China Based Chemical Companies Indicted for Alleged Fentanyl Manufacturing and Distribution

I recently got bashed here for writing about tesofensine that is from the same family of drugs as cocaine, I call it "coke light".
Eh, I could understand if you got bashed by a forum that is directing users to sources and which medication to pick.

But it's been clearly stated numerous times that doing research is a requirement here, so I don't see the problem? :)

Also, there are tons of somewhat sketchy stuff that works quite well in this category. Even pure cocaine serves medical purposes.

Top of mind, ephedrine, dmma (not to be confused with mdma), clenbuterol, would all fit into the category of kinda sketchy, but has it's use - like your coke light
I find it moderately concerning how many people take what these vendor reps actually say at face value or truth. I think a lot of you need to look into what most of the manufacturing plants look like in these tier 2 and 3 Chinese cities, and what their standards actually are lol. I think of a lot of you actually researched that part, you may cut out ordering this completely.

Dude talks about 3 departments, 3 companies in 3 cities, etc. Their entire operation could just be a few teenagers popping open and resealing vials from someone else in their mom's dirty ass basement. There are no standards lol. We gave absolutely no idea what's going on behind the scenes. There is literally no way for anyone to verify anything else.
I find it moderately concerning how many people take what these vendor reps actually say at face value or truth. I think a lot of you need to look into what most of the manufacturing plants look like in these tier 2 and 3 Chinese cities, and what their standards actually are lol. I think of a lot of you actually researched that part, you may cut out ordering this completely.

Dude talks about 3 departments, 3 companies in 3 cities, etc. Their entire operation could just be a few teenagers popping open and resealing vials from someone else in their mom's dirty ass basement. There are no standards lol. We gave absolutely no idea what's going on behind the scenes. There is literally no way for anyone to verify anything else.
No way for anyone to verify, isn't exactly accurate - though not far from it.

For an end user/customer the statement is pretty much spot on though
:ROFLMAO:The blanket suspicion for all manufacturers is simply inane...

The risk profile between the two is night and day... Assuming that one implicates the other demonstrates a significant lack of critical assessment skills 🤷‍♂️
I think it's healthy skepticism. I keep a list of sellers I consider more risky than others based on posts I see here and other places and order based on that. I'm also only a month in, so I obviously have less information than someone who has been doing this a while.

I'm here, I clearly decided to take the risk too. But the POSSIBILITY that these products were made in a place that deals in other things was a part of that calculation. Again, there's smuggling involved. Is there enough money in peps to justify that risk alone, with the price race to the bottom? That was my concern- because that's a question I didn't have an answer to.

I know enough to know what I DON'T know.
I think it's healthy skepticism. I keep a list of sellers I consider more risky than others based on posts I see here and other places and order based on that. I'm also only a month in, so I obviously have less information than someone who has been doing this a while.

I'm here, I clearly decided to take the risk too. But the POSSIBILITY that these products were made in a place that deals in other things was a part of that calculation. Again, there's smuggling involved. Is there enough money in peps to justify that risk alone, with the price race to the bottom? That was my concern- because that's a question I didn't have an answer to.

I know enough to know what I DON'T know.
I'm not going to argue that it's healthy to be skeptical.

My problem lies with faulty logic:
"Everyone" is in on the race to the bottom - Chasing low price as a main metric and discussing how cheap it can get. Which at some point (One i personally believe we passed already) will cause issues with manufacturing quality and consistency

"But the raws are so cheap"...
Yes, they are almost free, so why the price? Well, because of risk and operation costs. Who would want to risk their license by producing this stuff in a high quality lab when they are paid with scraps?

"Pay with bananas, and you will have monkeys doing the job"

At the same time, I highly doubt the amount of fent being produced in approved facilities is not strictly monitored - So i have a hard time believing that is the main source and not a dirty warehouse lab. I doubt the fent users are very picky about purity and sterility testing... So if that assumption (keyword being assumption) is correct, who knows what else those labs are used for.

I do believe that cross contamination is a very small risk here tbh, since it would be very bad for business. But could it happen by accident? - I guess.

And I honestly haven't really dived deep enough into the case to comment on the situation specifically. But it was mentioned that this was about raw materials being repurposed after arriving in the US. So I'm unsure if there is any real risk of cross contamination even if the business names are the same.

Concerning what it says about what kind of business you are dealing with - If that wasn't obvious from the get-go, now it is. So the question then would be, how do you separate between those who really doesn't care at all whether the product is safe or has good quality as long as you believe it - From those who actually deliver a quality product and don't take (too many?) shortcuts?

I would say that price is a good start, though not a guarantee. We pay significantly more than most users on here as a vendor - If that's strictly necessary to get a good product, I can't tell for sure. But it allows us to deal with a manufacturer we know more about.

In any case:
The point I was trying to make in the post you replied to, is that users that have been very comfortable with a bunch of different vendors - Needed something like this case for them to properly understand that these are not corner stores that skimp a bit on taxes and maybe sell some expired products, they are the source behind the drug dealer on the corner (figure of speech).

