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  1. goes_211

    Zippitydoodah, where are you?

    Those were my thoughts, too.
  2. goes_211

    Zippitydoodah, where are you?

    I messaged him too and haven't heard anything. It's going on almost 2 months since he last posted anywhere and there is general concern on other platforms as well. This site seems overrun with vendors and I don't think there are any other official mods in place. If there are, please correct me.
  3. goes_211

    Trying to make sense of the label?

    I am old enough to make any call any time! Phone calls do not scare me, thankfully. Now my kid is another story.... 😆
  4. goes_211

    Trying to make sense of the label?

    I have called the compounding pharmacy directly since the vial had their phone number and my prescription info. The pharmacist was able to verify the dosing per mL for me, which I found super helpful early on in my journey.
  5. goes_211

    Vial storage & labeller

    I got a VialVault and used an old hand-held Brother label maker. I did get some colored labels to match my vials, but the greens are a little off. 😂 My plan is to add another small label with the exact weight /quantity once testing is done so I can properly dose.
  6. goes_211

    Hello :)

    I'm so happy for you!! 🎉
  7. goes_211

    Oh hi!

    Every time I see your title "Oh hi!" I automatically add "Mark" to the end and laugh to myself.
  8. goes_211

    Alternate places for testing

    Sounds great - thanks for the explanation. I hope someone from Jano and Ken join!
  9. goes_211

    Alternate places for testing

    I've seen MZ Biolabs & Janoshik listed as places to send vials for testing, but has there been much research into other options? I haven't used either, so this isn't because of an issue - more out of curiosity. I started doing a web search, but did notice some require the samples to come from...
  10. goes_211

    Don Ligero has arrived

    Happy belated Birthday!! 🎉 Thanks for sharing your story! I'm glad MJ was available to start you on your journey back to great health - keep up the great work!
  11. goes_211


    Those are the doses - nice mathing and explanation! So while the dosing is relatively easy, I'm guessing you have to use a precise measuring tool to create the compound initially....which you have. I will not be attemptingthis with my kitchen food scale. 😂 Thanks again! Ok - on to other...
  12. goes_211


    Mine was just Tirzepatide..with B6.
  13. goes_211


    Nope... Pure Pharmacy. Does Wells compounding do this, too?
  14. goes_211


    That's an interesting possibility, but given the trend earlier this year where 15s were underdosed, maybe they're 2 underdosed 10s. 😂 I'll have to talk to my NP whose been using this compounding pharmacy for awhile and see if she knows. If I learn anything, I'll share.
  15. goes_211


    This has been bugging me for awhile, so I thought I'd throw it out and see if anyone can explain this mystery. After starting my T journey with Metabolic Research Center and their annoying "units", I moved on to a local compounding pharmacy to try to cut costs. Here's where things got weird...
  16. goes_211

    Oh hi!

    Hello! Thanks for setting up an alternate place to talk 🐀& 🌷!