Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

Well damn, that was a respectable response. Thanks for not going full cantydes during this process. It makes me feel good enough to try your stuff I've already ordered, but I'm warning you now, if I die I'm 100% haunting you and I'll be the most annoying ghost.
I would expect nothing less :-)
If i could go back and change it all, yes i would have stuck with my original plan of using the name EZP (EZ Peptides) to sell my product. The reason why i pivoted and started a whole new persona/brand was because of articles i have read where websites selling research peptides got jail time because of their willingness to help people with dosing and administration on "research peptides". My discord of EZ Pens, which now has been nuked was full of that info from myself and other members. I couldn't easily start a brand under that without having to worry for my safety.

My whole point in getting into this business was to disrupt the market, offer Peptides that are shipped in the USA but at China prices. Give people great customer service, great product, and ease of ordering. Ease of ordering really stuck out to me because of how complicated it was to order from Chinese vendors via crypto currency or bank transfers. I am well versed in crypto currency and that was never an issue for me. But i know many members who struggle/struggled with it and wanted to give people an easier way of doing things.

I also noticed how members of the community like overfills and purity on their products and spent countless amount of time and money ensuring my raws sources are up to par and also when contracting the finishing factory on how much raws to use to produce a batch. Some peptides need to be overfilled by 15% some by 20% some by 30% and so on. Each depending on their COA and their net content of water in them. Recently we have been targeting a 15-20% net fill on our products to ensure customers feel they have gotten value out of our products and im sure many that have bought from us feel happy about this.

So yes hindsight is 20/20 and if i could go back and start over, i would have done it differently. But now the only thing i can do is to continue providing great products and great customer service to members of this community and hope that people will overlook past mistakes and focus on the future.
This response is very much appreciated. My first Nexaph order will be arriving very soon.
I did email yesterday, not sure if that goes to you, but I have not received a response yet and since you are around right now, I wanted to ask a couple of questions.
Do you have T15 Jano testing reports closer to the present? The most recent one on your site for Tirz 15 is from way back in June.
Secondly, I wanted to know if my 3rd party testing comes back drastically different than your current reports, what is the recourse?

I am all about giving people 2nd chances, as everyone makes mistakes, we are human!

But I know myself along with many other customers, as you can see from and on this thread, it will be extremely disappointing if my 3rd party tests come back not closely resembling the Jano tests on your site.
I think if you provide a quality product, you have a real business opportunity here, but how you respond to testing, will determine everything, at least for this forum.
Thank you so much!
This response is very much appreciated. My first Nexaph order will be arriving very soon.
I did email yesterday, not sure if that goes to you, but I have not received a response yet and since you are around right now, I wanted to ask a couple of questions.
Do you have T15 Jano testing reports closer to the present? The most recent one on your site for Tirz 15 is from way back in June.
Secondly, I wanted to know if my 3rd party testing comes back drastically different than your current reports, what is the recourse?

I am all about giving people 2nd chances, as everyone makes mistakes, we are human!

But I know myself along with many other customers, as you can see from and on this thread, it will be extremely disappointing if my 3rd party tests come back not closely resembling the Jano tests on your site.
I think if you provide a quality product, you have a real business opportunity here, but how you respond to testing, will determine everything, at least for this forum.
Thank you so much!
Oh their testing will come back exquisite believe that.
we should re-focus on this point

Ok I'm back.😂 I only thought I was educated.but I will fully admit to being new to grey. Will you all please inform me of what effects are to be expected from good quality triz 2.5 first dose? also if y'all can explain to me the difference in compound /name brand/ domestic grey/int. Grey. From where I stand, if the purity tests are accurate,my results shouldn't Change.I'm am well aware that you do go through dips and phases while rising as I've done it before. But what I'm experiencing now I don't think is that. I know my body pretty well.
@brittmiche, many of us tried doing that for you yesterday and you treated us shabbily. You are new here, some decorum is appropriate, also reading through all the prior posts would have been smart for you to do. Instead you insisted you know everything - no one knows everything about GLPs - they can only know what has worked or not worked for them or the workarounds they have found or what they have discovered, and we try to help each other out. Thanks for your insane soap opera on Discord last night into the early morning hours, I enjoyed it in my insomnia. Your aim was clear - you want free tirz. If your intention is to be perceived as a complete lunatic, job well done. Most people here are happy to help but do some of your own reading! Stop insisting we handhold and spoon-feed you. It is highly doubtful that each of your Mounjaro injections affected you exactly the same way. You insist all your injections worked perfectly and exactly the same until this latest 5mg from a vendor didn't - it happens, typically having nothing to do with the med! Everyone keeps telling you the injections, brand name or compound or grey, don't always feel the same and you refuse to believe us that there are ebbs and flows. You are taking big girl meds, start behaving like one. Stop treating those of us with more time in this game as if we are the idiots. And stop acting as if we all owe you instant answers.
This response is very much appreciated. My first Nexaph order will be arriving very soon.
I did email yesterday, not sure if that goes to you, but I have not received a response yet and since you are around right now, I wanted to ask a couple of questions.
Do you have T15 Jano testing reports closer to the present? The most recent one on your site for Tirz 15 is from way back in June.
Secondly, I wanted to know if my 3rd party testing comes back drastically different than your current reports, what is the recourse?

I am all about giving people 2nd chances, as everyone makes mistakes, we are human!

