Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

So I was considering buying from this vendor a couple of weeks ago, but decided against it after seeing this post from Zippity.….876/#post-8586

I have continued to dig and while I still don’t have all the facts (and never will) I’ve seen enough red flags to see there is some real merit to the various complaints people have made here and elsewhere. I have continued to watch from the sidelines and I am frankly very disappointed with the accusations that there is a coordinated smear campaign going on. Those that think there is a smear campaign going on do you think that Zippity is in on it too?

Keep in mind the grey market peptide world is basically the Wild West right now and there are a lot of questionable characters out there looking to take advantage of desperate people, and in that type of environment trust should inherently be low. Vendors are not your friends and it is my opinion that communities like this one should focus on protecting the people buying from them over protecting the vendors business interests. That should mean creating an environment where all members are encouraged to raise any and all red flags they see (even if they don’t have complete information yet, or can’t share due to bs rules from other boards) and not be written off as creating unnecessary drama, or worse be accused of some conspiracy. If someone has seen some red flags from a vendor, we should welcome and encourage them to bring it up here to inform the community, because sharing may well prevent those that are less experienced from getting scammed or from buying unsafe products. It is my opinion that boards like this one should be hard on vendors, especially new vendors. The bar should be high if we are going to trust a vendor, and it should be the vendors burden to prove themselves
If it was a coordinated smear campaign it would probably look way worse… So I doubt it.

I would however love to see a seller feedback section. Where posts can not be edited, and buyers are only allowed to post ONE well structured review (which can of course be updated in a later reply, but again in a structured and thorough manner).

It becomes quite messy as soon as 3-4+ users are bashing a vendor in short form messages while the vendor tries to respond, only to be overrun by multiple short replies.

It makes it hard to properly evaluate the situation for the reader, and I’d argue it’s unfortunate both for the vendor and for the users. And quickly just spirals into a “he said she said” where people start piling on with opinions/assumptions and second hand information from random sources.

It’s definitely important for information to be available, but it should at the very least be structured, and preferably have some kind of “proof”. Though supplying any kind of definite evidence is close to impossible in a dispute like this, for both parties 🤷‍♂️
I have purchased directly from them and participated in the RNS GBs. Nothing but amazing customer service and great product. These people that like to slander other businesses have their own agenda to promote who their favorites are and their kickbacks. There are many companies out there. Research with whoever you feel safer with. It’s not a lack of options. I would trust this one versus most of them out there any day, but that is just my humble opinion.
It's not slander when it's true. Both RNS and SNP are going to keep operating because they have large customer bases. That's fine, but individuals should go in knowing from who and what they are purchasing.
Will it help if you guys just spit at each other for a while? Just to get all the hate out? :D

There is a list of vendors and plenty of reviews here to make a fairly informed decision as to who to buy from.

I had a positive experience buying from both Q and SNP and their product was outstanding. Each has its positives and negatives.
Will it help if you guys just spit at each other for a while? Just to get all the hate out? :D

There is a list of vendors and plenty of reviews here to make a fairly informed decision as to who to buy from.

I had a positive experience buying from both Q and SNP and their product was outstanding. Each has its positives and negatives.
Same. I ordered from both within the last week. SNP is definitely easier and a one and done. I placed my order and that was it. Received tracking in a couple hours and received my package in 3 business days. With Q I ordered via email. Several steps of back and forth emails. But it was simple enough. I ordered domestic so I'm not concerned about long shipping times. I feel safe enough using SPCs product.

Someone in another forum hit the nail on the head. SPC didn't have to lie. If you have good product and good prices you shouldn't have to. EZP could have just told everyone they had a hookup and were opening up shop. As long as you're testing and being transparent.

I didn't read back far enough to uncover the personal drama.

