We're Bashing SRY this time.

You're not following the conversation because no one suggested the contents were counterfeit. Doesn't matter the $ is, the post office considers it a big deal. Don't strawman this.
The post offices are doing their job and checking if postage is under paid.

But if the post office took this further you know who be in trouble? SYR because they sent a counterfeit postage. Not the consumer who received it. If this was intentional, SYR put themselves at risk too.

I am also not discrediting the person who received this package. They may have. But it doesn’t just possibly put the customer at risk. SYR would be breaking the law, which is a bigger impact than what the customer would have. So for this to be intentional is just not something I can believe. I’m not questioning if they received it.

Doesn’t make sense why people keep bashing SYR. For others not to buy for them? To make them go out of business? This the gray market. You have the option to go else where. Most people choose SYR because of their prices. If you don’t like SYR, go pay the TCI prices or go buy from a compound pharmacy. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
The post offices are doing their job and checking if postage is under paid.

But if the post office took this further you know who be in trouble? SYR because they sent a counterfeit postage. Not the consumer who received it. If this was intentional, SYR put themselves at risk too.

I am also not discrediting the person who received this package. They may have. But it doesn’t just possibly put the customer at risk. SYR would be breaking the law, which is a bigger impact than what the customer would have. So for this to be intentional is just not something I can believe. I’m not questioning if they received it.

Doesn’t make sense why people keep bashing SYR. For others not to buy for them? To make them go out of business? This the gray market. You have the option to go else where. Most people choose SYR because of their prices. If you don’t like SYR, go pay the TCI prices or go buy from a compound pharmacy. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Everyone would be in trouble if there was an investigation. SRY admitted this happened so I'm not sure what there is to believe or not. They are blaming it on their US warehouse.

We point out whenever a vendor fucks up so people are aware and can make informed decisions. No one cares if you continue to buy from them but don't say you weren't warned.
Everyone would be in trouble if there was an investigation. SRY admitted this happened so I'm not sure what there is to believe or not. They are blaming it on their US warehouse.

We point out whenever a vendor fucks up so people are aware and can make informed decisions. No one cares if you continue to buy from them but don't say you weren't warned.
SRY said it changed warehouses because the place was not mailing stuff correctly. If we were talking a large US retailer, I'd find that explanation to be problematic. Considering we're talking the grey market and SRY provides quality peptides as prices sometimes as low as QSC, this seems to be a small issue. Consider how we pay for things and these being foreign vendors, it's understandable that people get quite worried about having quality vendors. With that said, this doesn't seem to be a big issue. People have had issues with Eli Lilly direct shipments.
I’m not sure why you’re calling this impersonation when the “fake” account clearly used his username. That seems more like mocking, taunting, or passive-aggressive trolling than actual impersonation. Just to clarify, I’ve never interacted with this member or dealt with this vendor, but the accusations being made are far too serious to dismiss or discredit the member simply because they’ve had issues with a vendor that already has a questionable track record.
He included "SRY-" as a prefix. That's what SRY sales people do on their Discord. That's impersonating an SRY employee. Since we're peptide buyers, it's natural that we have sympathy for other peptide buyers. However, sometimes people are just jerks who don't deserve our sympathy. By jerks, I'm not talking about people who on this forum disagree with me even strongly or call me expletives. That's fine. When someone is on the Discord site for SRY and uses a username beginning with SRY, that person stands a good chance of having people contact them to make purchases. Considering that payments are often made in crypto, there is a good chance for fraud. I'm not accusing the user of fraud; I haven't heard SRY claim that the person did so. But if I was SRY, I'd be greatly concerned. And considering the person by his own admission used the SRY- prefix, that discredits him or her in my eyes.
He included "SRY-" as a prefix. That's what SRY sales people do on their Discord. That's impersonating an SRY employee. Since we're peptide buyers, it's natural that we have sympathy for other peptide buyers. However, sometimes people are just jerks who don't deserve our sympathy. By jerks, I'm not talking about people who on this forum disagree with me even strongly or call me expletives. That's fine. When someone is on the Discord site for SRY and uses a username beginning with SRY, that person stands a good chance of having people contact them to make purchases. Considering that payments are often made in crypto, there is a good chance for fraud. I'm not accusing the user of fraud; I haven't heard SRY claim that the person did so. But if I was SRY, I'd be greatly concerned. And considering the person by his own admission used the SRY- prefix, that discredits him or her in my eyes.