And now, instead of reconsidering how to evaluate and source - we figure all the vendors do the same stuff... But we will still order when the dust settles, so how helpful is that evaluation? ^^,
They definitely won't be getting my business. Not just because of my moral qualms (I've lost two family members to fentanyl), but because I'd want degrees of separation from that kind of thing, and I imagine customs might be putting more effort into rooting their shipments out. Reading the indictment, it sounded just like a GLP sales transaction :oops:
Lost my brother to a fentanyl overdose in 2018. We were complete opposites yet very close. ( 13 months apart )There were several in our town at the time. Folks thought they were getting something “different “ ( 2 local Walmart kids, employees, thought they’d just get a little coke after work were among several people that died at the time ) Im so, so sorry you lost family members to this shit.
DAMAGE CONTROL - I think they knew exactly what they were supplying, what it was for and to who.
You can go read the allegations and the evidence. It's in the doj's link. SRY didn't carry the product and had to go source it/manufacture it when the US government specifically asked for it. The investigation started back in September of 23. SRY was charged in June of this year. This is just a press release from the DOJ.

You can also go back and read the 6 companies who got in trouble for it last year at the same time. They got such a strong slap on the hand by the US got (not). Essentially had their US property seized and that was it. Those companies literally just stand up a new holding company and subsidiary and keep trucking.

This has less to do with stopping the illegal (US) inflow of precursors and more to do with politics, unfortunately. A lot of this stuff wasn't crimes in CN until recently (depending on the substance). Additionally the CN govt isn't going to extradite a CN citizen unless the corruption runs up very high in the CN government.

You'd be surprised how many industries these types of charges are being filed in by the DOJ. Intellectual property, vapes, chemicals, steroids, etc.

You are naive if you don't understand that all these companies dabble in these areas from CN. Even more reason you should be skeptical and cautious.
I want to point out that the substance sry is indicted over, protonitazene, was only placed on the PERMANENT controlled substances list in April of 2024, but it has been on the list as a temporary item since april of 2022. This is just regulatory red tape - the DEA is allowed to put substances on the controlled list without administrative review for emergency purposes, but it only lasts for 2 years. permanent controlled status requires a review.

but it's been illegal since 2022. not "for 15 days" like some are saying.
My point is that they do not know that it's peptides. They have a list of people who sent money to a company that is making controlled substances and saying its kitty litter and t-shirts
its not illegal to be a junkie lol. Its illegal to posses, distribute, etc. They cant arrest anyone for showing up on a price list without physically finding the items and testing them. It would be cause for major lawsuits and free government money for the people arrested.
They weren’t dealing in fentanyl, they got popped for *almost* sending a chem that can be used in the manufacture of it. And that chem didn’t become sched 1 until 15 days before they got caught on WhatsApp making the deal.
this isn't quite right. it went sched 1 in 2022 for 2 years, and went on sched 1 permanently in April of 2024. it's been sched 1 since 2022.
“In June, Shanghai Senria New Materials Co. Ltd., doing business as Shanghai Senria Biotechnology Co. Ltd., based in the Fengxian District of Shanghai, China, was charged with attempted importation of protonitazene and attempted international money laundering, along with Zhenbo Han, a Chinese national, who was the alleged holder of the Bitcoin wallet associated with the company.”

I read their indictment, they’re being indicted for trafficking a chemical that can be used to make fentanyl. And in fact, the exact chem didn’t become finalized sched 1 until April 11, the WhatsApp convo used therein happened April 26th. Also, they tried to purchase many things from them and were told they didn’t deal in them. One curious thing, in the last convo, the rep asked them not to send payment until he could confirm the btc address was correct *after* work…? Then gave another, entirely different one. Seems like that’d be something you could confirm during work, but idk. Makes me wonder if 1/2 of them are scheming & the others aren’t. I guess we’ll see.

Not saying they’re *not* shady af, just laying out what I got from reading it.*

* law degree rec’d from LA Law and Law & Order
the indictment sort of misrepresents the use of it. protonitazene is a potent opioid all on its own. it's not an ingredient of fentanyl. i think sometimes the drug labs combine it with fentanyl maybe but it's also a bad drug on its own.

i was almost ready to have a little sympathy for sry this morning until i read the indictment again and researched the product. it's been sched 1 for 2 years. they advertise it for sale on their website, there is no recognized medical, industrial, or commercial use of it anywhere in the world. the only reason to produce it and sell it in bulk is for illegal drugs.

it is true that they said they didn't deal in the other substances the undercover agent was trying to nail them on - the actual fentanyl ingredients.
I want to point out that the substance sry is indicted over, protonitazene, was only placed on the PERMANENT controlled substances list in April of 2024, but it has been on the list as a temporary item since april of 2022. This is just regulatory red tape - the DEA is allowed to put substances on the controlled list without administrative review for emergency purposes, but it only lasts for 2 years. permanent controlled status requires a review.

but it's been illegal since 2022. not "for 15 days" like some are saying.
You're correct. But also CN hasn't always cared about it until recently. Doesn't absolve them since they do business in US but provides context on how they can continue to operate in CN
I want to point out that the substance sry is indicted over, protonitazene, was only placed on the PERMANENT controlled substances list in April of 2024, but it has been on the list as a temporary item since april of 2022. This is just regulatory red tape - the DEA is allowed to put substances on the controlled list without administrative review for emergency purposes, but it only lasts for 2 years. permanent controlled status requires a review.

but it's been illegal since 2022. not "for 15 days" like some are saying.
And what kind of company needs to be told by the Government that their product that is more potent than Fentanyl is officially a controlled substance that could kill someone?
This is my stance as well. At this point, its a moral issue.
Weight loss medicines change lives and save lives. One estimate is that 40,000 lives per year could be saved in the US with these medicines. Fentanyl destroys lives and kills. Big difference. Yeah, I won't buy from a company who knows it is killing people.

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