
Some of these sellers use other companies Alibaba accounts for orders, could only speculate why, such as account was suspended or they have a limit on cc/paypal transactions.
That quoted sentence above sounds like the Fiona I used, clearly she uses a translator. Communicating with her was very frustrating. Best of luck.
Same message when I pressed for shipping tracking.
I'd chip in.
The testing was done elsewhere and unfortunately the results are not public. There are rules that prevent the disclosure of the information unless the folks who paid for it agree to release. Sorry.
In time the groups that do this will allow new researchers but for now it's not doing so. Here is a link to a good site.
You can contact her on what'sapp at +86 173 1647 0195 I placed an order on March 27 with her. Just waiting for it to arrive and I'll be trying it out
I tried to look through to see if you had received yours yet. How long did it take to get a tracking number? I ordered 4/12, just trying to get a timeline.
After XCE i think route testing has become a new normal to try to get packages to US without seizure. So far as name in Alibaba also think this is done to evade scrutiny and wouldn't worry about that. Have a recent order from another vendor that had to be re-shipped just to try to get it out of China.
Thank you, that’s a relief!
Hi friend, have you ever been cheated by a Chinese supplier before? Oh, that's too bad. I've been cheated too, until I met a good Chinese supplier who not only had good quality products but also good service. Now I only buy from them.
Hi friend, have you ever been cheated by a Chinese supplier before? Oh, that's too bad. I've been cheated too, until I met a good Chinese supplier who not only had good quality products but also good service. Now I only buy from them.
Hola Amigo. My supplier is very good and never cheats. Her products are primo, top shelf. She tells good jokes, too. I'm happy with her, thank you very much.
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At present, for the products ordered from me, we have arranged to ship out all the orders before the 4-13th China time, and the tracking numbers have also been sent to customers one after another. Customers who ordered from the 4-13th to the 4-16th will be shipped out this week. I should probably send everyone the tracking number.
Hi friend, have you ever been cheated by a Chinese supplier before? Oh, that's too bad. I've been cheated too, until I met a good Chinese supplier who not only had good quality products but also good service. Now I only buy from them.
what’s the name of this great vendor that you speak of? 🤔

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