I think everyone agrees that this behavior was completely inappropriate and bad. As I said elsewhere, being an asshole doesn't make you a lying asshole. I still don't believe that we have enough information to know what happened here, but the fact that PDTS has decided to stand by their warning certainly says something.
I think everyone agrees that this behavior was completely inappropriate and bad. As I said elsewhere, being an asshole doesn't make you a lying asshole. I still don't believe that we have enough information to know what happened here, but the fact that PDTS has decided to stand by their warning certainly says something.
What is PDTS? The behavior still on the part of SRY just doesn't make any sense. The last thing a vendor of grey to black market items would want is a reputation for sending stuff designed to get its customers into trouble. That just makes no financial sense. We have an allegation that doesn't make a great deal of sense from a jerk.
this whole conversation is just really uncomfortable at this point. this gibs dude has provided jack shit when questioned further and just gets downright defensive about it all. no one has asked anything unnecessary from him.
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this whole conversation is just really uncomfortable at this point. this gibs dude has provided jack shit when questioned further and just gets downright defensive about it all. no one has asked anything unnecessary from him.
He gave it all to the mods of the testing group. They are just a little busy rebuilding the server at the moment. He's also a long established member over at meso.
I think everyone agrees that this behavior was completely inappropriate and bad. As I said elsewhere, being an asshole doesn't make you a lying asshole. I still don't believe that we have enough information to know what happened here, but the fact that PDTS has decided to stand by their warning certainly says something.
So a person willing to admit they faked their account to look similar to a company account with malicious intent against SRYLABS and another person suddenly has integrity because the "PDTS" mods stand by their warning?

The guy has a history of lying, deceit, manipulation, and trolling. But now with this "hotpack" incident, we're just supposed to believe he's not lying in this situation?

Get real.
So a person willing to admit they faked their account to look similar to a company account with malicious intent against SRYLABS and another person suddenly has integrity because the "PDTS" mods stand by their warning?

The guy has a history of lying, deceit, manipulation, and trolling. But now with this "hotpack" incident, we're just supposed to believe he's not lying in this situation?

Get real.
It's just amazing to me that a guy that can allegations that are so ridiculous and have a checkered history himself, yet people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It just shows that there are benefits to lying.
He gave it all to the mods of the testing group. They are just a little busy rebuilding the server at the moment. He's also a long established member over at meso.
he's had multiple chances to provide the info that he's apparently shared with the mods at PTDS to other people and has chosen not to. those mods at PTDS also could've shared those details to anyone at anytime if they actually had this smoking gun that you seem to be suggesting that they're holding onto.

this is just insanity at this point.
It's just amazing to me that a guy that can allegations that are so ridiculous and have a checkered history himself, yet people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It just shows that there are benefits to lying.

Agreed. Even if the benefits are marginal.

In my eyes, it just makes PTDS staff lose credibility. Never been on their server, and no plans to be either.
I’m honestly a bit lost here, do we have any actual proof that the respected member faked the customs letter and postage they shared? From what I’ve seen, Alan’s defense is just a screenshot showing they had some personal beef with him, which doesn’t really prove anything about what happened later.

I also saw Krysia’s post backing Alan, but that’s not surprising. She has a reputation for being petty, like banning people from The Swiss just for being surprised about her taking over 30 mg of Tirz at once or for questioning her motives for pushing TCI so hard. She probably got butthurt when the member told her to f-off after her “do you have any prove” comment.
My retraction only extends to my endorsement of the “trusted community member.” I was mistaken about who was the source of the allegation. The guy who it turned out to be is not someone I know, so I can’t speak to the veracity of the claim as confidently as I had initially done. Maybe it’s true, maybe not, my entire position was based on the credibility of the source which in my mind is no longer a sure thing.
Agreed. Even if the benefits are marginal.