What's very concerning is I haven't found any real answers about the photos of the liquid tirz with SPCs labels. I won't be ordering from them again until that is clearly explained.
It makes it hard to properly evaluate the situation for the reader, and I’d argue it’s unfortunate both for the vendor and for the users.
It does, however I don't see this as a bad thing as it forces less experienced users to do their due diligence or simply skip the vendor in favor of another if they aren't willing to invest the time. Both of theses will ultimately cut down on the number of people getting scammed or buying unsafe products, which is still a net positive.

it should at the very least be structured, and preferably have some kind of “proof”.
I'm sure you realize internet message boards just don't work that way. It's not in their design, especially forums that were developed to have minimal moderation like this one. And while everyone should come forward with as much info as possible, alot of times people can't offer the complete picture, but know enough to know something is off. I don't want people to hold back in these situations, as long as they are sharing the info to help others in the community.
I really do not care if they lie about who they are, where they get the product, where it ships from, who their past associates were or are, etc. What I care about is that it’s cheap, safe and passes the Jano test. What I have seen all over the internet is people complaining about everything except the things that matter to me. Most of them were never customers of this vendor. But they keep beating their drum nonstop on multiple locations online. It seems a little overboard to me. In the last 6 weeks I have purchased from SPC/Nexaph, ASC, Amo, SYR, and JY Pharma. All great prices, all test well, all communicate well, and all ship quickly. This is what I care about. Lie to me but give me stuff.
I really do not care if they lie about who they are, where they get the product, where it ships from, who their past associates were or are, etc. What I care about is that it’s cheap, safe and passes the Jano test. What I have seen all over the internet is people complaining about everything except the things that matter to me. Most of them were never customers of this vendor. But they keep beating their drum nonstop on multiple locations online. It seems a little overboard to me. In the last 6 weeks I have purchased from SPC/Nexaph, ASC, Amo, SYR, and JY Pharma. All great prices, all test well, all communicate well, and all ship quickly. This is what I care about. Lie to me but give me stuff.
How do you know that what you received is what is shown on the tests you’re using to evaluate a product? That’s why it matters. Liars cannot be trusted, and unless you’re getting everything tested yourself then you’re putting a lot of faith in a supplier when it comes to ugl injectables. Suppliers get busted all the time falsifying tests or recycling good tests on known bad batches, and someone with a demonstrated lack of honesty seems to be to be much more likely to do that with the stuff you’re shooting into your subcutaneous fat. What do you think this guy will do when he takes delivery of 5000 kits of tirz that he discovers is marginal in some way? Eat the huge loss or sell them with tests from a different batch? I can’t say for sure but my money is not on eating the loss given the track record of unethical behavior.

It’s not like it’s hard to find vendors that aren’t known liars so I fail to see how anyone could decide that these guys are the way to go.
It does, however I don't see this as a bad thing as it forces less experienced users to do their due diligence or simply skip the vendor in favor of another if they aren't willing to invest the time. Both of theses will ultimately cut down on the number of people getting scammed or buying unsafe products, which is still a net positive.

I'm sure you realize internet message boards just don't work that way. It's not in their design, especially forums that were developed to have minimal moderation like this one. And while everyone should come forward with as much info as possible, alot of times people can't offer the complete picture, but know enough to know something is off. I don't want people to hold back in these situations, as long as they are sharing the info to help others in the community.
What I read from your post, is that you’re ok with vendors being drowned in spit without any real way of doing anything about it…

To hell with the actual truth, it’s a forum - so let’s let anarchy rule.

I’m not talking about holding back or not sharing information. I’m talking about structuring the discussion in a way that makes it easier to see the facts… But I suppose there is a good reason why some would dislike that
How do you know that what you received is what is shown on the tests you’re using to evaluate a product? That’s why it matters. Liars cannot be trusted, and unless you’re getting everything tested yourself then you’re putting a lot of faith in a supplier when it comes to ugl injectables. Suppliers get busted all the time falsifying tests or recycling good tests on known bad batches, and someone with a demonstrated lack of honesty seems to be to be much more likely to do that with the stuff you’re shooting into your subcutaneous fat. What do you think this guy will do when he orders 5000 kits of tirz that he discovers is marginal in some way? Eat the huge loss or sell them with tests from a different batch? I can’t say for sure but my money is not on eating the loss given the track record of unethical behavior.