But I know myself along with many other customers, as you can see from and on this thread, it will be extremely disappointing if my 3rd party tests come back not closely resembling the Jano tests on your site.
I think if you provide a quality product, you have a real business opportunity here, but how you respond to testing, will determine everything, at least for this forum.
Thank you so much!
We have testing that should be coming out for the T15 either tomorrow or Wednesday. If testing shows an underfill, we will credit the appropriate amount for the underfill by either sending the difference underfilled or crediting that amount. Now if purity is an issue, we will refund or reship the affected products.
We have testing that should be coming out for the T15 either tomorrow or Wednesday. If testing shows an underfill, we will credit the appropriate amount for the underfill by either sending the difference underfilled or crediting that amount. Now if purity is an issue, we will refund or reship the affected products.
Thank you so much for responding and for the answer!
I look forward to getting my order here very soon. I also look forward to seeing the newer T15 Jano tests.
I have said this previously, but the first part of my entire experience has been easy, helpful, has had fast shipping, and payment options that I was comfortable with.
I am hopeful everything will continue in this direction! Thank you!
Can we get back to fighting? What the heck happened? Remember, we have NOTHING in common (besides sleep apnea, high blood pressure, a triple digit a1c, etc)
Well my freezer is full of Nexaph, Amo and Newman's Own pizzas... I guess it's gonna be pizza this week!

We need more of this energy around here. Appreciate the jokes.
@brittmiche when I recommend you take the steps below it was not because I was brushing you off, it was because they are the steps you need to take to get a definite answer about any concerns you may have regarding the effectiveness of this product. This is also what I would do in your situation.

I absolutely understand if you don't have the money for a test, but you haven't even done the bare minimum of checking your math, that's why people aren't being helpful. You're asking us questions as though we can manifest an answer without any information about the product-which is what we need-not your A1c.

The best thing for you to do is

1. Send a vial out for testing to make sure it contains the correct amount of Tirzepatide
2. Check your math. Use a dosing calculator to make sure you did everything correctly
3. Wait. See how you feel after taking your next 5mg dose in a week.
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@brittmiche when I recommend you take the steps below it was not because I was brushing you off, it was because they are the steps you need to take to get a definite answer about any concerns you may have regarding the effectiveness of this product. This is also what I would do in your situation.

I absolutely understand if you don't have the money for a test, but you haven't even done the bare minimum of checking your math, that's why people aren't being helpful. You're asking us questions as though we can manifest an answer without any information about the product, which is what we need, not your A1c.
Glucose readings would be valuable for anyone who is questioning efficacy. Mine for example are 92 Mounjaro, LSY Hallandale and 89 Amopure L15 (yes, minor sting that dissipates in a couple minutes RCVD in August)

This is over a period of many months. I attribute the Amo result to possibly overfill or reconstitution. Needless to say despite times of hunger, fullness, cravings, aversion, and overeating I have no reason to question the efficacy of my sources so far.
Glucose readings would be valuable for anyone who is questioning efficacy. Mine for example are 92 Mounjaro, LSY Hallandale and 89 Amopure L15 (yes, minor sting that dissipates in a couple minutes RCVD in August)

This is over a period of many months. I attribute the Amo result to possibly overfill or reconstitution. Needless to say despite times of hunger, fullness, cravings, aversion, and overeating I have no reason to question the efficacy of my sources so far.

That's fair, I just meant that in this context she failed to provide the most relevant information or do basic checks that would allow us to come to an actual conclusion. I can't confirm how her A1C might have impacted how she felt on that dose, but I can definitely check her math. If it was off then that would easily explain her experience. St this rate we'll never be able to rule it out.
That's fair, I just meant that in this context she failed to provide the most relevant information or do basic checks that would allow us to come to an actual conclusion. I can't confirm how her A1C might have impacted how she felt on that dose, but I can definitely check her math. If it was off then that would easily explain her experience. St this rate we'll never be able to rule it out.
Right, 100% agree with you. I guess my post is a side eyed observation that for someone who is trying to use prediabetic as a cudgel they could at least check their glucose... Should be a given and then they wouldn't have to wonder about efficacy or ramp up their dose.
@brittmiche when I recommend you take the steps below it was not because I was brushing you off, it was because they are the steps you need to take to get a definite answer about any concerns you may have regarding the effectiveness of this product. This is also what I would do in your situation.

I absolutely understand if you don't have the money for a test, but you haven't even done the bare minimum of checking your math, that's why people aren't being helpful. You're asking us questions as though we can manifest an answer without any information about the product, which is what we need, not your A1c.
She was in the spc server doing the same thing. A refund and cost of test was offered to her if the test comes back bad. She still refuses to accept that as a good enough answer. Back to insinuating that everyone she knows cannot physically eat after taking mounjaro the first day. All the while multiple people, including myself, pointed to both their personal experiences and clinical trials.

Some people just can't be helped. The simplest of answers....wait 5 days and take another dose.....simply....wont....suffice.
She was in the spc server doing the same thing. A refund and cost of test was offered to her if the test comes back bad. She still refuses to accept that as a good enough answer. Back to insinuating that everyone she knows cannot physically eat after taking mounjaro the first day. All the while multiple people, including myself, pointed to both their personal experiences and clinical trials.

Some people just can't be helped. The simplest of answers....wait 5 days and take another dose.....simply....wont....suffice.
Reddit is full of people on the pen claiming it doesn't work or they got a bad one.

That said, she's been super crazy on this forum already. If we could all just blanket ignore her, maybe she'll go away.....
The links are in his signature. Tap on his name and click “about” and his signature will pop up.

BTW, since you’re new, if you’re new to ordering from China, use the spreadsheet as a guide and do your own due diligence so that you are aware of the risks. Even with the “green” vendors, there are risks that need to be understood.
His signature expressly says it’s not available.
I’ve carefully researched and still every vendor I ordered from had drama lol. Ordered from AR sale right b4 news came out that ceo is insane. Ordered Cantydes before the crazy rants. And nexapha before the current drama. My take is I don’t really care anymore. I’m using Cantydes Reta and it’s working great. If there’s mothballs in it then whatever. I still don’t care lol.

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