In my eyes, it just makes PTDS staff lose credibility. Never been on their server, and no plans to be either.
Being honest here, not being on PTDS says much more about you than it does about them. Their reputation precedes them for very good, well-earned reasons.
I think everyone agrees that this behavior was completely inappropriate and bad. As I said elsewhere, being an asshole doesn't make you a lying asshole.

So a person willing to admit they faked their account to look similar to a company account with malicious intent against SRYLABS and another person suddenly has integrity because the "PDTS" mods stand by their warning?

I feel like you're intentionally misconstruing my point and being a little obstinate here. I'm not saying he's a person of high moral character, I'm saying that even the most psychopathic people you can imagine also sometimes tell the truth. Even a pathological liar doesn't lie about everything.

As much as this guy does not seem great, he could also be telling the truth. We don't have enough information to really understand what went on so that's my current stance: I don't know.

I will say that the fact PDTS seems to find his claims credible is enough to give me pause.
I feel like you're intentionally misconstruing my point and being a little obstinate here. I'm not saying he's a person of high moral character, I'm saying that even the most psychopathic people you can imagine also sometimes tell the truth. Even a pathological liar doesn't lie about everything.

As much as this guy does not seem great, he could also be telling the truth. We don't have enough information to really understand what went on so that's my current stance: I don't know.

I will say that the fact PDTS seems to find his claims credible is enough to give me pause.
Yes, it’s possible that Charles Manson might tell the truth. But I’m not inclined to believe such a person without corroboration. I note that the mods at Peppys have said they don’t believe the guy. Can I definitively prove that SRY didn’t do what they’re accused of by some idiot? No, but I also can’t disprove the existence of leprechauns.
Yes, it’s possible that Charles Manson might tell the truth. But I’m not inclined to believe such a person without corroboration. I note that the mods at Peppys have said they don’t believe the guy. Can I definitively prove that SRY didn’t do what they’re accused of by some idiot? No, but I also can’t disprove the existence of leprechauns.

I don't think this guy is Manson, but it absolutely makes sense that you'd want more evidence to corroborate his claims. Unfortunately we're not getting that, especially given how hostile some people have been and the inherently sensitive nature of this issue. That doesn't mean he's lying, it just means we can't prove he's telling the truth. All I'm saying is that there is a huge difference between those two things. This is a textbook case of he said/she said.

One mod over at Peppy's has cleared SRY and it was a controversial decision that does not appear to be unanimous. Given that the person making the accusations had privacy concerns and would not share details with the Peppy's mod but did share them with PDTS, I am inclined to give more weight to the conclusions of PDTS. It's not enough for me to say I 100% believe this person, but it is enough for me to say I'm not sure.

Why has no one asked Alan to release the entire conversation? Couldn't he fork that over and clear some things up for us?

If it helps, I also found a very clear explanation of what happened when he was being more level headed and it seems plausible. Certainly not something that should be outright dismissed:

"It is not the same. Their defense of this is bullshit. Saying “he was never a customer”. I’m currently holding a bottle of their Anavar, a kit of tirz 30, a kit of igf des. I ordered from them because SSA was out of igf at the time. I still have all the screenshots of my convos with them when I ordered. So lie number 1 dismissed.

Alan communicated with me that he was sending igf for testing, and sent pictures of it being packed. 2 months later, no test results. He refused to answer about it, so I pressed him on it. He messaged me asking me to stop, I told him no release the results, good or bad.

I see on my informed delivery that I’m receiving an international pack (this is about a week later). I had no pending orders with anyone at the time, and I have messages with a group of friends on discord from that time to prove this as well. A few days later, I receive a letter from customs. They seized “1 box of steroids”. It was declared as such. This is right after Alan was begging me to stop ragging on his company.

Now, ask yourself who would have the want and who would gain something from making this up? What do I have to gain? Another hot pack?

Fast forward to now, after stating somewhere on discord that I had moved, Alan starts messaging me again. This time he is offering “free tirz”. Calling me a coward for not giving him my new address."
i really don't give a damn if he is telling the truth. all these accusations against vendors are getting tiring and i'm going to ignore them.

Okay. That's your prerogative. I feel like you keep waiting for someone to yell at you or call you a bad person for it but no one's going to do that. You have a right to do exactly what you're doing now. I sincerely hope it works out and you stay safe <3

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