It’s not like it’s hard to find vendors that aren’t known liars so I fail to see how anyone could decide that these guys are the way to go.

Seems like 2 of the 3 vendors I've dealt with on these forums have almost no track record and have been dishonest in some way.

Just for kicks, I grabbed a random vendor I haven't done business with to see if I was right.


I mean these vendors will just drop one identity and create a new one if push comes to shove. It's no wonder they don't have any restraint when being abusive with questions on integrity. They'll just create a new identity in a few weeks.

I mean if SNP has a cover story to insulate themselves while residing in the USA, why aren't we calling out the obvious lies every vendor seems to start a relationship off with?

I'd rather see a picture of their shoe than an photo of a pretty asian girl with a fake western name. It's not like we have any recourse one way or another. But honesty for me means something of a tangible identity. Be it a shoe photo, or their pet, or something real. Or heck... and grab a photo I can't google lens. :P (don't worry, you can still tell the image is AI generated)

Now on the fake pens and whatever else was the issue with SNP, I don't know the details. But it seems like this entire subculture of peptides is rife with deception from the moment you click the link.

I agree with the overall sentiment on honesty. But it just kind of seems like part of the game.
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What I read from your post, is that you’re ok with vendors being drowned in spit without any real way of doing anything about it…
I am saying that as a community, I would advocate we prioritize the safety and well-being of the people buying these peptides over the business interests of the vendors. For many on here, the consequences of being scammed are a lot worse than the consequences of a rumor harming a vendors bottom line. I also don’t think rumors like what was shared here early on in this thread are generally unfounded. There are so many grifters in this grey market that honest vendors may be the exception and not the rule. You might be one of the honest ones, certainly nothing you’ve posted here would cause me to doubt your integrity, but in general there are some sketchy people in your line of work.

To hell with the actual truth, it’s a forum - so let’s let anarchy rule.
Not even close.

I advocated for people sharing as much info as possible, but recognize that due to the nature of a forum (and oppressive rules from other boards regarding info sharing), we will never get to the bottom of everything. I’d rather have incomplete info, or a few red flags raised than nothing. Vendors can defend themselves, but structure and facts may not always be achievable. If this makes things difficult for vendors my opinion is that while that may be unfortunate, I don’t think members here should worry about it.

There is so much money to be made, I think you guys will be fine. The retiree conned out of half his social security check, not so much
How do you know that what you received is what is shown on the tests you’re using to evaluate a product? That’s why it matters. Liars cannot be trusted, and unless you’re getting everything tested yourself then you’re putting a lot of faith in a supplier when it comes to ugl injectables. Suppliers get busted all the time falsifying tests or recycling good tests on known bad batches, and someone with a demonstrated lack of honesty seems to be to be much more likely to do that with the stuff you’re shooting into your subcutaneous fat. What do you think this guy will do when he takes delivery of 5000 kits of tirz that he discovers is marginal in some way? Eat the huge loss or sell them with tests from a different batch? I can’t say for sure but my money is not on eating the loss given the track record of unethical behavior.

