Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

No! I absolutely will not remove that part. I posted about it in 2 threads already. I can't post directly to the link on peppys since it will get me banned. But there were bad sterility tests. 3 members here confirmed it and anyone here needs to know about this.
Great. Once I confirm what you’ve said I’ll note it on the datasheet.
@dionysos can you share which rep you ordered from or the whatsapp info? I was actually quite interested in this vendor because of their pricing, but then became unsure of which reps are authentic.

essentially, it was reported there was a rep re-selling reconstituted peps with SNP (at that time called SPC) labels, so for me it became unclear who to trust or not. There was also had a failed sterility test and then a quick rebrand from SPC to SNP (Nexa) shortly after, which of course created some side eyes.

that's all i know, and it's all as an innocent bystander in certain servers. there are also the GB issues mentioned above, where it seems there may be a lack of transparency in where the product is coming from - this to me is a GB issue, not a Nexa issue. there is various drama stemming from this, which is why i said i was not trying to create any here, because this was not the topic of my question.
My order was for Retatrutide 12mg via a private GB hosted on a Discord server that interfaced with the Nexa website. Cain is the Nexa rep I dealt with.

And I do understand your concern with the lack of transparency of sources and of the machinations of group buys. Given the nature of Chinese commerce and their lack of rigor in company registration I don’t think that mainland problem will clear in our lifetimes, or at least in my short liferime.

The interconnections between and within US Group Buys could occupy months of study I think. In the end it seems fluid, difficult to crack and not of very much use to us as purchasers.
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I've just received my kit of 12mg Retatrutide from Shanghai Nexa Pharmaceuticals.
Ordered Monday morning at 8:19am and delivered in 3 days and 4 hours from their US depot.

Use your phone camera on the jpg - it WORKS QUICKLY.

This is a first from a Chinese Vendor in my experience and a trend that I hope and expect to develop quickly.

View attachment 2047
How was the shipping packaging? I received one package from Amo and the box was not taped well and had ripped (shocked the item actually arrived and didn’t fall out). I will say, I said something and sent pics and they were very responsive and my next package was taped up quite well.
How was the shipping packaging? I received one package from Amo and the box was not taped well and had ripped (shocked the item actually arrived and didn’t fall out). I will say, I said something and sent pics and they were very responsive and my next package was taped up quite well.
Thanks for the story. This illustrates my idea of a good and responsible company. Mistakes are a given. They're going to happen. What the company does AFTER the mistake is the real tell of what they are.

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