes it is actually one of vendors I would personally stay away right now because of that.
Do you mean AmoPure? There are many threads about the issue and yes it is actually one of vendors I would personally stay away right now because of that.
They claim their newest batches have been altered but have not said what they've changed. Way more controversial to me than baba Cain.

My gut tells me the group testing caused a major influx of new customers due to their ease of access. This caused issues imo.

I purchased in October. Will test and report back
I understand both sides here and I'm not really sure where I stand for just yet.

It's clear that we don't want to give trust to someone that is lying to us, but I feel like there's worse lies than others. Lying about its origin to me does not immediately translate to : I have bad ethic and I'm doing this to screw over people for money.

At this point, this sounds like magical thinking to me; saying that one bad behavior will necessarily cause XYZ.

Ideally, we would like no lies, perfect products and and excellent customer service, but can we really expect that?
I understand.however the first dose of 5mg (another brand-prefilled pen) same brand as the 2.5s RS lost 22lbs in 15days on worked just fine. So why isn't this 5mg working?
Asked and asnswered. You’re deviating from what is normal and suggested. You’re getting answers but you don’t like them so you keep asking.

22lbs in 15 days is completely unsustainable. Likely lost a lot of water and are now dehydrated.

Please read, read, read and then read some more. This is to protect you by educating you.
Do you mean AmoPure? There are many threads about the issue and yes it is actually one of vendors I would personally stay away right now because of that.

That's exactly what I mean. If the grey market ends up being blown apart by regulators it won't be because of vendors like Nexaph. It will happen when someone has a bad reaction to something they bought from Amo and decides to take their complaint all the way up the chain, or they feel ripped off by a vendor with questionable customer service like QSC.
this is somehow the most controversial vendor on the site even though there haven't been any complaints about their product. Please help us understand.
My opinions mean squat, but after trying to dig into this I learned there are photos of pre-reconstituted/"liquid" tirz with SPC logos and someone was selling prefilled pens with name brand labels that were not name brand. There are also people saying Cain was doing dealings with someone known to be untrustworthy/problematic (lay with dogs and you get fleas).
It also appears Cain used two different screen names to talk to a GB organizer and didn't make it known he was the same person using 2 names.

Those are the very rough cliff notes summary from discord. Someone please correct if I got a detail wrong.

I've personally seen the photos of the liquid tirz with SPC label. And that's problematic for a number of reasons. SPC claims the usage of their label wasn't authorized. But who would admit to it?

I think it's "if they lie about this, what else do they lie about?".

People (ie me) aren't comfortable ordering from a company with so much controversy. That opinion might change over time. I once said I wasn't comfortable ordering from QSC and I have a kit of their t30 in my freezer.
Jesus Christ I wish I wouldn't have bought their reta now.

Am I going to die when I inject this shit? Who would have thought that dealing with drug dealers would be so shady 🤣

If I vanish soon, one of you better tell my story. "DwighttheDelight was an idiot, but he was our idiot."
You probably won't die, you'll just turn into Cain's newest identity.
I don’t understand why people are upset about “Cain” using various names. I don’t use anything remotely close to my real name, and don’t think people should. Heck, there are almost 1.5 billion people in china and there aren’t many named Lisa, Alice, Ava or Amy. Nobody is bashing them for it. How many vendors screw people over and then just change their names and get a new photo on Google, or change their company names and come back?

There is a small level of safety in anonymity. We should not discourage folks from protecting their identities. Let’s judge vendors based on the product they are selling and delivering. I wish we could judge on customer service, but within this niche market it’s as phony as the names and pictures. 🤣
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I really didn't want to get involved into this "discussion" who is cheating you out of money here, but since its still going on - I have for all of you maybe the most important question - does it really matter if you buy your product from american pretending to be a chinese or from a chinese boy pretending to be a chinese girl? Isn't it the only thing which matters is the product quality?

I really don't give a f**k who sells me the product as long as the quality is good and the price is right. And you can be even 4,5,6 genders beauty from North Korea and I will still happily give you my money for a good product! ;)

So, let's talk 3rd party tests results, it is actually the only thing which matters.
Thanks for saying this!

This forum has become violently toxic by a few members. ALL vendors are buying from China, Most vendors hide behind fake identities and most have teams of employees impersonating others and others don't interact or reveal their true identities.

Buy from anywhere you want, but test your shit before researching on yourself.
I don't care who people think @Cain_SPC is or isn't. You don't really know anyone on the internet, unless you are doing DNA testing and thorough background checks.

I have ordered from Nexaph and as much as you don't like it, it was easy, fast, well packaged.
The short time they have been in business Cain has gets 5/5 stars from me.

Can this all change, sure, but for me as of today, it's pretty great.
Yeah, it’s the sock puppet thing that drives me nuts. For instance, what are the odds “jenna” just showed up in support?

But it does come with the territory. Everything is suspect. And we are getting a somewhat behind the scenes look of how the sausage is made.
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