It’s not like it’s hard to find vendors that aren’t known liars so I fail to see how anyone could decide that these guys are the way to go.
Can you tell us the “honest” supplier you recommend since you don’t think we should buy from Nexaph. Thank you
Can you tell us the “honest” supplier you recommend since you don’t think we should buy from Nexaph. Thank you
this type of posts is exactly the one which will bring us nowhere, it will result just in another page or two of useless messages from new members who just wants to argue and not to contribute with some new knowledge to this community
this type of posts is exactly the one which will bring us nowhere, it will result just in another page or two of useless messages from new members who just wants to argue and not to contribute with some new knowledge to this community
I asked a legit question. It’s a forum, it will help many decide to choose a honest domestic USA vendor with affordable kits and tested products. I don’t remember tagging you.😏
Can you tell us the “honest” supplier you recommend since you don’t think we should buy from Nexaph. Thank you
I don’t recommended them for everyone because lots of people seem to struggle with aligning their expectations with the reality of the purchasing experience, but I mostly use QSC domestic. Again, not for everyone and involves a very hands-on approach where I’m very aware of recent third party testing and participate in group tests, have purely transactional communications with the vendor, and am comfortable waiting if things don’t happen immediately. Price is important to me and I don’t think QSC’s first party testing is any less or more trustworthy than SPCs. I’m willing to do the work on the back end to feel comfortable about the products, and there is a long track record. Say what you will about Tracy he isn’t a liar (I know he is anonymous, that isn’t the same as being a well known community member manufacturing a whole fake ass identity and putting “Shanghai” in your midawestern business name).

In the odd case where I have to use a domestic and not perform or participate in any third party testing then Polaris is where I go. I know the guy from when he used to help run the big testing server, before he started Polaris, so trust him on a personal level. It costs a whole lot more than QSC but those are the tradeoffs right?

I’ll add that this is right now. All suppliers have ups and downs, maybe Q more than others, so the environment and options need to be evaluated at every purchase. There have been periods of months where all I did was trash Q because of a bunch of bad tests they didn’t handle properly. But again, they didn’t lie, they just did what they said they would do, which I disagreed with but was able to make an informed decision because of it (which you can’t do when you’re dealing with liars).

This is not an endorsement or recommendation for you to use them, I’m telling you who I use and why because you asked.
I don’t recommended them for everyone because lots of people seem to struggle with aligning their expectations with the reality of the purchasing experience, but I mostly use QSC domestic. Again, not for everyone and involves a very hands-on approach where I’m very aware of recent third party testing and participate in group tests, have purely transactional communications with the vendor, and am comfortable waiting if things don’t happen immediately. Price is important to me and I don’t think QSC’s first party testing is any less or more trustworthy than SPCs. I’m willing to do the work on the back end to feel comfortable about the products, and there is a long track record. Say what you will about Tracy he isn’t a liar (I know he is anonymous, that isn’t the same as being a well known community member manufacturing a whole fake ass identity and putting “Shanghai” in your midawestern business name).

In the odd case where I have to use a domestic and not perform or participate in any third party testing then Polaris is where I go. I know the guy from when he used to help run the big testing server, before he started Polaris, so trust him on a personal level. It costs a whole lot more than QSC but those are the tradeoffs right?

I’ll add that this is right now. All suppliers have ups and downs, maybe Q more than others, so the environment and options need to be evaluated at every purchase. There have been periods of months where all I did was trash Q because of a bunch of bad tests they didn’t handle properly. But again, they didn’t lie, they just did what they said they would do, which I disagreed with but was able to make an informed decision because of it (which you can’t do when you’re dealing with liars).

This is not an endorsement or recommendation for you to use them, I’m telling you who I use and why because you asked.
Thank you so much for this! I have definitely recommended QSC in the past too and I have had zero issues with my orders. Best prices and history of testing, probably the most tested vendor currently if I’m not wrong.

But we all know a lot of people will disagree because of the way Tracy operates and recent reports of cap colors received not matching tests, multiple products arriving with no labels and way to to know what was received.

I think this was where Nexaph was trying to fill the gap. Provide US standard customer service, COA linked to kits, easy credit card payments, fair priced kits that ships fast domestic. The lying and deceit about the way they set up their company does not really matter much to me especially as this is a gray market,

But I definitely respect your opinion on them and it sounds like you know more than me about this Nexaph company. But as long as the product they are selling checks out, maybe we can give them a chance, run some test on ptds in addition to the ones they do, which is actually already been done through Raven.

Anyone wants to crowdfund to run tests on the recent Reta 10 sold by Nexaph to verify their jano? I’ll chip in.